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ssl加密通信的客户端和服务端程序,包括安全证书的认证(linux)-ssl encrypted communications client and server-side procedures, including safety certificate authentication (linux)
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4096 Publisher : 赵强

java的原文件可以在vc下编译 其高级功能包括:管道技术、程序分块、身份验证、事先身份验证、加密、代理支持、 服务器证书验证、连接管理和HTTP 扩展。 ... 例如,使用Net classes 编写的应用程序 可以从任何正确执行了HTTP 1.1 协议的Web 服务器上下载数据。-the original documents can be compiled under the vc its advanced features include : pipeline technical, procedural block, identity verification, prior authentication, encryption, proxy support, server certificate validation, management and HTTP connectivity expansion. ... For example, the use of the Net classes to prepare applications from any correct implementation of HTTP 1.1 protocol to the Web server and download data.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1070080 Publisher : jian

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日本一位中学生发现一个奇妙的“定理”,请角谷教授证明 ,而教授无能为力,于是产生角谷猜想。猜想的内容是:任给一 个自然数,若为偶数除以2,若为奇数则乘3加1,得到一个新的 自然数后按照上面的法则继续演算,若干次后得到的结果必然为 1。请编程验证。 *问题分析与算法设计 本题是一个沿未获得一般证明的猜想,但屡试不爽,可以用 程序验证。 题目中给出的处理过程很清楚,算法不需特殊设计,可按照 题目的叙述直接进行证。-a Japanese secondary school students found a mysterious "theorem", please Kok Valley Professor certificate, and a professor to do so, it generated Kok Valley guess. The contents of the suspect : a natural for the few, if even for dividing the two, if odd, then x 3 plus 1, to be a new natural after a few accordance with the above rules to calculus, several times after the inevitable as a result. Please programming certification.* Analysis and design of the algorithm that is not agreed on a general proof of the conjecture, but their toll, can be used to verify. The title of the process is very clear, without special algorithm design, in accordance with the subject of the narrative directly certification.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 姚紫欣

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数字证书技术在当前是一个热点问题也是安全方面的一个重要内容,本教程能帮助大家了解和实现数字证书的具体过程.-digital certificate technology is a current hot issue is the security an important element, the handbook can help you understand and digital certificates to the specific process.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 13312 Publisher : wang

stunnel_server.rar是一个服务器端的程序,它采用的是证书认证机制,采用ssl安全传输通道-stunnel_server.rar is a server-side procedures, it is the certificate of authentication mechanism used ssl secure transmission channel
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1163264 Publisher : 阿健

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由于电子商务广泛采用公开密钥技术,职能部门有必要对公钥加以管理。本文简要介绍了基于PKI的密钥托管技术及密钥托管代理的概念,分析了密钥托管的步骤,以及政府部门在密钥托管代理的帮助下强制访问信息的过程。 关键词:密钥托管 证书授权认证 公开密钥 公钥基础设施 托管证书 网络的安全问题得到人们的日益重视。网络面临的威胁五花八门:内部窃密和破坏,截收,非法访问,破坏信息的完整性,冒充,破坏系统的可用性,重演,抵赖等。于是公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure,PKI)应运而生。PKI是电子商务和其它信息系统的安全基础,用来建立不同实体间的"信任"关系。它的基础是加密技术,核心是证书服务。用户使用由证书授权认证中心(Certificate Authority,CA)签发的数字证书,结合加密技术,可以保证通信内-widespread adoption of e-commerce as public-key technology, the functional departments need to be a public key management. This paper describes the PKI-based technology and key escrow key escrow agent concept, the key escrow analysis of the steps, as well as government departments in key escrow agent with the help of compulsory process for accessing information. Key words : key escrow certificates accredited public key public key infrastructure certificates care network security issues to receive increased attention. Faced with the threat of network variety : internal theft and destruction, interception, and illegal visit to undermine the integrity of the information, faked, breaking the system availability, repetition and denial, etc.. So the public key infrastructure (Public Key Infrastr
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 626688 Publisher :

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读出数字证书的内容,能通过程序读出有关此证书的相关信息-read out the contents of digital certificates, can read out the procedures of this certificate to the relevant information
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : TH

代码:是由本人自主开发完成的,主要是完成单机的考试成绩管理。里面包括了 打印功能模块,成绩统计,证书打印呀,证书打印可以通过自己微调。这个程序已经给别人使用了 两年了,基本上的考试管理的功能比较稳定,也是经过了2次改版的需求比较稳定的版本。 安装:就在‘大学语文考试系统DotNET版安装.zip‘ 文件中,如果没有.net framework的用户可以先安装 解压后的dotnetfx文件,在安装本运用。 这个软件是我个人开发的版权归我个人所有,任何人未经许可,不能用于商业, 也欢迎大家使用本软件。 欢迎代码中存在的问题可以和我讨论,本人主要从事vc开发,这个代码是vb.net完成的,如果里面有 太深的问题本人也很难做到。-code : yes, I will complete the independent development, the focus will be on completing the examination results standalone management. They include a printing module, scores, certificates Print ah, the certificate can print their own fine-tuning. This procedure has been used by others for two years and, basically, the functional management of the examination is relatively stable, and also after the 2nd revision demand more stable version. Installation : on the 'Language Testing System DotNET version of the installation. Zip 'files, if we do not. Net framework users can install unpacked the dotnetfx documents, the use of the installation. This is my personal software development by Copyright my all, any unauthorized people, not for business, we also welcome the use of the software.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 24835072 Publisher : 翼清

数字证书读取程序:读取客户端数字证书Java应用程序版。-digital certificate reader : Read client digital certificates version of Java applications.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : 邢书宝

数字证书读取程序:读取客户端数字证书Java小程序版。附带证书一份。-digital certificate reader : Read client digital certificates version of Java programs. Fringe certificates.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : 邢书宝

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MD5算法,是制作数字证书一个不可缺少的算法,这个是在网上下的,也算转载吧。-MD5 algorithm, the digital certificate is an indispensable algorithm, this is the Internet, I think it is reproduced.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : 吴凡

DL : 0
web中安装证书 在web页面上生成证书请求 调用CreatePKCS10接口 调用openssl接口生成请求 -web certificates installed on the web pages generated certificate request then called CreatePKCS10 I call openssl request Generation Interface
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : zgr

DL : 0
小型CA的完整代码,可以制作key单证书-small CA's complete code can be produced key single certificate
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2564096 Publisher : JW

ike协商阶段证书认证补丁 for freeswan-consultation stage Certificate patch for freeswan
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 215040 Publisher :

ipsec vpn,支持nat,证书认证,aes算法,DPD,功能比较齐全-ipsec VPN support nat certificate authentication, Aes algorithm, DPD, more complete function
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3598336 Publisher :

有关公钥基础设施数字证书的签名及认证。有详尽的注释,代码分发送者和接受者两部分。-the public key infrastructure digital certificate authentication and signatures. Details on the Notes, code-sender and the recipient of two parts.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : lin

import import import import -import import import java.securit y.cert.Certificate import uth.x500.X500PrivateCredential
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : albert_jq

DL : 0
JAVA开发的一个可以进行证书认证的CA认证中心程序-Java development can be a certificate of authentication procedures CA
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 44032 Publisher : 庄君清

DL : 0
证书管理系统 VC++实现 界面友好 完整系统-Certificate Management System VC friendly interface complete system
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 118784 Publisher : skylmc

DL : 0
征管辅助,可以打印税收通用完税证等一些常用的税收票据,代码简单,其中包含了小写数字转换成金融大写数字的程序。-collection and management support, can print tax general tax certificate and some other popular tax bills, code simple. it covers a lowercase converted into financial capital figures procedures.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 252928 Publisher : 张再利
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