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MATLAB工具箱的神经网络理论与应用程序源代码-MATLAB neural network toolbox of theory and application source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 91136 Publisher : 陈坚

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BP神经网络的C语言实现,具有2隐层,1输出1输入层。程序较严密,内详。-BP neural network of C language, with 2 hidden layer, one output of one input layer. Procedures more closely, in detail.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 40960 Publisher : 舒畅

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神经网络算法,并附有相关的算例,每一个c++源程序对应一个pdf-Neural network algorithm, together with relevant examples, each c++ Source corresponds to a pdf
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 78848 Publisher : zrt

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基于BP神经网络的 参数自学习控制 (1)确定BP网络的结构,即确定输入层节点数M和隐含层节点数Q,并给出各层加权系数的初值 和 ,选定学习速率 和惯性系数 ,此时k=1; (2)采样得到rin(k)和yout(k),计算该时刻误差error(k)=rin(k)-yout(k); (3)计算神经网络NN各层神经元的输入、输出,NN输出层的输出即为PID控制器的三个可调参数 , , ; (4)根据(3.34)计算PID控制器的输出u(k); (5)进行神经网络学习,在线调整加权系数 和 ,实现PID控制参数的自适应调整; (6)置k=k+1,返回(1)。 -Based on the parameters of BP neural network self-learning control (1) to determine the structure of BP network, that is, determine the input layer nodes M and hidden layer nodes Q, and gives all levels of the initial value and the weighted coefficient, the selected learning rate and inertia coefficient, when k = 1 (2) sample has been rin (k) and the yout (k), calculate the moment of error error (k) = rin (k)-yout (k) (3) calculation of neural network NN all floors of the neurons in input and output, NN output layer is the output of PID controller for the three adjustable parameters,, (4) According to (3.34) Calculation of PID controller output u (k) (5) to carry out neural network learning, on-line adjustment of the weighted coefficient and, realize the adaptive PID control parameters adjust (6) purchase k = k+ 1, return (1).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : dake

c++实现的NN—tree的问题。数据的产生可以随便设定-c++ realize the NN-tree problem. Data generated can be set
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2067456 Publisher : 周孝琼

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用Matlab实现数字提取与识别(手写体的数字识别)-Using Matlab realize the number of extraction and identification (handwritten digital identification)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 126976 Publisher : 张生

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《神经网络模式识别及其实现》源程序 希望对大家有用
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 557056 Publisher : jason

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29696 Publisher : pq

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小波神经网络进行短期电力负荷预测的matlab代码。希望对大家有帮助。-Wavelet neural network short-term load forecasting of matlab code. We want to help.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李亮

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RBF-NN,径向基神经网络。已通过了一些列验证,应该好使。-RBF-NN, RBF neural network. Has adopted a number of out verification, it should be so.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 王明

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nn modelling and auto-pid controller
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 14336 Publisher : fling

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众所周知,MATLAB是一个功能强大的数学软件,擅长于用矩阵运算完成各种数学功能。但是其程序需要在MATLAB环境下解释执行,效率不高。如果能将它强大的函数库用于C语言,利用C来编译执行,MATLAB将能发挥更大的作用。所以,MATLAB从5.0开始已经提供了与外部C/C++程序的应用程序接口,为利用C语言调用MATLAB的函数提供了可能。-As we all know, MATLAB is a powerful mathematical software, specializes in the completion of matrix operations with mathematical functions. However, its procedures need to explain the implementation of MATLAB environment, efficiency is not high. If it can be a powerful function library for C language, using C to compile the implementation, MATLAB will be able to play a greater role. Therefore, MATLAB has been provided from the 5.0 to start with the outside C/C++ Process application programming interface for the use of C language function calls MATLAB possible.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : rolandwen

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神经网络与pid混合控制源程序,可以很好的解决非线性控制问题-Neural network and hybrid control pid source can be a very good solution to nonlinear control problems
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李凯

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一个完整BP神经网络源代码,包括数据和说明文档,很有用的。-A complete BP neural network source code, including data and documentation, very useful.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 333824 Publisher : flying

遗传算法初始化网络权值及其阈值参数 提高控制性能-Genetic algorithm to initialize the network weights and threshold parameters improve control performance
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 529408 Publisher : zxx

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利用matlab编写的神经网络算法,经过测试速度快效果好。-Prepared using matlab neural network algorithm, tested the effect of a good speed.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 413696 Publisher : zhangqing

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基于MATLAB完成的神经网络源程序 大家-Based on the MATLAB neural network to complete the U.S. source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 57344 Publisher : liyuanxia

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线性神经网络,BP神经网络,Hopfield神经网格,Elman神经网络,RBF神经网络;在模型应用模块中实现了六种实际应用:RBF网络的船用柴油机故障诊断,BP网络的齿轮箱故障诊断,SOM网络的回热系统故障诊断,BP网络的设备状态分类器,SOM网络的人口比例样本分类,SOM网络的土壤性状样本分类。-Linear neural network, BP neural network, Hopfield neural network, Elman neural network, RBF neural network application modules in the model to achieve practical application of Six: RBF network of marine diesel engine fault diagnosis, BP network gearbox fault diagnosis, SOM network regenerative system fault diagnosis, BP network classifier equipment, SOM network the proportion of the population sample classification, SOM network classification of soil samples.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 711680 Publisher : haozi

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PCA-NN的讲义,内含PCA的基本结构和基本原理的研究以及程序的编写仿真-PCA-NN lectures, PCA contains the basic structure and the basic tenets of research, as well as procedures for the preparation of simulation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 86016 Publisher : 李全林

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使用遗传算法(GA)优化神经网络(NN)结构的C语言源程序-The use of genetic algorithms (GA) optimization of neural networks (NN) structure of C language source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 44032 Publisher : ann
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