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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 177569 Publisher : 梁旭

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MSN机器人开发接口 飞龙 QQ 316118740 人机智能对话文章 C8 CB BB FA D6 C7 C4 DC B6 D4 BB B0 -MSN Robot Development Interface intelligent man-machine dialogue dragon QQ 316118740 article C8 CB BB FA D6 C7 C4 DC B6 D4 BB B0
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 183296 Publisher : QQ316118740

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matlab透射率随入射角变化的程序 na=2.10 nb=1.46 n1=1 n2=1 d=1064 for c5=0:0.5:90 c3=c5*pi/180 c1=asin(n1*sin(c3)/na) c2=asin(na*sin(c1)/nb) c4=asin(nb*sin(c2)/n2) d1=1064 a=d1/(4*na) b=d1/(4*nb) Ba=2*pi*na*a*cos(c1)/d Bb=2*pi*nb*b*cos(c2)/d f=4*pi*1e-7 e=1e-9/(36*pi) -matlab transmittance with the angle of incidence change program na = 2.10 nb = 1.46 n1 = 1 n2 = 1 d = 1064 for c5 = 0:0.5:90 c3 = c5* pi/180 c1 = asin ( n1* sin (c3)/na) c2 = asin (na* sin (c1)/nb) c4 = asin (nb* sin (c2)/n2) d1 = 1064 a = d1/(4* na ) b = d1/(4* nb) Ba = 2* pi* na* a* cos (c1)/d Bb = 2* pi* nb* b* cos (c2)/d f = 4* pi* 1e-7 e = 1e-9/(36* pi)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10240 Publisher :

算术移动平均线是简单而普遍的移动平均线。平均线是指算术平均数,计算方法为一组数字相加,除以该组数据的组成个数,其 中每一给定时限在计算平均值时的权重均相等 。以5天移动平均线为例,公式如下: MA=(C1+C2+C3+C4+C5)/5 一般公式 :MA=(C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+....+Cn)/n -Simple Moving Average
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : gaiwei

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1、【拷贝构造函数】定义一个复数类CComplex class CComplex { private: float real //实部 float imag //虚部 public: CComplex(float x =0.0 , float y = 0.0):real(x),imag(y) {} CComplex(CComplex& c) CComplex operator+(CComplex& c) CComplex operator-(CComplex& c) void print() const { cout << real << " + " << imag << "i" << endl } void main() { CComplex c1(3, 5), c2(4, 7) CComplex c3 = c1 + c2 CComplex c4 = c2 - c1 c4.print() c3.print() } 请完善CComplex的拷贝构造函数、运算符重载+和-,使其完成指定功能。 2、【继承】正方形为矩形的一个特例,请定义正方形类(CSquare)和矩形类(CRectangle),将正方形类定义为矩形类的派生类。 (1)矩形具有计算周长、面积的成员函数; (2)正方形作为子类还具有计算内切圆的周长和面积的成员函数; -1, [] define a copy constructor complex class CComplex class CComplex { private: float real // real part float imag // imaginary part public: CComplex (float x = 0.0, float y = 0.0): real (x), imag (y) {} CComplex (CComplex & c) CComplex operator+ (CComplex & c) CComplex operator-(CComplex & c) void print () const {cout << real << "+" << imag << "i" << endl } void main () { CComplex c1 (3, 5), c2 (4, 7) CComplex c3 = c1+ c2 CComplex c4 = c2- c1 c4.print () c3.print () } Please improve the copy constructor CComplex of operator overloading+ and- to complete the assigned functions. 2, [inheritance] square is a special case of a rectangle, define a square class (CSquare) and rectangular class (CRectangle), defined as the square class derived class rectangle class. (1) having a rectangular perimeter calculation, the area of ​ ​ member functions (2) as a sub-class also has
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1787904 Publisher : 红楼飞雪梦

数据挖掘经典算法c4.5,id3,决策树等等。(Classical data mining algorithms c4.5, id3, decision tree and so on.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 252928 Publisher : kingback

apriori、id3、c4.5、fp树等算法的的python实现(Python implementation of apriori, id3, c4.5, FP Tree and other algorithms)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 49152 Publisher : dadkla
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