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多种规格液晶显示屏的C51控制程序 1、240x128液晶T6963控制器驱动程序 2、1602液晶显示 3、44780字符液晶屏驱动演示程序总线方式 4、M12864汉字液晶显示驱动程序 5、320x240图形液晶驱动-A variety of specifications of the C51 LCD control procedures 1,240 x128 LCD T6963 controller driver 2,1602 character liquid crystal display LCD driver 3,44780 demo Bus 4, M12864 characters liquid crystal display driver 5,320 x240 graphics LCD driver
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 115712 Publisher : LouisYang

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单片机C51串口中断接收和发送测试例程(含通信协议的实现),这是我自己写的一个程序,觉得挺好用,发出来大家参考一下-C51 single-chip serial port receive and transmit interrupt routine test (including the Communication Protocol), which I wrote it myself a process, feel good, and sent to U.S. reference
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : barbo

基于STC89C58单片机的无线传输(NFR905)C51原程序,已经用于实际项目中稳定工作-STC89C58 based on single-chip wireless transmission (NFR905) C51 original procedure has been used for the stability of the actual project work
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : laozhang

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c51系列单片机应用实例程序,如果有同行需要尽管联系,以便达到资源共享-C51 Series MCU application procedure, if the need to have counterparts despite contact in order to achieve resource sharing
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4265984 Publisher : 吴佐勇

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触摸屏芯片ADS7846ADS7843驱动程序(C51)-Touchscreen ADS7846ADS7843 chip driver (C51)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 风行者

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keil C51编译的单片机通过PS2口接收pc键盘输入数据,实现接口作用。-keil C51 compiler through the PS2 port of the single-chip receiver pc keyboard input data, the realization of the role interface.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李飞

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C51的红外控制源程序,很实用很实用的,下载来看看吧-C51 infrared source control, it is a very useful utility, download来看看吧
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 98304 Publisher : 郭小华

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DS1820,一线数据传输,仅三条腿的单芯片温度测量,C51程序。-DS1820, first-line data transmission, only three-legged single-chip temperature measurement, C51 procedures.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 魔豆

C51库大全,有时候你不清楚函数名称或不知道在哪个库里时可以查看。-C51 library Guinness, sometimes you do not know the name or function in which Curry did not know when to view.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 439296 Publisher : 汪学军

单片机语言C51应用实战集锦。里面介绍了c51开发程序,举了40个例子!如实时时钟DS1302、DS1820温度测量等例子-C51 single-chip application of combat allehanda language. Introduction of the C51 inside the development process, cited 40 examples! Such as real-time clock, DS1302, DS1820 temperature measurement examples
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5168128 Publisher : qianqian

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单片机高级语言C51程序设计,电子书,C51教程。-C51 single-chip high-level language program design, e-books, C51 tutorial.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9807872 Publisher : kyp

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波形发生器,基于单片机C51的源代码,有正弦波、三角波和矩形波。-Waveform generator, based on the C51 single-chip microcomputer of the source code, have sine wave, triangular wave and rectangular wave.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6144 Publisher : 张心林

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89S52下C51写的I2C通讯程序,测试通过,本人正在使用-C51 under 89S52 write I2C communication procedures, test passed, I am being used
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 陈彬

C51单片机开发板电路和源代码,很详细,内部有该开发板的说明。顺便感谢下制作的公司-C51 single-chip development board circuit and the source code, very detailed and has an internal description of the development board. Incidentally, thanks to the production company under the
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1680384 Publisher : 啊辉

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c51程序集,适合有一定基础的人做为学习和提高用。-C51 assembly, suitable for people who have a certain foundation for the study and improve with.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 851968 Publisher : wuxiukun

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c51读写SD卡原代码,c51编写,串口接收-C51 source code to read and write SD card, c51 prepared, serial receiver
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9697280 Publisher : Vince

c51+ds1302+ds18b20+无线遥控。调了我半个二周时间 终于调试通了,能够正常运行了-c51+ ds1302+ ds18b20+ wireless remote control. Those were the two weeks I am half the time had finally debugging, to the normal operation of the
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 387072 Publisher : 邓俊

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段码LCD驱动控制器HT1621的C51程序-Code segment LCD driver controller of the C51 program HT1621
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 郭明

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keil c51实用技巧,包括对51单片机的详细解说与源码的实例-keil c51 practical skills, including 51 single-chip microcomputer with a detailed explanation of the source code examples
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 947200 Publisher : 刘密

CPU:C51,三个按键:上翻、下翻、确定。用于一咖啡机控制系统界面的开发,主体界面基本完成。主体菜单8个,最深4级菜单。用于煮咖啡倒记时菜单一个。-CPU: C51, the three buttons: on the turn, the next turn, determine. For one coffee machine interface control system development, the main interface basically completed. 8 the main menu, hit menu 4.倒记时menu for a coffee.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 75776 Publisher : 阿一
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