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用vc 实现一个做flash的经典范例 希望对大家有帮助-with vc done to achieve a classic example of the flash of hope that we help
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 11264 Publisher : 刘斌

DL : 2
VC++编写的短信接收与发送模块,发给大家试试,欢迎下载-VC prepared to receive and send short messages modules, we try to welcome Download
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 322560 Publisher : 姜启玉

《VC程序设计技巧与实例》中的vc++源代码 包括MSDEN集成环境、对话框和控件及进程和线程三章内容的源码 -"VC program design techniques and examples" of the source code, including vc MSDEN integrated environment, dialog boxes and controls and processes and threads contents of the three chapters FOSS
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 26063872 Publisher : 王红利

VC程序设计技巧与实例(2)关于窗口和桌面系统、文件和系统操作、消息影射的原代码-VC program design techniques and examples (2) on the window and desktop systems, documentation and system operation, alluding to the original source code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 909312 Publisher : 王红利

DL : 2
vc程序设计与实例中关于调试技术的VC++源代码-vc example of program design and debugging technology on the VC source code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 301056 Publisher : 王红利

DL : 2
VC程序设计与实例中与数据库编程有关的vc++源代码-VC program design and examples of Database Programming with the source code vc
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1051648 Publisher : 王红利

VC++技术内幕配套书源代码,很好-technical support on the source code, good!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 6395904 Publisher : 小猪头

vc++酒店管理系统,通过建立最基本的数据库来,对酒店的数据进行存储和处理.-vc hotel management system, through the establishment of the basic database of hotel data storage and handling.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 528384 Publisher : 123456

一个音频捕捉的示例程序,使用vc 2005 express编写。-an audio capture example, the use of express prepared vc 2005.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 15360 Publisher : czw

DL : 2
本书主要结合VB.NET和VC#.NET两种语言介绍了创建交互式CAD系统的基本思路和技术,分别给出了两种语言的小系统完整代码,并讨论了技巧实现的其他可能性以及系统代码的改进方法。 本书前3章主要介绍语言基础和.NET框架基础,第4章至第8章结合一个CAD小系统的创建详细地介绍了交互式CAD系统的组织思路和基本技术,第9章至第11章介绍了更多的技巧实现方法和系统优化方法,第12章结合CAD编程进行了一些设计模式方面的讨论;写作过程中注意了循序渐进的讲解原则,内容适合不同学习阶段的读者。 书中所有示例程序都通过调试,并放在随书的光盘上,以便于学习和交流。 本书可供从事图形学、CAD技术以及编程技术的有关工程技术人员、程序员、大学生、研究生阅读参考。-mainly in the context of the book and VB.NET VC#.NET languages on the creation of interactive CAD system EC's basic ideas and techniques are presented for the language of a small system integrity code, and discussed other techniques to achieve the possibility of the code and the system better. Before the book, Chapter 3 introduces foundation and language.NET Framework base Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 with a small CAD systems to create a detailed introduction of the interactive CAD system of ideas and organizations basic skills, chapter 9 to chapter 11 of more tact method and system optimization methods, Chapter 12 with CAD program for some design aspects of the model; attention to the writing process on the principle of gradual and orderly progress, as suitable for different stages of r
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1316864 Publisher : aa

数字水印源程序,用vc++编码,水印的嵌入部分-digital watermarking source files, using vc coding, part of the embedded watermark
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1093632 Publisher : 张珊

vc.net2005英文版本.希望能给大家带来好处-vc.net2005 English version. We hope that they will bring benefits
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 8379392 Publisher : 刘清泉

DL : 1
一些VC++的课件,讲述的VC++的基础知识以及MFC的基本应用还有一些实例.-some of the courseware VC, the VC on the basis of knowledge and application of the basic MFC some examples.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2287616 Publisher : 郭东平

DL : 1
用VC++ Hook技术实现屏幕取词.它是利用调试技术编写成的API钩子。比起16位下传统的入口代码改写技术,它是没有多线程问题的,而且能够拦截LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress完成的API显式调用。-VC Hook Capture Characters from Screen Technology. It is testing the use of technology into the preparation of the API hook. Compared to the traditional 16 under the entrance to rewrite code technology, it is not multithreaded problems. and can intercept LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress completed API Explicit call.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 371712 Publisher : tanglongsh

vc++和matlab混合编程,本书提供vc++和matlab混合编程的方法-vc mixed and Matlab programming, this book provides vc mixed and Matlab programming method
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 104448 Publisher : wxy

DL : 2
基于VC++的mapx多文档程序源代码,功能挺多的,是个不错的学习资料-based VC mapx Multi- Document program source code, functional Dad, it is a good learning materials
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 196608 Publisher : 醉舟

DL : 1
DES加密算法VC源码,只包含了一个源文件,自己在VC 中建工程即可编译,代码中有详细的注释,适于学习。-DES encryption algorithm VC source, contains only one source, VC in their works can be built, a detailed code of the Notes, suitable for learning.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4096 Publisher : maxu

BMP位图文件结构及VC操作 获取位图文件的信息,即BMP文件的各种信息,比如宽度,长度,分辨率等-BMP bitmap file structure and operation of VC Bitmap File access information, BMP file that the various information, such as width, length, resolution, etc.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 40960 Publisher : 罗恺

vc++ 编写的usb接口编程例子源代码-vc prepared by the usb interface programming source code examples
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 39936 Publisher : air

用 VC++ 实现 USB 驱动的源码-with VC USB drive FO
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 36864 Publisher : air
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