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Update : 2008-05-25 Size : 49236 Publisher : firstgjb

基于嵌入式实时多任务操作系统ucos-ii的GUI的源码,精炼实用-Source code of GUI based on ucos-ii, very small and useful.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 957635 Publisher : cguo

DL : 1
The purpose of this program is to enable building a config file to the radarFDTD package using a modern GUI.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 165319 Publisher : 蒋长宏

ucos+Fs+GUI商业版,这可是商业版的用钱买的,只用于学习,用于商业的拥护自己去购买-This is commercial version of ucos+Fs+GUI. You can only use it for study purpose. You should purchase it for commercial purpos.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2756511 Publisher : 杨见

Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 + uC-OSii + uC-GUI 完美的综合到了一起,学习arm最好用这个程序,一次可以学到2个系统:uCOSII+uCGUI,完整版本,共5.3M,240x32OLCD.-Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 uC - OSii uC-perfect GUI integrated together to learn with the best arm of this process, one can learn two systems : uCOSII uCGUI, complete version, a total of 5.3M, 240x32OLCD.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5582016 Publisher : 张天健

uC/GUI 功能演示,部分程序有所改动,如有问题请参考uC/GUI原版.仅供学习研究,所有版权归麦克泰公司所有. -uC / GUI functional demonstration, some changes in procedures, if any problems please refer uC / GUI original. Only studying all Banquangui Maiketai Company.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1750802 Publisher : 张忠义

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44b0开发板上UC/GUI移植的例子,对初学者很有帮助-44b0 development board UC / GUI transplantation example, useful for beginners
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 709317 Publisher : 东方白

DL : 1
应用matlab的gui进行界面编程的例子,教会你如何使用matlab的gui-gui application of Matlab programming interface for example, the church how you use Matlab gui
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42795 Publisher : 马燕

第六章 Java的GUI设计 6.1 java.awt 6.2 AWT组件 6.3窗口和菜单设计 6.4布局管理 6.5Java图形设计 6.6Java2D -Chapter VI Java GUI design 2C_Standard_Edition 6.1 6.3 6.2 AWT components window and menu design layout management 6.5Java 6.4 graphic design 6.6Java2D
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 53271 Publisher : 韩方民

网络电视机顶盒GUI系统的设计与实现,要参考的自己下载吧 -Network TV set-top box GUI system design and implementation, the reference to download it
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 134749 Publisher : 王海

构建GUI的教程第二版。已编译的英文版。-GUI Construction Guide 2nd Edition. Compiled in English.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6311174 Publisher : 亚当斯

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MATLAB6P5下的GUI设计-实时参数二阶时域曲线的自动绘制.rar-MATLAB6P5 of GUI design-second real-time time-domain parameters of the curve automatic drawing. Rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 222987 Publisher : limuln

java类的实现,在游戏及大的操作系统中GUI是个中转站,在此代码中体现出来-kind of realized, in the big games and operating system GUI is a transit point, in this code to reflect
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 846 Publisher : 小刚

GUI ofUCos2 适合有开发经验的人看-ofUCos2 GUI development experience for a person to see
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4149777 Publisher : 成康

Rational Robot使用﹕如何在GUI腳本中添加數據池。-Rational Robot : how to add GUI scripting data pool.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3370 Publisher : fyp

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这是周立功公司的ZLG GUI源代码,你只要简单的实现几个底层的LCD基本命令和读写操作就可以移植到你的51,AVR,ARM7,ARM9上,GUI类似微软窗口,基于消息的,内附文档说明,开发简单。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2936425 Publisher : 丁海

ucos-ii的图形界面移植,ucos-ii的图形界面移植-OUT-ii GUI transplant, OUT-ii GUI transplant
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3139633 Publisher : mana

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HGE 2D游戏引擎 GUI 控件扩展 老外的例子,实现了常用的按钮、列表框、下拉等控件。。。(HGE 2D game engine GUI control extension Foreigner's example, the realization of commonly used buttons, list box, drop-down and other controls...)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 29696 Publisher : 我为人人

本设计为基于MATLAB的指纹识别系统。带GUI可视化平台。本设计系统主要对指纹图像进行三方面处理:图像预处理、特征提取和特征匹配。图像预处理包括四个步骤:图像灰度化、滤波增强、二值化、细化,对指纹图像进行预处理后,去除了原图像的冗余部分,方便后续的识别处理;特征提取主要是提取指纹图像细化后的端点和分叉点;特征匹配是利用两个指纹的图像进行特征点比较,来确定两幅图像是否来自于同一手指。(This design is based on Matlab fingerprint identification system. With GUI visualization platform. This design system mainly processes fingerprint image in three aspects: image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature matching. Image preprocessing includes four steps: image graying, filtering enhancement, binarization and thinning. After preprocessing the fingerprint image, the redundant part of the original image is removed to facilitate the subsequent identification processing; feature extraction is mainly to extract the refined endpoint and bifurcation point of fingerprint image; feature matching is to determine two images by comparing the feature points of two fingerprint images If it comes from the same finger.)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3466240 Publisher : MATLAB道长

本课题为基于MATLAB的小波变换dwt和离散余弦dct的多方法对比数字水印系统。带GUI交互界面。有一个主界面GUI,可以调用dwt方法的子界面和dct方法的子界面。流程包括,读取宿主图像和水印图像,嵌入,多种方法的攻击(剪切,加噪,旋转等),提取,最后利用psnr峰值信噪比进行评价不同攻击下,鲁棒性的好坏。(This project is based on MATLAB wavelet transform DWT and discrete cosine DCT multi method contrast digital watermarking system. With GUI interactive interface. There is a main interface GUI, which can call the sub interfaces of DWT method and DCT method. The process includes: reading host image and watermark image, embedding, attacks of various methods (cutting, adding noise, rotation, etc.), extracting. Finally, PSNR peak signal-to-noise ratio is used to evaluate the robustness of different attacks.)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 10000384 Publisher : MATLAB道长
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