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直接压缩成mp3的录音机程序,录音过程中不需要产生.wav文件,边录音边压缩,处理速度快,节约磁盘空间,尤其对长时间录音非常合理。本程序可以录制单声道、立体声、左声道、右声道的语音。录音和播放过程中都有实时的波形显示。特别感谢我的好朋友李志刚的指点,由于他的提醒,我从使用mciSendXXX()改用waveInXXX()。-directly into compressed MP3 recorders procedures, the process of recording have not. Wav file, while recording edge compression, fast processing speed and save disk space, especially for long recording very reasonable. This procedure can record mono, stereo, left channel, right channel voice. Recording and playback process have real-time waveform display. Special thanks to my good friend, Li Zhigang's instructions, he reminded, I use mciSendXXX () switch waveInXXX ().
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 310087 Publisher : 谢红伟

BASS 庫是目前世界上最好的音頻解碼器之一,世界上有無數的音頻開發的愛好者都在用它開發自己喜歡的音頻播放器,BASS 庫在個人使用是完全免費的. Audio Object 就是利用 BASS 庫開發的一套音頻播放系統.最重要的是它完全開發源代碼! 它可以播放的音頻文件有 MP3/MOD/WMA/CDA 等流行的音頻格式,通過插件的形式,你更可以將它擴展可以播放 DIVX 的 AVI 電影.上傳的壓縮包裡面包含了: 1.主程序的源代碼 2.已經可以作為免費軟件使用的安裝程序 3.Audio Object的 NSIS 的安裝腳本 4.其他有關的 Skin 類的演示 5.插件(PlugIn)的接口源源代碼 6.如何劃波形頻譜的顯示 ********** 1.這套音頻播放器的源代碼沒有使用任何三方控件,你隻要解壓縮後,設置 OutPut 路徑指向到 Debug 目錄,就可以使用了. 2.裡面的 WinUX DEMO是要使用 TMS 的 TMS Skin Factory 的皮膚,請去 TMS 下載相應的版本安裝才能編譯! ********** ....更多功能,等待你的發掘與開發!因為它是開源的! 如果可以的話,以後我將繼續上傳 BASS 庫的應用程序. 使用 Audio Object 這套軟件,請遵循 GPL/GNU 的協議進行, BASS 庫的使用也請遵循此協議進行使用!-BASS Library is the world's best audio decoder one of the world have developed numerous audio enthusiasts are using it to develop their own favorite audio player, BASS for the personal use is completely free of charge. Audio Object is used for the development of the BASS set audio playback systems. The most important it is completely open source code! it can play the audio files are MP3/MOD/WMA/CDA popular audio format, through the plug-in, you can expand it can play DIVX AVI movie. Upload compressed inside includes : 1. the main program source code 2. as has been the use of free software installation procedures 3.Audio Object Supported the installation of four scripts. the other kind of demonstration Skin 5. plug-in (PlugIn) interface code stream 6. how is zoned spectrum waveform disp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4936773 Publisher : 哈哈

VC6.0可谓是微软的王牌产品,它以强大的功能而赢得了广大程序员的爱好。而用VC的AppWizard、ClassWizard和其中的各种控件可以方便地建立应用程序。 本文就介绍用VC6.0自带的一个ActiveX控件----ActiveMovieControl Object,来建立自己的多媒体播放器。此多媒体具有一般的播放功能,能播放*.mp3,*.wma,*.mdi,*.wav,*.avi,*.dat等文件,还有Repeat功能-VC6.0 is Microsoft's flagship product, which features a powerful and won the majority of programmers love. Using VC +5.0, ClassWizard, and the various controls which can easily build applications. This paper introduces a VC6.0's own ActiveX Object-ActiveMovieControl to build their own multimedia players. This is a general multimedia player, which will be available *. mp3, *. wma, *. MDI, *. wav, *. avi, *. dat documents, Repeat function
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11768 Publisher : sun

心愿音乐系统1.1 测试结果 采用风声无组件上传,可以上传 2m以下的文件 这个可能跟网速有关系,我测试上传4k/秒 有其他根好上传组件和好的建议方法请跟我联系 qq:112934475 1内核采用风声无组件上传类 v2.0 2代码容易维护采用Macromedia Dreamweaver MX软件编写 一 文件说明 conn.asp 连接数据库,第一次使用修改数据库名称 index.asp 音乐系统首页 player.asp 播放器支持 mp3/wma/asf/rm/ram的格式的播放 error.asp 错误提示页 息 pic文件夹 放网页图片资料 风声无组件上传类 v2.0几个重要文件 upload1.asp UpLoadClass.asp function.js UpLoadFile文件夹 上传专用文件夹 数据库 UpLoadClass.mdb 版本升级说明 2004-7.29(心愿音乐系统1.1) 添加 推荐歌曲 top歌曲 上传歌曲 作者菜单导航! 2004-7-27 心愿音乐系统 欢迎大家来测试!1.0 qq:112934475-wish Music System 1.1 test results without using wind components upload 2m following documents with the network speed may be related I upload test 4k / s other well-Upload components and a good way please contact me http : / / / qq : 112934475 1 core components without using wind upload type 2 v2.0 easier to maintain code using Macro media Dreamweaver MX software to prepare a document explains conn.asp connect to the database , the first to use a modified name database system index.asp Home player.asp music player mp3/wma/asf/rm/ram support for the format of error messages broadcast error.asp interest pic folder Fang website photos without wind components upload category v2.0 several important documents Uploader d1.asp UpLoadClass.asp function.js UpLoadFile Upload fold
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30349 Publisher : 张天师

Frank s MP3 Player Source Files-s MP3 Player Source Files
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 110013 Publisher : 张锡良

VC6.0可谓是微软的王牌产品,它以强大的功能而赢得了广大程序员的爱好。而用VC的AppWizard、ClassWizard和其中的各种控件可以方便地建立应用程序。 本文就介绍用VC6.0自带的一个ActiveX控件----ActiveMovieControl Object,来建立自己的多媒体播放器。此多媒体具有一般的播放功能,能播放*.mp3,*.wma,*.mdi,*.wav,*.avi,*.dat等文件,还有Repeat功能-VC6.0 is Microsoft's flagship product, which features a powerful and won the majority of programmers love. Using VC +5.0, ClassWizard, and the various controls which can easily build applications. This paper introduces a VC6.0's own ActiveX Object-ActiveMovieControl to build their own multimedia players. This is a general multimedia player, which will be available *. mp3, *. wma, *. MDI, *. wav, *. avi, *. dat documents, Repeat function
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22345 Publisher : 张奇

MFFM Bit Stream A C++ heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum efficiency/ease of use. Write or read bit streams for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logic syntax streams as well Operating System: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)-MFFM A Bit Stream C heirachy for reading and writing bit streams. Implemented for maximum e fficiency / ease of use. Write or read bit stream s for audio and video protocols such as mpeg (mp3 ), H.263, etc. Many parallel streams could be used in logi c syntax streams as well Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted lang uage)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 59222 Publisher : shan

支持现今多数主流的声音和影像格式。 本说明书还为你提供了其他多种功能的使用,例如:你可以: 打开、建立、播放、储存声音文件 从影片中抓取音轨 可录制从网络、声卡、或其它地方来的声音档案,包括来自DVD / VCD / CD播放器的声频, MP3播放器,RealPlayer,Windows媒体播放器。-support of the majority of today's mainstream voice and video format. The brochures also provide you with a variety of other features, such as : You can : Open creation, playback, document storage voices from the films can crawl soundtrack recording from the network, sound cards, or to other parts of the audio files. from DVD / VCD / CD player audio, MP3 player, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1005730 Publisher : yuanzheng

DL : 0
musicTree is a java application that allows you to view and play your MP3 files from a tree which sorts albums by artist. It allows you to easily navigate your music collection and play albums at random, to play all the songs by a specific artist etc. -musicTree is a java application that allow s you to view and play your MP3 files from a tree wh ich sorts albums by artist. It allows you to Easi ly navigate your music collection and play Albu ms at random, to play all the songs by a specific artist etc.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 142794 Publisher : 陆游

一款相當不錯用的音樂播放器 可支援 MP3, MPGA, WAV, MIDI, AU, WMA and ASF 想學習的人可以-one is quite good with the music player supports MP3, multimodal partheno-genetic algorithm, WAV, MIDI, AU, WMA and ASF who want to learn can s
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 58497 Publisher : jj541031

LAME无疑是目前最优秀的MP3编码软件,与传统的MP3编码器相比,它能够更好地利用人耳遮蔽效应,并且支持VBR(可变码率)以及joint stero(联合立体声)技术,从而在一定的压缩比达到了更好的听音效果。所以,使用LAME编码的MP3具有细节丰富、高频失真小的优点。这是最新发布的4.0 Alpha版本,编码速度有了非常大的改善,但是音质效果却并没有提高的迹象。推荐使用VBR-0方式编码。 HTTP://WWW.PSPHOME.NET   里面有个:工具软件   文件名是:Lame392和RozarLame115-LAME is undoubtedly the best MP3 encoding software with the traditional MP3 encoder than it can make better use of people's ears shadowing effect, support VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and the joint stero (joint stereo), so in a certain compression ratio to achieve a better listening effect. Therefore, the use LAME MP3 encoding with a richly detailed, high-frequency distortion of small advantages. This is the latest release of version 4.0 Alpha, encoding speed with a very big improvement, But sound quality has not improved signs. Recommended VBR-0 encoded. HTTP : / / WWW.PSPHOME.NET inside out : Tools software files are : Lame392 and RozarLame115
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 623534 Publisher : 李飞

基于TI的DSP处理器TMS320VC5402的MP3压缩和解压缩源码,已编译通过,并经过实际测试。希望对各位做嵌入式开发的朋友有所帮助。-based on TI's TMS320VC5402 DSP processor MP3 compression source, compiled through, and after the actual test. Do you want to develop embedded friends help.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 36208 Publisher : 王阿蒙

DL : 0
LibMPEG3 decodes several MPEG standards into uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. libmpeg3 currently decodes: MPEG-2 video MPEG-1 video mp3 audio mp2 audio ac3 audio MPEG-2 transport streams MPEG-2 program streams MPEG-1 program streams IFO files The video output can be in many different color models and frame sizes. The audio output can be in twos compliment or floating point. Frame accurate seeking, normally impossible in transport streams, is possible in libmpeg3 through the use of a table of contents. MPEG-2 video in YUV-422 colorspace is decodable. Digital TV broadcasts and DVD s can be edited using libmpeg3. Libmpeg3 takes what is normally a last mile distribution format and makes it editable. Because of these and other features libmpeg3 is not intended for consumer applications but serves users who are interested in high quality editing and footage acquisition. -several LibMPEG3 decodes MPEG standards i nto uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. libmpeg3 currently decodes : MPEG-2 video in MPEG-1 video mp3 audio mp2 audio ac 3 audio MPEG-2 transport streams MPEG-2 progr m streams MPEG-1 program streams IFO files The v ideo output can be in many different color model 's and frame sizes. The audio output can be in twos compliment or floating point. Frame's accurate eeking. normally impossible in transport streams. in libmpeg3 is possible through the use of a tabl e of contents. MPEG-2 video in YUV-422 colorspa ce is decodable. Digital TV broadcasts and DVD's can be edited using libmpeg3. Libmpeg3 takes wh at is normally a last mile a distribution format nd makes it editable. Because of these and other libmpeg3 features is n
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 712446 Publisher : robo

100% Java: ID3 tag, Exif, JPEG, TIFF, MP3, MP4, lossless editor/viewer/player/organizer. All Internet protocols publishing. A separate Jpeg manipulation library. Full iPod support - smart playlist, artwork, video. RAW is about to add. -100% Java : ID3 tag, Exif, JPEG, TIFF, MP3, MP4, lossless editor / viewer / player / organizer. A 'll Internet protocols publishing. A separate J peg manipulation library. Full support iPod-s mart playlist, artwork, video. RAW is about to add.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2178592 Publisher : 戴奕

DL : 0
mp3演示程序,有mp3的可以下载看看,是个比较好用的程序。-mp3 demo procedures, it can be downloaded mp3's see, is a relatively user-friendly procedures.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3969 Publisher : 政鹰

TI的DM642 DSP上的MP3编码优化代码,关键部分为线性汇编优化-TI's DM642 DSP MP3 encoding optimized code, the key part of the compilation of linear optimization
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37498 Publisher : 李宾

DL : 0
MFC IIS防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(MFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/ISAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIS 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings] url= 允许外部链接的网站地址 以\"|\"号分开 如\"|\" extension=gif|jpg|png|psd|bmp|swf|midi|wav|mp3|wma|avi|mpg|wmv|asf|rm|rmvb|zip|rar 需要过滤 监测的文件类型 以\"|\"号分开 speed=50 文件下载速度 单位\"K\" 需知 因为网络环境的不同 没那么准确 thread=2 单文件下载最大线程-MFC IIS defense Daolian vc Development Environment 7.0 (MFC) / windows 2003's p1 / iis6.1 main functions : a defense Daolian two restrictions download threads number three download speed limit use : an open Internet Information Services (IIS) Management / local computer / website / Default Web / Attribute / ISAPI Filter / add two names casually paper of your choice extract from the three heavy relink.dll Kai IIS 4 Open ReLink.ini specific parameters : [settings] url = allow external link to the website address of the "|", as separate "xfrog. cn | "extension = gif | jpg | png | psd | bm p | swf | midi | wav | mp3 | wma | avi | mpg | wmv | asf | r m | RealNetworks | zip | rar need to filter monitoring the file type "|" = 50 separate speed File Downl
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12438 Publisher : 莫飞

DL : 1
mp3播放器的delphi设计,功能: 1。主窗口。 主窗口的功能有:动态显示音频波表,左右声道调整,暂停,继续,循环,下一首,上一首等。 2。歌曲目录。 这个程序是完全模拟Winamp写成的。不论是主窗口还使三个窗口的组合,在歌曲目录窗口中支持双击某首歌曲的播放,支持多个文件的同时打开,支持从资源管理器中拖放文件,支持歌曲目录的二次打开和保存,通过主窗口您能有选择的播放单个文件,按顺序播放和随机播放目录表中的文件。-mp3 player's delphi design, function : 1. Main window. The main window function : Dynamic Display audio wave form around channel adjustments, suspended, continued, cycle, the next first, such as on a. 2. Song catalog. This procedure is entirely written in mock Winamp. Whether it is the main window has three windows so that the combination of the song catalog window of a double-click support for the broadcast of the first song, support multiple documents open at the same time, support from the resource management for dragging and dropping documents, support the second song catalog and preserve the open, through the main window you can choose to broadcast a single document, sequential and random broadcast broadcast table of contents of the file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 567622 Publisher : 贾国净

Unreal Media Server - is a streaming server for Windows operating systems. Both media files and live media streams are supported. File types include all the types playable by MS DirectShow, namely: AVI (DivX, XVid, any other encoding), MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPA, WMV, WMA, ASF, MP3, QuickTime (version 2 and lower). Playlist functionality allows to automatically play all the files of server s virtual folder in a loop mode.-Unreal Media Server - is a streaming server for Windows operating systems. Both media file 's and live media streams are supported. File typ es include all the types playable by MS DirectSh ow, namely : AVI (DivX, XVid, and any other encoding). MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPA, WMV, WMA, ASF, MP3, QuickTime (version 2 and lower). Playlist func tionality allows to automatically play all the files of server's virtual folder in a loop mode.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 719969 Publisher : amkoxie

经过一段时间的使用,上次的硬盘MP3播放器增加了USB下载文件功能; 汉字LCD显示功能;子文件夹功能等。并对软件做了一些修改。并将 硬件电路图画出来了。由于做得仓促,难免有不妥之处,请大家谅解, 欢迎指出错误。谢谢。 现在情况如下: 支持FAT32,FAT16/12还未做。 支持USB下载文件功能,速度300KB/S左右(USB1.1)。 无录音功能。 7.5*2个汉字LCD显示功能,能显示歌曲名,路径名(滚动显示) 支持多个文件夹功能。 有前后选曲、暂停、软件音量、高、中、低音控制,重低音音效等功能。 无软关机功能,现在拔电源操作^_^。 软件还在完善中,有一些bug。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 304292 Publisher : 徐涛
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