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RSA加密算法DEMO For Delphi-RSA encryption algorithm DEMO for delphi
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 249856 Publisher : 何怿

用C#中RSACryptoServiceProvider类型,实现RSA算法的加密,和解密,用控制台实现-C# RSACryptoServiceProvider type, achieving RSA encryption, and decryption using Console
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张立

DL : 0
vc环境下RSA算法加解密功能的实现,内附有示例代码。-The implement of encryption and decryption with RSA algorithm in VC environment, attached with example source code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1967104 Publisher : wj

RSA加密算法在VB中的实现.可以更好的了解RSA加密算法.-RSA encryption algorithm in VB realized. To better understand the RSA encryption algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher :

DL : 0
用RSA加密IP,下载后拷下来运行后就能用,可以自己事实!-use RSA to add password to IP,please download and copy and run it,you can try it!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 邓伟

RSA算法 :首先, 找出三个数, p, q, r, 其中 p, q 是两个相异的质数, r 是与 (p-1)(q-1) 互质的数...... p, q, r 这三个数便是 person_key,接著, 找出 m, 使得 r^m == 1 mod (p-1)(q-1)..... 这个 m 一定存在, 因为 r 与 (p-1)(q-1) 互质, 用辗转相除法就可以得到了..... 再来, 计算 n = pq....... m, n 这两个数便是 public_key ,编码过程是, 若资料为 a, 将其看成是一个大整数, 假设 a < n.... 如果 a >= n 的话, 就将 a 表成 s 进位 (s <= n, 通常取 s = 2^t), 则每一位数均小于 n, 然後分段编码...... 接下来, 计算 b == a^m mod n, (0 <= b < n), b 就是编码后的资料。解码的过程是, 计算 c == b^r mod pq (0 <= c < pq), 于是, 解码完毕-RSA algorithm : First, find a few 3, p, q, r, p, q is the two different prime number, with the r (p-1) (q-1) coprime several ... p, q, r it person_key number is three, and then find m, making r ^ m == a mod (p-1) (q-1 m ...................................... this must exist, because r (p-1) (q- 1) coprime, with the division algorithm can be a ..... Next, calculate n = pq ....... m, n is the number two public_key, coding process is that if a data and to treat it as a big Integer assuming a <n. ... If a> = n, a table will be rounding into s (s <= n, usually from 2 ^ s = t), each n is less than the median, and then sub-coding ..... . Next, calculate a == b ^ m mod n, (0 <= b <n), b is encoded information. Decoding is the process of calculating c == b ^ r mod pq (0 <= c &
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 胡康康

64位RSA算法源程序,VB代码.可用于INTERNET网络编程-64 RSA algorithm source, VB code. Can be used for Internet Network Programming
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 董铭惠

这是一个RSA的简单实现算法,用的是C++语言实现的.-This is a simple realization of the RSA algorithm is used in the C language.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 53248 Publisher : 杜立涛

这是一个利用rsa加解密实现防止非法注册机的程序,已经经过我的测试,非常好用。-This is a use of encryption and decryption rsa achieve prevent illegal Fillmore procedures, I have read the test, very handy.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 371712 Publisher : 唐飞

一个RSA的类的源代码,并有我写的测试程序,非常好用-the source code of a rsa class,which has been tested ,and works well.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1972224 Publisher : 王德磊

RSA加密算法,界面操作,可以很方便的对文件的内容进行加密,而且为了能加密更长的内容,算法中采用了分段加密的手段。其算法步骤如下:1. 读取公钥e和n,作加密之用。 2. 从DecText中读取一大段明文,转化成明文字节数组Byte[]。 3. 再把Byte[]分成若干小段明文字节数组sectByte[]。 4. 使用e和n对所有的sectByte[]进行加密,并合成一大段密文,添加到EncText。 5. 读取下一大段明文,若明文为空,完成加密;否则转2-RSA encryption algorithm, interface operation, it is convenient to the contents of the documents for encryption, but in order to longer content encryption algorithm used in the sub-encryption tools. The algorithm steps are as follows : 1. Read public key e and n, for encryption purposes. 2. DecText from reading a big specifically, into an express byte array Byte []. 3. Byte [] then divided into pieces expressly sectByte byte [] array. 4. The use of e and n of all sectByte [] encryption and synthesis of a large dense text to be added EncText. 5. The next major reading of the express, if expressly for the space, complete encryption; Otherwise turn 2
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 75776 Publisher : 何泽荣

RSA加长分段解密算法,界面操作。算法步骤如下:1. 读取私钥d和n,作解密之用。 2. 从EncText中读取一大段密文,再把该大段密文分成若干小段密文。 3. 使用d和n把所有小段密文进行解密成对应的小段密文sectByte[],再合成一大段明文字节数组Byte[],并转化成大段明文添加到DecText。 4. 读取下一大段密文,若密文为空,完成解密;否则转2-RSA decryption algorithm lengthened section, the interface operation. Algorithm steps are as follows : 1. Read private key d and n, used for decryption. 2. EncText from reading a big secret of the text, and then the big secret of the text is divided into a number of subparagraphs ciphertext. 3. The use of d and n all subparagraph declassified secret text into corresponding sections ciphertext sectByte [], then synthesis of a large expressly byte array Byte [], and conversion of the university to express DecText added. 4. The next major reading of dense text, if ciphertext empty, completed decryption; Otherwise turn 2
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher : 何泽荣

一个RSA源代码,对各种字符串进行加密解密,包含汉字,数字-a source of all kinds of strings encryption and decryption, including Chinese characters, figures
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2413568 Publisher :

信息安全中的RSA算法,界面简单明了,功能齐全-information security of the RSA algorithm, simple interface, the full range of functions
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1914880 Publisher : sun

密码学中极重要的RSA算法的C编程实现。希望对一些喜欢C的朋友有用-cryptography very important RSA algorithm in C programming. Some like to hope that the friends useful C
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 陈生

5.非对称加密RSA的实现及其源代码,JAVA代码,挺好用的,有兴趣的下啊-5. RSA asymmetric encryption and the realization of the source code, Java code, very good use, and are interested in the next ah
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : luoz

DL : 1
OpenSSL的RSA算法应用举例。是用VC写的,有实用价值。-RSA algorithm of OpenSSL is used and given an example. Written with VC, there is practical value.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 18432 Publisher : 王尔德

适用于systemC环境的rsa算法程序的源代码-applicable to the environment rsa algorithm source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 张燕

RSA加密算法在VB中的实现 rsa加密解密算法在vb中的实现 仅供参考-RSA encryption algorithm in the VB achieve rsa encryption and decryption algorithm in the vb achieve is for reference only
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : yang

RSA资料全集是我在学习RSA时收集的资料,它对我学习这种算法有着极大的帮助,不知对大家有帮助没有,希望对大家学习密码学有所帮助。-All of the information of RSA was collected when i was studying RSA.It gives me a great deal of help though i don t know how about you.I wish it also give you some help about the cryptology.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 477184 Publisher : 王清华
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