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视频会议web系统-web video conference system
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 780288 Publisher :

视频会议系统中的电子白板源码,用于共享包括文件,图像等的数据-Video Conference System of Whiteboard source for the sharing of documents and images and other data
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 41984 Publisher : 周芳

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sphy视频电话会议系统全站源码-绝对经典哦-sphy Video Conference System station source-oh absolutely classic
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 757760 Publisher : 毛嘉

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这是一个基于ASP.net平台开发的视频会议系统-This is a platform based on development of the Video Conference System
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 107520 Publisher : 吴建文

这是基于asp.net的远程视频会议系统-This is based on the Asp. Net Remote Video Conference System
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 640000 Publisher : 吴建文

视频会议系统开源程序很不错的!在线视频会议系统!-Open source video conference system is very good! Online Video Conference System!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 19013632 Publisher : Alex

.net开源视频会议系统,第一个开源的.net视频会议系统-. net open source video conferencing system, the first open source. net video conference system
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 573440 Publisher : fasfdsdfa

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02004VC 视频会议系统客户端与服务端源码 实现视频会议功能-Video Conference System 02004VC client and server source code to achieve video conferencing function
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 50352128 Publisher : liuyuxinok

这套软件视频会议包括客户端+服务器端全套完整源代码,还有开发文档。也可进行二次开发。可与贵单位原有的网站和业务管理软件进行很好的融合(如OA 系统、MIS系统、ERP系统等),为您提供广泛的应用服务。 我公司提供软件视频会议系统 ,有完整的说明文档 ,视频会议全部源代码-Video conferencing software, including client+ Complete server-side source code, as well as the development of the document. It may also be secondary development. The original with your organization s Web site and business management software for the integration of very good (such as OA system, MIS system, ERP system, etc.), to provide you with a wide range of application services. Our company provides software video conference system, complete documentation, video conferencing all the source code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1136640 Publisher : sujie

视频会议系统,DIRECTSHOW和VC实现-Video Conference System, DIRECTSHOW and VC to achieve
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 286720 Publisher : 正树

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C++视频会议系统VC++源码(曾获奖)。很不错的一个系统。很强大。值得一看。-C++ Video Conference System VC++ source code (award-winning). A system is very good. Very powerful. Worth a visit.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1467392 Publisher : yellow_lee

Visual C++视频音频开发实用工程案例精选 ---随书关盘源码 chap2:视频捕捉系统 chap3:视频会议系统 chap4:远程视频监控系统 chap5:MPEG-4播放技术 chap6:MPEG-4编码技术 chap7:MPEG-4解码技术 chap8:MP3深入编程 chap9:XvidQP系统 chap10:DirectShow程序设计 chap11:Direct3D程序设计 chap12:DirectSound程序设计 chap13:DirectMusic程序设计 chap14:语音识别系统 -Visual C++ video audio the development of practical engineering cases selected chap2: video capture system chap3: Video Conference System chap4: remote video monitoring system chap5: MPEG-4 playback technology chap6: MPEG-4 encoding technology chap7: MPEG-4 decoding technology chap8: MP3 in-depth programming chap9: XvidQP system chap10: DirectShow programming chap11: Direct3D programming chap12: DirectSound programming chap13: DirectMusic programming chap14: Speech Recognition System
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 16338944 Publisher : liubin

视频类包含了很多范围,比如视频会议,即时通讯,聊天室等,其中都有一个核心部件 ,那就是音视频的模块,还有相关的通信功能,如文字,点对点,多点等,发送接收文件 ,实现了P2P,H.264、AAC的视音频编码标准。 发几个适合自己个人或者公司小或团队整合实验或试用的demo,主要可以实现音视频上的 通讯,如视频会议、视频远程招聘、培训、大型聊天室(单台server支持5000人同时在线 )、应急指挥平台等…… 虽然这是一个demo,但是通过使用你就知道它的质量性是怎么样的了~~ 不多说,有需要的人可以下载来看看,几个开发版本。。 可以整合到您的系统中,开放了很多的接口, 想让你的系统实现语音视频通讯,快快试试吧!! 更多信息请参考 Q839788402 TEL02038109065 或 classes contain a lot of scope, such as video conference, instant messaging, chat rooms etc, which has a core component That the module, and audio related communications functions, such as text, point-to-point, multipoint etc, send receives the file , realized the P2P, h.264, AAC of audio coding standard. Post some suit oneself individual or company small or team integrating experiment or trial produce professional demo, basically can realize the audio and video Communications, such as video remote video conference, recruitment, training, large chat room (single-user server support 5000 people online at the same time ), emergency command platform, etc... Although this is a produce professional demo, but through the use of you will know that its quality sex is how ~ ~ Not say, those who need to can download to see, several development version. Can be integrated to your system, an open a lot of interface, Want to let your system realize voice video communication
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4057088 Publisher : xujinquan

C#完整的网络视频会议系统源代码;C#完整的网络视频会议系统源代码-C# complete network video conferencing system source code C# the complete source code for network video conference system
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 770048 Publisher : jgzhang

视频会议系统使用户可以利用普通的PC机、标准的视频采集设备(USB摄像头或者视频头+视频采集卡)、耳机和麦克风,实现基于Internet、广域网、局域网的虚拟会议。与传统的基于硬件的H.323解决方案相比,本系统是纯软件解决方案。用户无需投入高昂的成本,就能够实现高质量、高可靠性的音视频通讯的会议功能,有效地节约时间和经费,提高企业的工作效率。 本视频会议系统由服务器软件和客户端软件组成。 -Video conferencing system allows users to make use of common PC, a standard video capture device (USB cameras or video head+ video capture card), headphones and microphone, based on Internet, WAN, LAN virtual meetings. With traditional hardware-based H.323 solution, this system is a pure software solution. Users do not need the high cost of inputs to be able to achieve high-quality, high reliability, audio and video conferencing communication, effectively saving time and money, and improving the work efficiency. The video conference system consists of server software and client software.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 6932480 Publisher : 马磊

自己学习做的视频会议系统,通过测试,可以很流畅的实现3台机子之间视频语音-Learn to do their own video conferencing system, through testing, implementation can be very smooth video voice between 3 machines in
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 286720 Publisher : 张静

视频会议系统,通过该程序控制摄像头进行视频会议,远程控制。- The video frequency conference system, carries on the video frequency conference through this programmed control camera, remote control.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 5876736 Publisher : 赵一方

遵循H323规范的视频会议系统源码,使用delphi开发,-Follow the the H323 specification of video conferencing system source code, use delphi development
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 5060608 Publisher : 王振涛

视频会议 一个在VC平台上开发的视频会议系统 具备视频实时传输功能-A video meeting the development of video conference system on VC platform have video real-time transmission function
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 680960 Publisher : 吴林城

视频会议系统客户端源码,只支持window下环境的。-Video conference system client source code, supports only the window environment.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 91011072 Publisher : 123456
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