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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5447680 Publisher : rch

matlab下的一个基于能量和过零率的端点检测程序-under matlab based on energy and zero crossing rate of endpoint detection procedures
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : han

对一段语音信号进行预处理,加窗,求过零率,短时能量,求各种语音信号的特征参数。-For a period of speech signal pre-processing, windowing, and zero-crossing rate, short-time energy, and all kinds of speech feature parameters.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 海德

DL : 0
matlab开发环境下的谱减法算法,主要用在了作者的语音增强算法当中-development environment under matlab spectral subtraction algorithm, mainly used in the author
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : wanghang

:用C 语言实现了一个用于控制家电开关的声音模块. 该声音模块采用当前语音识别系统的主流技 术——隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)技术,以及线性预测倒谱计算和矢量量化技术. 命令(单词)的正确识别率 在97 以上. 介绍了声音模块的设计方案,并就实现该声音模块的过程中所遇到的具体问题进行了讨论.-: The C language realization of a switch used to control the voice module appliances. The sound module voice recognition systems using current mainstream technologies- Hidden Markov Model (HMM) technology, as well as the linear prediction cepstrum calculation and vector quantization technology. command (word) the correct recognition rate in more than 97 . introduced a sound module design and the realization of the sound module on the course of the specific problems encountered were discussed.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 200704 Publisher : 刘文

语音端点检测,采用短时能量和过零率的双门限检测方法。-Endpoint of speech detection, using short-term energy and zero-crossing rate of two-threshold detection method
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 媛媛

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 568320 Publisher :

MT4 EA (外汇自动交易程序) 大全,由网友及本人从网上收集而来。收录EA源代码438个,策略上包含了从基本的MA穿越到网格交易,时间上覆盖拨头皮到日周甚至月线交易, 可谓应有尽有。其中有些已经可以用于实战。有志于自动交易的同志们可不能错过!-This is a large collection of MT4 EA automated trading strategy including source code of 438 EAs which would cover any strategy that you ve ever heard of
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1019904 Publisher : mw

DL : 0
用matlab将hanning窗、hamming窗、Blackman窗画在同一个图中。语音分帧,加窗,短时能量,短时过零率,端点检测-Using matlab to hanning window、hamming window and Blackman window draw in the same graph.Voice sub-frame, add windows, short-term energy, short-term zero-crossing rate, endpoint detection
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : haoyy

DL : 0
基于短时能量和过零率的语音端点检测 只能实现单个词的语音端点检测-Based on short-term energy and zero crossing rate of voice activity detection
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张宏业

DL : 0
一个用来隐藏进程、通过修改PEB隐藏进程模块、通过修改VAD树隐藏进程模块的示例驱动,注释良好,适合初学者。-A driver for hiding the process and the process modules, with smooth comments.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 67584 Publisher : 王啊

DL : 0
修改WRK内核,增加一个新系统调用,可以将指定Pid号的进程的Vad节点按地址由小到大给出,直接用DbgPrint输出,并返回给用户态程序-Modify the WRK kernel, add a new system call, you can specify the number of process Pid Vad node is given by address small to large, direct DbgPrint output, and returned to the user mode application
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 190464 Publisher : yamalove

dtw0文件是运用DTW算法实现噪声环境下语音识别的。其中vad.m是端点检测程序;lpc.m是计算LPC参数的程序;lpc21lpcc.m是计算LPCC参数的程序;mfcc.m是计算MFCC参数的程序;dtw.m是实现经典DTW算法的程序;dtw2.m是实现高效DTW算法的程序,testdtw.m是最终测试程序,其中可以通过改变其中的特征参数名选择不同的特征参数。-dtw0 file DTW algorithm is to use speech recognition in noisy environments. Which is the endpoint detection process vad.m lpc.m is to calculate the LPC parameters of the program lpc21lpcc.m procedure is to calculate the LPCC parameters mfcc.m procedure is to calculate the MFCC parameters dtw.m the classic DTW algorithm to achieve the program dtw2.m DTW algorithm is to achieve efficient procedures, testdtw.m is the final test program, which can change the parameters in which different parameters were selected.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1084416 Publisher : 于军

hmm文件时运用HMM算法实现噪声环境下语音识别的。其中vad.m是端点检测程序;mfcc.m是计算MFCC参数的程序;pdf.m函数是计算给定观察向量对该高斯概率密度函数的输出概率;mixture.m是计算观察向量对于某个HMM状态的输出概率,也就是观察向量对该状态的若干高斯混合元的输出概率的线性组合;getparam.m函数是计算前向概率、后向概率、标定系数等参数;viterbi.m是实现Viterbi算法;baum.m是实现Baum-Welch算法;inithmm.m是初始化参数;train.m是训练程序;main.m是训练程序的脚本文件;recog.m是识别程序。-hmm HMM algorithm file using speech recognition in noisy environments. Which is the endpoint detection process vad.m mfcc.m procedure is to calculate the MFCC parameters pdf.m function is calculated for a given observation vector of the Gaussian probability density function of output probability mixture.m is to calculate the observation vector for a HMM state output probability of observation vector is the number of Gaussian mixture per state output probability of the linear combination getparam.m before the calculation of the probability function, backward probability, calibration coefficients and other parameters viterbi.m is Viterbi algorithm implementation baum.m Baum-Welch algorithm to achieve inithmm.m is the initialization parameters train.m is the training program main.m training program is a script file recog.m is to identify procedures.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 538624 Publisher : 于军

语音噪声压缩新算法,一种基于vad的语音噪声抑制方法。这种新算法源于vad 技术及谱减法,它先对含噪声信号进 行vad处理,而后是基于感知掩蔽阈值的谱减法运算,降低噪声,获得清晰的增强信号。与其它算法相比,其效果更好,语 音听测试证明了这一点。-New algorithm for speech compression noise, a noise reduction of speech based vad method. This new algorithm derived from vad technology and spectral subtraction, it firstly deal with the noise signal vad, then the masking threshold is based on perception of spectral subtraction to reduce noise, increase access to clear signals. Compared with other algorithms, the better, speech test proves this point.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 101376 Publisher : lorry

Both ITU G.723.1 and G.729 provide VAD algorithm/c code. They perform well in modest SNR environment
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 120832 Publisher : greatwiner

Both ITU G.723.1 and G.729 provide VAD algorithm/c code. They perform well in modest SNR environment
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 120832 Publisher : greatwiner

DL : 0
To evaluate a VAD, its output using test recordings is compared with those of an "ideal" VAD - created by hand-annotating the presence/absence of voice in the recordings. The performance of a VAD is commonly evaluated on the basis of the following four parameters[2]:
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 145408 Publisher : hady

DL : 0
Although the method described above provides useful objective information concerning the performance of a VAD, it is only an approximate measure of the subjective effect. For example, the effects of speech signal clipping can at times be hidden by the presence of background
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 24576 Publisher : hady

端点检测,刚开始起步!!!!!!!多指导-Detection, has just started! ! ! ! ! ! ! More guidance
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : ydh
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