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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 464306 Publisher : fengyuntao

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Update : 2014-01-07 Size : 212092 Publisher : 滔滔

Update : 2009-11-12 Size : 669976 Publisher :

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这是用QB编的排序程序。利用条形显示冒泡排序、快速排序、等五种排序方法。 效果一流,对于C语言,数据结构爱好者是不错的选择。-This is the sort made by QB procedures. Strip shows that the use of Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, five sorting method. The effect of first-class, for C language, data structure enthusiasts is a good choice.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher :

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Qbasic 教程 -Qbasic Guide
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 114688 Publisher : 蓝婧

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万年历的源码,C++和QB版,不知道对不对-hefty almanac source code, the C and QB version, I do not know right wrong
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 马丁

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网通加入了防止乱输入。电话号码验证不能为空。第一个字符不能小于3。等等。 电信加入了,身份证和电话不能乱输入,身份证为43开头 电话为7位,等等 湖南和北京的标准, 所以冲QB时请用湖南和北京的肉机进行冲-Netcom joined prevent indiscriminate importation. The telephone number verification can not be empty. The first one should not be smaller than 3 characters. And so on. Telecom joined the identity card and telephone not to collect input, ID 43 at the beginning of seven, etc. Hunan and Beijing standards, Chong QB please use Hunan and Beijing for the meat-chong
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 59392 Publisher : hudd

J-O promgram 用于稀土研究工作者-J-O promgram research workers for RE
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1742848 Publisher : mihuyym

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用Visual BASIC写的一个Quick BASIC学习系统,包含多个经典的QB源码!-with Visual BASIC write a Quick BASIC learning system, includes a number of classic QB source!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 31744 Publisher : 这也要

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作一定修改可以穿透还原设备,软件,用汇编以及QB描述的-make certain changes can penetrate reduction equipment, software, the compilation and description of the QB
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 21545

StarCom Manager 3.06 用QB编写的管理程序-StarCom Manager 3.06 with QB prepared management procedures
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 137216 Publisher : 市容百

G-Log & Graph 用QB编写的图形程序-G-Log
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 228352 Publisher : 市容百

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此软件仅供学习研究使用 全自动洗群,删好友,查保护,查QB,晒号,软件 任何使用cquery软件造成的一切后果由使用者自行承担与作者无关 此版本为低线程版,破解版.过些日子将发布正式版 由于腾迅频繁更换验证码,软件尽力更新 软件启动将读取远程验证码库进行自动识别操作,与原有的CQQTOOL验证码的操作已不相同,目前在软件拨号上面还存在一点小问题,大家也可以借助第三方软件进行自动拨号换IP地址的操作更换IP地址.-This software is for the use of fully automatic washing study group, delete friends, check the protection, investigation QB, No. drying, software cquery any use of software for all the consequences caused by the user on its own has nothing to do with the author in this version is lower threaded version, cracked version.过些日子the official version will be released as a result of frequent replacement of Teng Xun Verification Code, the software will make every effort to update the software to start to read a remote Verification Code library automatic identification operation, with the original operation CQQTOOL Verification Code is not the same as in Software dial-up above there are still a small problem, we can make use of third-party software to automatically dial-up IP address for the operation of the replacement IP address.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 701440 Publisher : 杨杰

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NECV850单片机QB debugger用户手册-NECV850 Singlechip QB debugger user manual
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2839552 Publisher : 成康

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这是个充分利用社会工程学写的冲QB的平台,用于盗SB的号-This is a full use of social engineering QB Chong wrote a platform for the Pirates of the No. SB
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 463872 Publisher : fengyuntao

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铅垂平面比利导引法弹道仿真程序,基于MATLAB编写-Vertical plane guidance law Billy ballistic simulation program, based on the MATLAB prepared
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10240 Publisher : stephen

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Bob Goddard s program files 用QB编写的精华程序源码 -Bob Goddard s program files with the essence of the preparation procedures QB source
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 271360 Publisher : 市容百

移位运算器SHIFTER 使用Verilog HDL 语言编写,其输入输出端分别与键盘/显示器LED 连接。移位运算器是时序电路,在J钟信号到来时状态产生变化, CLK 为其时钟脉冲。由S0、S1 、M 控制移位运算的功能状态,具有数据装入、数据保持、循环右移、带进位循环右移,循环左移、带进位循环左移等功能。 CLK 是时钟脉冲输入,通过键5 产生高低电平M 控制工作模式, M=l 时带进位循环移位,由键8 控制CO 为允许带进位移位输入,由键7 控制:S 控制移位模式0-3 ,由键6 控制,显示在数码管LED8 上 D[7..0]是移位数据输入,由键2 和1 控制,显示在数码管2 和1 上 QB[7..0]是移位数据输出,显示在数码管6 和5 上:cn 是移位数据输出进位,显示在数码管7 上。-SHIFTER shift calculator using Verilog HDL language, the input and output side with the keyboard/display LED connection. Shift operator is a sequential circuit, in J when the bell signals the arrival of a state of change, CLK its clock. By S0, S1, M to control the functions of the state of shift operations, with data loading, data maintenance, cycle shifted to right, into the digital cycle shifted to right, circle left, circle to the left into the digital functions. CLK is the clock pulse input through the key high 5 low M mode control, M = l-bit cyclic shift into when, controlled by the key 8 into the displacement of CO to allow input from 7 control keys: S Control Shift Mode 0-3, 6 button control from showing in the digital control LED8 on D [7 .. 0] is the shift data input from the keys 2 and 1 control, displayed in the digital tube 2 and 1 QB [7. .0] is the displacement data output, displayed on the LED 6 and 5: cn is a binary data output shift, showing 7 on in the digital co
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 129024 Publisher : 623902748

工程师用Fortran 编程常用程序,包括最小二乘法、牛顿插值、差分法、常用方程求解等,其中还包括 Mathtics 和Qick basic版本源代码。-Fortran、mathics and QB source codes for science and engineering computation
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 665600 Publisher : hgl

是一个个人变得虚拟器,语法用QB,很适合初学编程的人用-To become a virtual device is a personal, syntax to use QB, very suitable for beginners programming for human use
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2104320 Publisher : asdfa
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