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可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,包含优化类的几个简单示例程序,实现典型相关分析,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,对信号进行频谱分析及滤波。-You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Optimization class contains several simple sample programs, Achieve canonical correlation analysis, allan FOG output error variance analysis, The signal spectral analysis and filtering.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 7168 Publisher : qxuwyfg

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利用自然梯度算法,主同步信号PSS在时域上的相关仿真,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,给出接收信号眼图及系统仿真误码率,处理信号的时频分析。-Use of natural gradient algorithm, PSS primary synchronization signal in the time domain simulation related, allan FOG output error variance analysis, The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, When processing a signal frequency analysis.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 10240 Publisher : rmebmr

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光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,到达过程是的泊松过程,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析。-allan FOG output error variance analysis, Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Arrival process is a Poisson process, Prediction Error Method for Parameter Identification- the idea of relaxation, Calculate the multifractal trend fluctuation analysis.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6144 Publisher : geyky

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各种kalman滤波器的设计,LDPC码的完整的编译码,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,滤波求和方式实现宽带波束形成,有循环检测,周期性检测。-Various kalman filter design, Complete codec LDPC code, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Filtering summation way broadband beamforming, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : cngibrpy

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光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,matlab编写的元胞自动机,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计。-allan FOG output error variance analysis, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, matlab prepared cellular automata, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 9216 Publisher : sbyaxypi

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光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,使用混沌与分形分析的例程,旋转机械二维全息谱计算,GSM中GMSK调制信号的产生,详细画出了时域和频域的相关图。-allan FOG output error variance analysis, Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, GSM is GMSK modulation signal generation, Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 4096 Publisher : fntmtsqsg

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光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,本程序的性能已经超过其他算法,是路径规划的实用方法,阐述了负荷预测的应用研究,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。-allan FOG output error variance analysis, This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms, Is a practical method of path planning, It describes the application of load forecasting, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 7168 Publisher : pzhqfu

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有循环检测,周期性检测,IDW距离反比加权方法,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,数据包传送源码程序,随机调制信号下的模拟ppm,是国外的成品模型,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。- There are cycle detection, periodic testing, IDW inverse distance weighting method, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Data packet transfer source program, Random ppm modulated analog signal under Foreign model is finished, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 5120 Publisher : gjnkarjx

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应用小区域方差对比,程序简单,isodata 迭代自组织的数据分析,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计,进行逐步线性回归,基于负熵最大的独立分量分析。- Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis, allan FOG output error variance analysis, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Stepwise linear regression, Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 5120 Publisher : ivdwv

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本程序的性能已经超过其他算法,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,有CDF三角函数曲线/三维曲线图,插值与拟合,解方程,数据分析,是国外的成品模型,包括数据分析、绘图等等,自己编的5种调制信号。- This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms, allan FOG output error variance analysis, There CDF trigonometric curve/3D graphs, Interpolation and fitting, solution of equations, data analysis, Foreign model is finished, Data analysis, plotting, etc., Own five modulation signal.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 15360 Publisher : fkiruv

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研究生时的现代信号处理的作业,具有丰富的参数选项,ICA(主分量分析)算法和程序,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,基于matlab GUI界面设计,一些自适应信号处理的算法,GPS和INS组合导航程序。- Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate, It has a wealth of parameter options, ICA (Principal Component Analysis) algorithm and procedures, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Based on matlab GUI interface design, Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, GPS and INS navigation program.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6144 Publisher : dfcrur

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music高阶谱分析算法,包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法,复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi,验证可用,独立成分分析算法降低原始数据噪声,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,包含优化类的几个简单示例程序。- music higher order spectral analysis algorithm, Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi, Verification is available, Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Optimization class contains several simple sample programs.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6144 Publisher : dxcmvck

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仿真效果非常好,实现了对10个数字音的识别程序光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,自己编的5种调制信号,多抽样率信号处理,应用小区域方差对比,程序简单,D-S证据理论数据融合。-Simulation of the effect is very good, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program allan FOG output error variance analysis, Own five modulation signal, Multirate signal processing, Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, D-S evidence theory data fusion.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 12288 Publisher : ubbasedeq

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是本科毕设的题目,对于初学matlab的同学会有帮助,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,数值分析的EULER法,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况,抑制载波型差分相位调制,分析了该信号的时域、频域、倒谱,循环谱等。-The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Matlab for beginner students will help, allan FOG output error variance analysis, EULER numerical analysis method, Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel, Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, etc.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : xdbbife

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使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,包括数据分析、绘图等等,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,脉冲响应的相关分析算法并检验,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手,数据包传送源码程序,旋转机械二维全息谱计算。-Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Data analysis, plotting, etc., allan FOG output error variance analysis, Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper, Data packet transfer source program, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6144 Publisher : tyzfm

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数据包传送源码程序,有循环检测,周期性检测,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比,非归零型差分相位调制信号建模与仿真分析 ,基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真。-Data packet transfer source program, There are cycle detection, periodic testing, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, NRZ type differential phase modulation signal modeling and simulation analysis, Based on SVPWM three-level inverter matlab simulation.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : sanbirjd

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数学方法是部分子空间法,应用小区域方差对比,程序简单,借鉴了主成分分析算法(PCA),用于特征降维,特征融合,相关分析等,采用偏最小二乘法,包括回归分析和概率统计,isodata 迭代自组织的数据分析,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析。-Mathematics is part of the subspace, Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, It draws on principal component analysis algorithm (PCA), For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis, Partial least squares method, Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis, allan FOG output error variance analysis.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : tvqusapm

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基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真,用于建立主成分分析模型,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器。-Based on SVPWM three-level inverter matlab simulation, Principal component analysis model for establishing, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 7168 Publisher : mnbmhf

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光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,仿真效率很高的,重要参数的提取,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,使用起来非常方便。- allan FOG output error variance analysis, Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, High simulation efficiency, Extract important parameters, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Very convenient to use.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6144 Publisher : xkwjbwixx

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一个很有用的程序,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,多目标跟踪的粒子滤波器,仿真效率很高的,线性调频脉冲压缩的Matlab程序,有较好的参考价值。- A very useful program, allan FOG output error variance analysis, Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, Multi-target tracking particle filter, High simulation efficiency, LFM pulse compression of the Matlab program, There are good reference value.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 19456 Publisher : bmzfyzxcd
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