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实现了影院的售票系统的部分简单功能,有源代码-Achieved some of cinema' s ticketing system, a simple function, source code
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 331776 Publisher : 杜杰

影院售票系统实现买票,检票等功能。具体内容请登陆后再看-Cinema ticketing system to achieve buy tickets, check-in functions. Please visit again to see details
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 953344 Publisher : 大姐大

VS2005下编写的影院售票系统C#三层开发小程序,跟大家分享!-Prepared under VS2005 C# cinema ticketing system developed three small programs, with the share!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 884736 Publisher : 覃潇湘

VC#编的电影院管理系统 欢迎下载 VC#编的电影院管理系统 欢迎下载 VC#编的电影院管理系统 欢迎下载 -VC# series of cinema management system are welcome to download VC# code of cinema management system are welcome to download VC# code of cinema management system are welcome to download VC# code of cinema management system are welcome to download
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 630784 Publisher : 杨培军

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影院售票系统 用C#与数据库开发的是练习C#的好例子-Cinema ticketing system and database development using C# C# is a good example of practice
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 331776 Publisher : 金学南

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Media Player Classic HomeCinema界面包-classic windows media player Media player Classic Home Cinema UI C++ class and implement
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 107520 Publisher : lottory

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影院售票系统 javaScript 选购门票-Cinema ticketing system javaScript
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 409600 Publisher : 刘学昌

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MMWAP2P影院 MMWAP2P影院-MMWAP2P theater MMWAP2P cinema theater MMWAP2P
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3879936 Publisher : axin

电影院售票系统,实现ListView树形结构显示电影,座位票是否被卖出。即学生打折等优惠获得,下次登录售出的座位票仍是售出状态-Cinema ticketing system, to achieve ListView tree display movies, seat tickets are being sold. Discounts and other benefits that students receive the next log is still sold seat tickets sold in the state
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3117056 Publisher : 杨欣宇

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电影院排队系统仿真程序,随机人数到达电影院,计算最短排队时间,排队人数,生成图形-Cinema queuing system simulation program, random number to reach the cinema, computing the shortest queue time, queue size, generated graphics
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 称浩男

Although Moore’s Law might have enabled the age of PC-as-media-machine, it took an entirely new class of peripherals—items such as PDAs, webcams, digital cameras and camcorders, MP3 players, and snazzy cell phones—to make the age of media computing absolutely inevitable. Before the digital camcorder, only folks like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas had the resources and capability to edit films on a computer. Today just about any PC users can make their own movies using Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere, or any of a hundred other applications. These films can be posted to a Web site, enclosed within an e-mail message, or even distributed on DVDs—with cinema-quality images and full surround sound, making it increasingly easy to create “Hollywood” movies at home
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4066304 Publisher : chenglee

数字图像处理,用大津算法对图像进行二值化处理,VC/MFC实现。-Digital image processing, with the Otsu algorithm to the image binarization, VC/MFC implementation. 朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典- 查看字典详细内容 翻译以下任意网站Nord-Cinema-法国Venezuela Tuya-西班牙语Museo del Prado-Digital image processing, with the Otsu algorithm to the image binarization, VC/MFC implementation.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 675840 Publisher : 凌潇然

北大青鸟MyCinema简单的电影院售票系统,C/S结构,用XML存储数据-Beida Jade Bird MyCinema simple cinema ticketing system, C/S structure, using XML to store data
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 464896 Publisher : luoq

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实现电影院售票管理,电影播放海报宣传和时间安排,支持在线预订影院座位-Management to achieve cinema ticket, movie playback and timing of posters to support the theater seating online booking
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4321280 Publisher : zheng

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cinema ticket queue source code program,,,just try and you can develop this source-cinema ticket queue source code program,,,just try and you can develop this source,,,,
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : john

 创建在线网站以提供关于现有座位的实时信息并允许用户订购电影门票。该网站将连接到中央储存库以获取并存储所有数据。将为在线订购门票的用户分配一个唯一代码。他们需要在电影院提供该唯一代码以获取门票。该在线系统将提供门票可用性和状态的实时视图。  实时的基于 Web 的界面,可用于在订票中心订购门票。该 Web 接口将连接到中央储存库以获取并存储数据。订票系统应能够以理想的速率生成门票以应对电影院巨大的客流。 - Create online Web site to provide real-time information on available seats and allow users to order movie tickets. The site will be connected to a central repository to capture and store all data. Order tickets online users will be assigned a unique code. They need to provide the unique code in the cinema to get tickets. The online system will provide real-time ticket availability and status view.  Real-time Web-based interface that can be used to book tickets at the booking center. The Web interface is connected to a central repository to capture and store data. Reservation system should be able to generate the ideal rate of cinema tickets in response to huge passenger flow.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 408576 Publisher : dehim

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一个基于Delphi的影院售票系统,提供即时的选择座位功能。-A cinema ticket system based on the delphi,providing instantaneous and the choice of the seats feature.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2716672 Publisher : 滕羽

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asp.net和jsp的电影院订票系统,非常不错的东西 and jsp cinema booking system, a very good thing
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 11598848 Publisher : 发发发

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simple online cinema booking system
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8192 Publisher : Aiesha

电影院管理系统 能够实现对电影院的座位进行卖票的管理 -Cinema management system can be selling a ticket on the seat in the theater management
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1121280 Publisher : sc
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