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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8030208 Publisher : 张远文

著名的通信编程开放源码ACE中文档,华为等很多高级程序员使用-famous communication open source programming ACE archives, Huawei and many other senior programmers
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6017024 Publisher : 韩红

这是广泛使用的通信开源项目,对于大容量,高并发的通讯要求完全能够胜任,他广泛可用于网络游戏\医学图像\网关的高qos要求.更详细的内容可阅读相应的材料-This is the extensive use of communication open source projects for large-capacity, high concurrent communications requirements can be fully competent, he can be widely used in online games \ medical images \ Gateway qos high demand. More detailed information can be read corresponding materials
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 30088192 Publisher : 刘一

该程序关于ACE的编成例子 用C++ 编写 简单易懂 该例子侧重客户端和服务端的编写 在Visual Studio .Net2003下编译通过 -the procedures on the formation of ACE examples in C++ easily understood examples focus on the client and server-side in the preparation of Visual Studio. Under compile Net2003
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 167936 Publisher : lingqinghua

ACESXP-1.0,ACE网络编程的一个小例子。-ACESXP-1.0, ACE network programming a small example.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 18432 Publisher : zgr

一个在《ACE程序员指南》16章的线程池的例子,但是书上的代码有问题。我进行了修改,使得多线程的运行更加健壮,不会出现当队列中无消息时,线程池迅速消失的BUG。相信很多ACE初学者发现了此问题,在此卖弄一下。-an "ACE Programmer's Guide" Chapter 16 of the thread pool examples, but the book on the code problems. My modified so that the multi-threaded operation more robust, not when there were no queues at the news, thread pool rapidly disappearing BUG. Many believe that the ACE beginners discovered this issue in the play about.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher :

java版ace,java程序员值得一看-java version ace, the java programmer is worth as soon as looking
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 296960 Publisher : li

ACE例子,这个是使用ACE框架里的一个前摄端的方式来做的完成端口的东西.我也是一个ACE的爱好者,我的联系方面是QQ:51097391-ACE example, this is the use of ACE framework of a proactive way to do side of the completion of the port of things. I am also an ACE lovers, I was the link QQ : 51097391
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 62464 Publisher : 阿彪

使用ACE实现的ftp的功能,ACE使得在win或者unix下的通信编程变得简单。-use of ACE achieved ftp function ACE makes win under unix or communications programming simple.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 蒋涛

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优秀的开源软件,优秀的网络开发工具,适用于一些大型的网络开发,像金融,航空等-excellent open-source software, excellent Web development tools, applicable to some of the largest network development, as financial, aviation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17509376 Publisher : 潇贤

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跨平台C++网络组件,学习ACE的好资料, -cross-platform C network components, a good learning ACE,
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 750592 Publisher : liaoyong2

DL : 0
ACE自适配通信环境 (Adaptive Communication Environment)是面向对象的框架和工具包,它为通信软件实现了核心的并发和分布式模式。-ACE since Adapter communications environment (Adaptive Communication Environment) is an object-oriented framework and tool kits for its communications software with the core of the model and distributed.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 928768 Publisher : bingo

DL : 0
是个PDF文档,内容为“ACE详细介绍译文” ACE 是一个面向对象的工具开发包,它实现了通信软件的基本设计模式。 ACE 面向在UNIX 和Win32 平台上开发高性能通信服务的开发人员。它简化了 面向对象的网络应用程序和服务的开发,这些程序和服务用到了进程间通信, 事件分离,直接动态链接和并发机制。ACE 通过在运行时动态链接服务到应用 程序和在一个或多个进程或线程中执行这些服务自动完成系统配置和重新配 置。-is a PDF document, the contents of the "ACE detail :" ACE is an object-oriented development tool package, it achieved a basic communication software design patterns. ACE for the UNIX and Win32 platform for developing high-performance communications services developers. It simplifies the object-oriented network applications and services development, and these processes and services used the inter-process communication, isolated incident, and the direct link with dynamic mechanisms. ACE through at runtime dynamic link services to the applications and in one or more processes or threads implementation of these services to automate system configuration and re-configuration.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1681408 Publisher : bingo

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解压内容:ACE自适配通信环境(代序).pdf ACE的目标用户是高性能和实时通信服务和应用的开发者。它简化了使用进程间通信、事件多路分离、显式动态链接和并发的OO网络应用和服务的开发。此外,通过服务在运行时与应用的动态链接,ACE使系统的配置和重配置得以自动化。-unpacked : ACE since Adapter communications environment (preface). Pdf ACE is targeting high-performance and real-time communications services and applications developers. It simplifies the use of inter-process communication, multi-channel isolated incident, Explicit dynamic link with the 2006-07 and network applications and services development. In addition, through service at runtime and application of dynamic link, ACE enable system configuration and re-configuration to automation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 83968 Publisher : bingo

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内容:介绍ACE技术论文集 本论文描述ACE的结构和功能,并使用来自像电信、企业级医学成像和WWW服务这样的领域的例子阐释核心的ACE特性。ACE可以自由使用,并正在被用于许多商业项目(比如爱立信、Bellcore、西门子、摩托罗拉、柯达,和McDonnell Douglas),以及许多学院和工业研究项目。ACE已被移植到多种OS(操作系统)平台上,包括Win32和大多数的UNIX/POSIX实现。此外,同时有C++和Java版本的ACE可用。-content : Proceedings of the ACE ACE paper describes the structure and function, and from use as telecommunications, enterprise-class medical imaging and Web services in areas such as the example to explain the core features of the ACE. ACE can be freely used, and is being used in many commercial projects (such as Ericsson, Bellcore, Siemens, Motorola, Kodak, and McDonnell Douglas), and many institutions and industrial research projects. ACE has been transplanted to various OS (operating system) platforms, including Win32 and most UNIX/POSIX achieve. In addition, there are C and Java versions of the ACE available.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1800192 Publisher : bingo

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内容:下篇:ACE应用实例 本论文的目的是通过例子来演示捕捉和传达成功的通信软件的本质的途径;在文中描述了用于构建应用级网关(gateway)的模式语言,该网关在分布在整个通信系统中的对端(peer)之间进行消息路由。模式所表示的是构建软件时所发生的问题的成功解决方案[2]。-: Part Two : ACE Application purpose of this paper is to demonstrate through examples capture and convey the success of communications software nature of the way; The paper describes the used to build application-level gateway (gateway) model language, the gateway in the distribution of the entire communication system to the end (peer) between message routing. Model Construction, said the software is what happened in the successful solution [2].
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3555328 Publisher : bingo

基于ACE实现的一个代理服务器以及相应的客户端程序,代理服务器可以把客户端的请求转发给指定服务器,并把该服务器的应答转发给客户端。是学习ACE库的好例子-achieve a proxy server and the corresponding client, proxy server client can transmit the request to the designated servers, and the server's response relayed to the client. The ACE study is a good example for
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3194880 Publisher : 张志

基于ACE开发的接收Syslog包的类,封装了Socket,跨平台,非常简洁-reception reads like packet, a package Socket, cross-platform, very brief
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : slummer

出租车管理系统 功能强大,数据库ACE-taxi management system, powerful database Ace
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3009536 Publisher :

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有关ACE的网络设计,ACE是著名开源软件中的一个-the ACE network design, ACE is well-known open source software in a
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 539648 Publisher : 黄荣
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