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Intel Proton 8.0 build instructions: Change \\Include, \\Lib, and \\Bin paths in omp.bat to your actual ones. Run omp.bat to build omp_smp.exe Microsoft: Use MS Visual Studio 2005 beta 1 compiler and vcomp.dll Compiler options may differ from Proton s, use IDE to build the file.-Intel Proton 8.0 build instructions : Change \\ Include, \\ Lib. and \\ Bin paths in omp.bat to your actual ones. Ru n omp.bat to build omp_smp.exe Microsoft : Use MS Visual Studio 2005 beta compiler and a 160M mp.dll Compiler options may differ from Proton s, use IDE to build the file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2525 Publisher : 玉晶

Intel Proton 8.0 build instructions: Change \Include, \Lib, and \Bin paths in omp.bat to your actual ones. Run omp.bat to build omp_smp.exe Microsoft: Use MS Visual Studio 2005 beta 1 compiler and vcomp.dll Compiler options may differ from Proton s, use IDE to build the file.-Intel Proton 8.0 build instructions : Change \ Include, \ Lib. and \ Bin paths in omp.bat to your actual ones. Ru n omp.bat to build omp_smp.exe Microsoft : Use MS Visual Studio 2005 beta compiler and a 160M mp.dll Compiler options may differ from Proton s, use IDE to build the file.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : 玉晶

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华清远见的学生写android的移植文档。对android有兴趣的人可以一看哈。-China Qingyuan see students write android' s Portable Document. Interest on the android can one look ha.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 406528 Publisher : mateng

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该函数为OMP算法的函数实现,可以直接来调用,其根据沙维老师的CS_OMP改编-This function is a function of OMP algorithm to achieve, you can call directly to their teacher s CS_OMP adapted according to Shawei
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 杨美钰

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omp并行编程,以C语言为主,个人觉得比较有用-omp parallel programming to C language-based, personally feel more useful
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 438272 Publisher : jidutu

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随着摩尔定律的实效,多核技术成为提高计算机性能的最有效的选择,对于传统的程序员而说,不学习多核编程就意味着将会被淘汰。因此我分享了多核编程技术ppt。ppt介绍了主流的多核编程技术。并且介绍了omp和mpi混合编程技术。-With Moore' s Law, the effectiveness of multi-core technology to become the most effective option to improve your computer' s performance, traditional programmers, not learning multi-core programming means will be eliminated. So I shared multicore programming technology ppt. ppt mainstream multicore programming techniques. And a the omp and mpi mixed programming techniques.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 413696 Publisher : 桓文

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简单的正交匹配追踪算法,应该都能看懂的。s-测量;T-观测矩阵;N-向量大小-The simple orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm should be able to understand the. s-measurement T-observation matrix N-vector size
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 孟浩

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一个很好的MATLAB源代码——OMP,OMP算法的改进之处在于:在分解的每一步对所选择的全部原子进行正交化处理,这使得在精度要求相同的情况下,OMP算法的收敛速度更快。-A good MATLAB source code-- OMP, OMP algorithm improvement lies in: every step of the decomposition of orthogonalization processing all of the selected atoms, which makes the accuracy requirement of the same circumstances, the OMP algorithm s convergence speed is faster.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 夏树

parallel processing, 2 matrix s multiplication
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2624512 Publisher : ziz1907

压缩感知信号恢复算法OMP和CoSaMP算法,常用的算法- x = CoSaMP( A, b, k ) uses the Compressive Sampling Matched Pursuit (CoSaMP) algorithm (see Needell and Tropp s 2008 paper ) to estimate the solution to the equation b = A*x (or b = A*x+ noise ) where there is prior information that x is sparse.z
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 11264 Publisher : cyberknight

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压缩感知是新兴起来的一门重要学科,这里提供香港大学沙威最经典简单的一个框架。由小波先进行稀疏化,再用OMP算法进行修复重构-Compressed sensing is a new up an important subject, here Javert University of Hong Kong' s most classic of a simple framework. First performed by the wavelet thinning, then OMP algorithm repair Reconstruction
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王金

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压缩感知是新兴起来的一门重要学科,这里提供香港大学沙威最经典简单的一个框架。由小波先进行稀疏化,再用OMP算法进行修复重构-Compressed sensing is a new up an important subject, here Javert University of Hong Kong' s most classic of a simple framework. First performed by the wavelet thinning, then OMP algorithm repair Reconstruction
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 27648 Publisher : 王金

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:针对压缩感知算法重建时间长、图像重建质量不高等不足 , 在认真分析压缩感知算法的基础上 , 提 出一 种压缩感知多描述并行算法。为了提 高系统运行速度和重建 图像质量, 将 经过稀疏 变换后 的系数进行 交织抽 取 , 分成多个子图像 , 再利用 Op e nMP将子图像分配到各线程中并行实现分块压缩感知。实验结果表明, 随着抽 取数的增加,图像的重建质量呈上升趋势, 在 3 2抽取时图像的重建质量比单抽取的高出了7. 2 4 dB; 随着线程数 的增加 , 程序的执行效率不断提 高, 最高可达单线程的 7. 3 5倍 , 有效地解决 了压缩感知算法重建时间长以及 图 像重建质量差的问题。 . -: co mpr es s ed s ensi ng;mul t i pl e de sc r ipt i on;OpenMP;par al l el ;i nt e r l eav i ng ext r act i o n;speedup
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : zhangzhenzhen

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压缩感知重构算法之压缩采样匹配追踪(CoSaMP)算法matlab程序,CoSaMP也是对OMP的一种改进,每次迭代选择多个原子,除了原子的选择标准之外,它有一点不同于OMP:ROMP每次迭代已经选择的原子会一直保留,而coSaMP每次迭代选择的原子在下次迭代中可能会被抛弃。-Compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm compression sampling of Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) algorithm matlab program, CoSaMP also an improvement of OMP, each iteration more than one atom, in addition to the selection criteria atoms, it s a bit different the OMP: ROMP each iteration has been selected atom will remain, and each iteration coSaMP selected atoms in the next iteration may be abandoned.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : jiao

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这是个基于matlab的ksvd-omp算法-it s a ksvd-omp
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : nancy

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压缩感知重构算法之正交匹配追踪(OMP)。 一个不错的MATLAB源代码。(% Othogonal matching pursuit of Tropp et Gilbert % Find greedy approx of s s.t. phi*s = y % y : data % phi : measurement matrix % K :number of vectors used in the approx (typ. = S or M) % Written by David Mary % This script/program is released under the Commons Creative Licence % with Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa))
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : richard9

这个是个非常有效的OMP算法,是我见过的编写最好的(It's the best OMP I've ever seen)
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 11264 Publisher : eatingbeen

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压缩采样匹配追踪(CompressiveSampling MP)是D. Needell继ROMP之后提出的又一个具有较大影响力的重构算法。CoSaMP也是对OMP的一种改进,每次迭代选择多个原子,除了原子的选择标准之外,它有一点不同于ROMP:ROMP每次迭代已经选择的原子会一直保留,而CoSaMP每次迭代选择的原子在下次迭代中可能会被抛弃。(CompressiveSampling MP is another influential reconstruction algorithm proposed by D. Needell after ROMP. CoSaMP is also an improvement over OMP. Each iteration selects multiple atoms. In addition to the selection criteria for atoms, it differs from ROMP in that ROMP's already selected atoms are retained for each iteration, and CoSaMP selects each iteration. The atom may be abandoned in the next iteration.)
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 507904 Publisher : jiaxiaoxiao
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