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EA的j2me游戏,可以反编译,可以参考其实现-EA J2ME games, can decompile, can refer to the realization
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 62477 Publisher : lu

很好的树标签,可以减少大家的工作量,大家可要赶快下载呀-good tree labels, we can reduce the workload, Members should quickly download ah
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 111333 Publisher : 李庆

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关于javamail的代码,里面有许多java代码 可以发送电子邮件等-on the code, there are many java code can send e-mail
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2402422 Publisher : ysh

Decoding most of the infrared signals can be easily handled by PIC16C5X microcontrollers. This application note describes how this decoding may be done. The only mandatory hardware for decoding IR signals is an infrared receiver. The use of two types is described here. Both are modular types used often by the consumer electronics industry. The first type responds to infrared signals modulated at about 40 kHz. The second responds to non-modulated infrared pulses and has a restricted range. The hardware costs of each approach will be less than two dollars.-Decoding most of the infrared signals can b e easily handled by PIC16C5X microcontrollers . This application note describes how this deco ding may be done. The only mandatory hardware fo r decoding IR signals is an infrared receiver. T he use of two types is described here. Both are mo dular types used often by the consumer electron ICs industry. The first type responds to infrar ed modulated signals at about 40 kHz. The second responds to non-modulated infrared pulses and has a restricted range. The hardware costs of ea ch approach will be less than two dollars.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 188924 Publisher : torry

移植到MCS51的uCOS_II。 1。在文件OS_CORE.C中OSMapTbl和OSUnMapTbl数组用于查表,所以应该放在code里。 增加code关键字。UCOS_II.H和OS_CORE.C。 2。OS_CFG.H堆栈大小MaxStkSize改为900。 3。OS_CPU_C.C的InitTimer0函数增加了关于开T0中断的解释。 允许T0中断,此时EA=0(51上电缺省值),中断还不会发生,满足在OSStart()前不产生中断的要求。 4。修改中断处理流程,以便严密监视中断嵌套情况。每个中断进入后立即进行OSIntNesting+1原语操作。 5。增加printf函数的移植,支持灵活的数据显示。支持标准或长二进制/八进制/十进制/十六进制/无符号整数, 支持字符、字符串、浮点数、百分号%。其中,浮点数在整个范围内被完全支持,统一采用科学记数法显示。 -transplanted to the MCS51 uCOS_II. 1. In the document which OSMapTbl OS_CORE.C and OSUnMapTbl array for Lookup, Therefore, it should be placed on code Lane. Increased code keyword. UCOS_II.H and OS_CORE.C. 2. OS_CFG.H MaxStkSize stack size to 900. 3. OS_CPU_C.C InitTimer0 function of the increase on the open T0 interrupted explained. Allow T0 interruption, this time EA = 0 (51 electricity default value), also will not be interrupted. meet the OSStart () do not have interrupted the former requirements. 4. Changes interrupt handling procedures, in order to closely monitor the situation interrupt nesting. Each interruption immediately after entering OSIntNesting a primitive operation. 5. Printf function to increase the transplant, support flexible data show. Support for standard or long binar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 157834 Publisher : zhangk

Code Examples for The JavaTM Class Libraries: Second Edition, Volume 2 These are the JavaTM code examples from the book. We have packaged them up to make them easy for you to download.-Code Examples for The JavaTM Class Librari es : Second Edition, Volume 2 These are the code examples from JavaTM the book. We have packaged them up to make them ea sy for you to download.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1321890 Publisher : 无名

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The goal of this project is to explore the idea of point-based radiosity, which is a shooting radiosity technique suggested by Mark Harris at UNC. The primary idea is that features available in graphics hardware can be utilized to perform radiosity calculations. Facilities such as flat shading, diffuse lighting, projective textures, and mipmapping can be used to replace traditional numerical solutions for radiosity. -The goal of this project is to explore the id ea of point-based radiosity. which is a shooting radiosity technique sugges ted by Mark Harris at UNC. The primary idea is tha t features available in graphics hardware can b e utilized to perform radiosity calculations. Facilities such as flat shading. diffuse lighting, projective textures, mipmapping and can be used to replace tradition al numerical solutions for radiosity.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 142856 Publisher : gongjian

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This version of malloc for VxWorks contains two different algorithms. One is the BSD based Kingsley \"bucket\" allocator which has some unique fragmentation behavior. The other is Doug Lea s well tested allocator that tries to minimize fragmentation while keeping the speed/space requirements. 非常实用,可移植用作实现跨平台的嵌入式的内存分配机制.-This version of malloc for VxWorks contain 's two different algorithms. One is the BSD-based Kingsley, "bucket" allocator which has some uni que fragmentation behavior. The other is Doug L. ea's well tested allocator that tries to minimiz e fragmentation while keeping the speed / space requirements. very practical, can be used for transplantation to achieve cross-platform embedded memory allocation mechanism.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26734 Publisher : nico zhu

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To write a managed event sink, you must link to the PIA that contains the necessary interfaces and implement the interfaces that correspond to the events that need to be handled. Optionally, you can link to the assembly that contains the easier-to-use wrappers for these interfaces. The following example illustrates how to write a managed SMTP event sink in CSharp that handles inbound commands. Use this type of sink to handle inbound SMTP commands and messages, and to process them as needed. -To write a managed event sink. you must link to the PIA that contains the necess Indigenous interfaces and implement the interfaces th at correspond to the events that need to be handl ed. Optionally, you can link to the assembly that contains the ea sier-to-use wrappers for these interfaces. Th e following example illustrates how to write a m Managed SMTP event sink in that handles in CSharp bound commands. Use this type of sink to handle i nbound SMTP commands and messages. and to process them as needed.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 463256 Publisher : maicklove

4月ARIS7.0发布会上,案例2-基于业务流程管理平台的企业架构(EA)及德国大众集团案例分享-April ARIS7.0 conference, Case 2-based business process management platform enterprise architecture (EA) and Germany's Volkswagen Group sharing case
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3361589 Publisher : 杨锐

红外线遥控器解码程序(汇编) ORG 0000H AJMP MAIN ORG 0003H 外部中断INT0入口地址 AJMP INT 转中断服务子程序 MAIN: MOV SP,#40H MOV P1,#00H SETB EA 开CPU中断 SETB IT0 设定INT0触发方式 SETB EX0 INT0请求中断 DSP: MOV R2,#9 将遥控器键值转化成A(0~9) MOV DPTR,#TAB1 VV: MOV A,R2 MOVC A,@A+DPTR XRL A,1CH JZ ABC DJNZ R2,VV ABC: MOV A,R2 MOV DPTR,#TAB ;将A的值通过数码管显示出来 -infrared remote control decoder (Compendium) ORG 0000H AJMP MAIN ORG 000 3H external interrupt INT0 address AJMP INT entrance to a break in service subroutine MAIN : MOV SP, # 40H MOV P1, # 00H CPU SETB EA opening set interrupted SETB Indium-Tin-Oxide Substrates INT0 trigger mode SETB EX0 INT0 request interrupted DSP : MOV R2, # 9 will be the remote control keys into A (0 ~ 9) MOV DPTR, # TAB1 VV : MOV A, R2 MOVC A, @ A DPTR photolithography A, interruptive JZ ABC DJNZ R2, VV ABC : MOV A, R2 MOV DPTR, # TAB; A digital value through the tube show
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1340 Publisher : ttforgo

generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point.-generates putative matches between previ ously detected feature points in two images by l ooking for points that are maximally correlate d with each other within windows surrounding ea ch point.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3039 Publisher : suyu

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This small program is designed to demux a MPEG 2 file (also called Program Stream).Such movie file it s composed from various packs (video,audio,data,etc.). What this program does is to list every packet in a MPEG2 file along with some info about each pack.It might be interesting to know exactly how much audio or video your movie really contains.-This small program is designed to demux a MP EG 2 file (also called Program Stream). Such mov ie file it's composed from various packs (video, audio, data, etc.) . What this program does is to list every pa cket in a MPEG2 file along with some info about ea ch pack.It might be interesting to know exactly how much your audio or video movie really contai ns.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27554 Publisher : zhangqing

先进 PID 控制及其 MATLAB 仿真(教材+相关程序) 刘金琨 著 电 子 工 业 出 版 社 内 容 简 介 本书从 MATLAB 仿真角度系统地介绍了 PID 控制的基本理论、基本方法和应用技术,是作者多年来从事控制系统教学和科研工作的结晶,同时融入了国内外同行近年来所取得的新成果。 全书共分十章,包括连续系统和离散系统的 PID 控制,常用数字 PID 控制,专家 PID和模糊 PID 控制,神经 PID 控制,遗传算法 PID 控制,多变量解耦 PID 控制,几种先进的PID 控制,灰色 PID 控制,伺服系统 PID 控制,PID 实时控制,每种方法都通过 MATLAB 仿真程序进行了说明。本书各部分内容既相互联系又相互独立,读者可根据自己需要选择学习。本书适用于从事生产过程自动化、计算机应用、机械电子和电气自动化领域工作的工程技术人员阅读,也可作为大专院校工业自动化、自动控制、机械电子、自动化仪表、计算机应用等专业的教学参考书。-advanced PID control and MATLAB (materials related procedures) with the electronics industry, Hangzhou Press Description of the book from the perspective of MATLAB simulation system introduced PID control of the basic theory, Basic methods and techniques, is the author of control systems for years to teaching and research work at the crystallization Meanwhile at home and abroad into the peer in recent years has made new achievements. The book is divided into 10 chapters, including discrete and continuous system of PID control system, commonly used digital PID control, Expert PID and fuzzy PID control, neural PID control, genetic algorithm PID control, Multivariable decoupling PID control, several advanced PID control, gray PID control, PID control servo system, PID control in real time, ea
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2937095 Publisher : 潇耳

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 213922 Publisher : zhouliang

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10338917 Publisher : 唐和生

Flex EA - Default Equity Trail Set File
Update : 2024-02-27 Size : 1868 Publisher : mshehzad7

Flex EA - Default Equity Trail Set File
Update : 2024-02-27 Size : 2734 Publisher : mshehzad7

Flex EA - Default Equity Trail Set File fot automatic trading on Meta Trader 4
Update : 2024-02-27 Size : 2734 Publisher : mshehzad7

Flex EA - Default Equity Trail Set File fot automatic trading on Meta Trader 4
Update : 2024-02-27 Size : 2734 Publisher : mshehzad7
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