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linux 下 结合ftp 和部分telnet 功能的服务器源码 -Wall-e is a team for a project about two-demision code , for details at this: and client programs is created for the s3c2410 platform board to conveniencely control it and fulfil files transferring at the same time , that is a simple combination for telnet and ftp server. Of course there are many fails and bugs in it , I ll appreciate the correction and criticism!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 30720 Publisher : renxingdao

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完整的ant打包脚本,包括ftp,vss,telnet等,实现完全自动化打包,实现转码,赋权限等-The complete package ant scripts, including ftp, vss, telnet and so on, to achieve a fully automated packaging and achieve transcoding, Fu rights, etc.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : phrash

本书共20章,分为五大部分。前面第1章引言,内容涉及网络的产生和发展、主要功能、分类以及网络体系结构和ISO/OSI参考模型。第一部分(第2~3章)介绍数据通信知识,涉及数据通信基本概念和基础理论、传输介质、多路复用技术、数据交换技术、调制解调技术以及物理层接口技术等内容。第二部分(第4~6章)讨论各种底层网络技术,涉及各种广域网、局域网和高速局域网技术。第三部分(第7~11章)讨论网络互连技术及其相关协议,涉及网络互连、TCP/IP参考模型、IP、ARP和ICMP、IP路由以及TCP和UDP等内容。第四部分(第12~17章)讨论网络应用程序相互作用模式以及各种具体的网络应用,涉及客户/服务器模型、套接字编程接口、域名系统(DNS)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传输和访问、电子邮件以及万维网。第五部分(第18~19章)讨论网络安全和管理。最后第20章简单介绍了网络技术的未来发展。本书主要供高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生和低年级硕士研究生作为计算机网络课程的教材使用,同时也可供计算机网络设计人员、开发人员以及管理人员作为技术参考书使用。-computer network eletronic book
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1329152 Publisher : 黄金凤

excellent telnet to rs232 pic project
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 10240 Publisher : Pippo Baudo

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schematics for telnet to rs232 pic project
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 257024 Publisher : Pippo Baudo

telnet for NMT players. smp8643
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 312320 Publisher : Sergey

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Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 24576 Publisher : white

Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 65536 Publisher : white

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android 模拟器的使用文档,对初学者,或者想命令行控制模拟器的学员很有帮助,比如通过telnet模拟打电话、发短信等。-android enulator
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : 张晗

启动被禁用的telnet服务。默认的XP的telnet服务只是没有启动,但并没有被禁用。如果款用了,通过net start telnet无法启动的。通过该脚本如果改变telnet的启动模式-To start the telnet service is disabled
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 大可

Ethereal对HTTP、DNS、SMTP、TELNET、RTP协议的分析-Ethereal for HTTP, DNS, SMTP, TELNET, RTP protocol analysis
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 605184 Publisher : 王乾坤

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此程序适用于SCO UNIX主机系统,客户端为任意平台。 以Windows客户为例,以下简要说明其使用方法。 1、直接拨号方式 先进入Windows的终端仿真器, 使用ATDT命令向UNIX主机拨号,当主机连通时, 运行主机的FGET程序,格式为 FGET 下载文件名。然后,从终端仿真器的"传输"菜单选"接收二进制文件"选项,输入本地文件名后,即可接收文件。 2、internet连接方式 先将FGET文件在主机上编译通过, 然后用Netterm之类的telnet软件连接到主机上,当主机连通时,运行主机的FGET程序,格式为FGET 下载文件名。 然后从菜单选"接收文件"选项,输入本地文件名后,即可接收文件。-This procedure applies to SCO UNIX host system, the client for any platform. To Windows clients, for example, the following brief description of its use. 1, direct dial-up First get into the Windows terminal emulator, using the ATDT command to UNIX host dial-up, when the host connectivity, the running host FGET procedures, format FGET downloaded file name. Then, from the terminal emulator s "Transfer" menu choose "Receive binary file" option, enter the local file name, you can receive a file. 2, internet connection First FGET files compiled by the host, and then use Netterm sort of telnet to connect to the host, when the host connectivity, the running host FGET procedures, format FGET downloaded file name. Then from the menu choose "Receive File" option, enter the local file name, you can receive a file.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9216 Publisher : ghost

Telnet服务器程序,可以把自己的机器变成一个Telnet服务器.-Telnet server program, you can put your machine into a Telnet server.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 37888 Publisher : 278

Ruggedcom software: telnet ftp
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1188864 Publisher : Cocos

Telnet 漏洞利用,需要在Linux下编译才能通过-Telnet exploit, you need to compile under Linux can be adopted by
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : LCM

telnet功能 te lnet功能-telnet function telnet feature telnet function
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 14336 Publisher : hanwei

telnet 工具te lnet 工具-telnet tool telnet tool telnet tools
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1905664 Publisher : han

PCMan X是一Telnet远程登录软件,可以支持多平台,目前有支持的操作系统是 Linux,FreeBSD,MS Windiows,甚至未来可能支持 Mac OS X。这是在GPL下发行的开放原始码自由软件,欢迎有兴趣的人一同加入开发行列。-PCMan X is a Telnet remote login software that can support multiple platforms, there are currently supported operating system is Linux, FreeBSD, MS Windiows, even in the future likely to support Mac OS X. This is released under the GPL open-source free software are welcome to join those who are interested to join the ranks of the development.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 605184 Publisher : age

这个小程序用于测试telnet登录的稳定性-test the stability of telnet logon
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : carol

An example that will listen on a telnet port for incoming data, and pass this received data to a user handler, optionally striping the telnet controll codes out.-An example that will listen on a telnet port for incoming data, and pass this received data to a user handler, optionally striping the telnet controll codes out.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : john kihara
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