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p2p网络程序,可以对等的传输文件,支持断点续传。输入IP,port号-p2p network program, you can transfer files on an equal footing to support HTTP. Enter the IP, port number
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 47104 Publisher : shangguan

This paper presents a realization of a multi-service P2P overlay architecture that allows for establishing SIP multimedia sessions between mobile community members with little or no need for centralized servers of any kind.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 313344 Publisher : mao

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点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码,点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码-Peer-to-peer P2P file sharing client source, peer-to-peer P2P file sharing client source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46080 Publisher : yilong

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这是一个讲解P2P的PPT,通过它用户可以详细了解什么是p2p,以及如何应用p2p进行网络上的通信。-This is a P2P on the PPT, through which users can learn more about what is p2p, and how to use p2p on the communications network.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 18432 Publisher : cl

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五套p2p的代码,delphi版本 thanksharp_tQ_V0[1].0.2.rar mmzmagic_PeerToPeer.rar iamy_P2PChatPlus.rar iamy_P2PChat.rar cyndi_P2P_Demo_UDP.rar-Five sets of p2p code, delphi version thanksharp_tQ_V0 [1] .0.2. Rar mmzmagic_PeerToPeer.rar iamy_P2PChatPlus.rar iamy_P2PChat.rar cyndi_P2P_Demo_UDP.rar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3396608 Publisher : mwm

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是一个P2P方面很重要的资料。讲的比较全面。值得一看。-Are very important aspects of a P2P information. Talking about much more comprehensive. Worth a visit.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 157696 Publisher : wu

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P2P流媒体系统相对于传统客户端/服务器模式流媒体系统由于具有可扩展性高、鲁棒性强、易于实现 负载均衡等特点而得到广泛应用。另一方面,通常需要对P2P流媒体系统性能指标进行评估以对系统设计 进行改进、优化设计参数。但是由于P2P系统的开放性和分布性,系统中没有统一中央控制实体,大量节点 动态加入离开系统会引起网络逻辑拓扑动态变化-P2P streaming media system as opposed to the traditional client/server mode because of streaming media system with high scalability, robustness, ease of implementation features such as load balancing has been widely applied. On the other hand, is usually required for P2P streaming media system to assess the performance indicators to the system design to improve and optimize the design parameters. However, P2P systems because of the openness and distribution, there is no uniform system of central control entity, a large number of nodes leaving the system will dynamically add the logical network topology caused by dynamic changes
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 366592 Publisher : cheng

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P2P文件共享系统,新手入门建议下载阅读.-P2P file-sharing system, beginners learn the recommended reading download.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 110592 Publisher : shan

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本代码实现了P2P流量的监测,实现了对IP包,UDP包,TCP包的抓取,并可对捕捉到的包进行分析!-The code implementation of the P2P traffic monitoring, implementation of the IP packet, UDP packet, TCP packet crawl, and to capture packets for analysis!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5735424 Publisher : 老苗

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P2P简单设计思路源码 20字破解补丁-P2P design easy crack code word 20
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1071104 Publisher : jgf

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 215040 Publisher : 广寒仙

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4216832 Publisher : 李浩

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一个P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现!编译无误,开发环境VC6,有客户端和服务端!-UDP penetration of a P2P principle and implementation of NAT! Correct compiler, development environment VC6, there are client and server!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 572416 Publisher : NiP

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p2p设计时穿越NAT路由器和防火墙,是一篇不错的论文,希望高手可以得到启发将其变为程序。-p2p design through NAT routers and firewalls, is a good thesis, I hope you can be inspired to turn it into the procedure.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1544192 Publisher : xxf

基于P2P技术的流媒体直播服务体系的研究及应用,文件为.kdh文件需要下载CAJview才能打开,开发环境好像没有这类,是用钱买的论文咯。-P2P-based streaming media technology, broadcast service system for the study and application documents. Kdh need to download the file to open CAJview, this type of development environment do not seem to have is the use of paper money to buy pyronaridine.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5611520 Publisher : pjl

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 25600 Publisher : wangron

P2P即时通信系统,可以供大家学习研究,这个代码是英文的-P2P real-time communication system can be for your study, this code is in English
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 264192 Publisher : 莉莉

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P2P即时通讯源码(DELPHI编写),无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。 支持多人消息群发等功能;在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,可在互联网和局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的 传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。 而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少, 可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server、Mysql等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源.-P2P-source instant messaging (DELPHI prepared), without encryption, complete assembly, debugging is very easy and convenient! Send information online or offline, and can be customized news fonts, colors, size and other information to support the insert emoticons, screen interception. Support features such as mass over the news online real-time voice, video chat gateway to penetrate the firewall, the Internet and LAN can be any dialogue system uses advanced peer-to-peer communication technologies, information (including text, voice, video, file) transmission in most cases by the server do not need to turn directly to the machines used by the receiver, transmission faster. But just to play due to server maintenance of the status of a list of users, so rarely occupy resources that allows the number of people online at the same time the more the system has the smallest impact. Can set a variety of off-line state in support of the state of the user to customize the interface can be customi
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6157312 Publisher : Massachusetts

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OMNeT++的一个P2P代码案例,用C++编写-OMNeT++ code in a P2P case, using C++ to prepare
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 刘林峰

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12238848 Publisher :
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