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用DirectX9编写的一个简单的3D程序-A sample 3d program developed with directx9
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 119626 Publisher : 梁白鸥

Drectx 3D图形游戏编程实例源代码,包括directx9初始化、图形的着色、顶点缓冲及3D效果等-Drectx game 3D graphics programming source code examples, including directx9 initialization, graphics rendering, a vertex buffer and 3D effects
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1560927 Publisher : 张文广

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DirectX9 SDK开发的一个程序,它初始化了DX9系统并载入了3D模型。-DirectX9 SDK development of a procedure, it initialization of the system and DX9 included in the 3D model.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 249740 Publisher : 张朋

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利用directx9实现火球的爆炸-use directx9 achieve fireball explosion!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28165 Publisher : 微微

directshow的中文帮助文档,使用更加方便-Chinese directshow help documentation, easier to use
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1531904 Publisher : 陈亭

书名: Introduction to 3D Game Programmingwith DirectX- 9.0c - A Shader Approach 经典的DirectX 9.0c入门书籍龙书的2006年新版本, 相比03年的那般增加了非常多的内容, 包含的技术足够让读者做出一个简单但完整的游戏. 这本书在网上一直只有一个chm的版本, 非常不便于阅读, 现在托亚马逊kindle的福, 官方电子书版出现, 本人有幸获得, 并在此分享. -Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c: A Shader Approach presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using real-time shaders with DirectX 9.0. The book is divided into three parts that explain basic mathematical and 3D concepts, show how to describe 3D worlds and implement fundamental 3D rendering techniques, and demonstrate the application of Direct3D to create a variety of special effects. With this book: Understand basic mathematical tools used in video game creation such as vectors, matrices, and transformations. Discover how to describe and draw interactive 3D scenes using Direct3D and the D3DX library. Learn how to implement lighting, texture mapping, alpha blending, and stenciling using shaders and the high-level shading language (HLSL). Explore a variety of techniques for creating special effects, including vertex blending, character animation, terrain rendering, multi-texturing, particle systems,
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9468928 Publisher : Kelyad

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中文版讲解DirectX9方方面面,适用于DirectX初学者。-Chinese version of DirectX9 to explain all aspects of DirectX for beginners.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1437696 Publisher : boom

游戏爱好者学习代码,3d游戏场景。包含4部分:地形、LOD、天空盒、水面。directX9.0-Enthusiasts learn the game code, 3d game scene. Contains four parts: terrain, LOD, sky boxes, water. directX9.0
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29124608 Publisher : 张晓一

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DirectX 9.0的入门开发教程的pdf,非常适合刚接触DirectX 9.0的新手的英文教材,较为容易理解-the pdf of DirectX 9 introductory development tutorial, very suitable for new to DirectX 9 novice English textbook, relatively easy to understand
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2078720 Publisher : marui

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DirectX9.0下建模 控制摄像机旋转视角 达到移动 旋转的效果-The DirectX9.0 modeling control the camera rotate the camera to move the rotating effect
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 兰志强

这是DirectX 9.0SDK和DirectX 9.0bSDK的下载地址我找了好久,DirectX 9.0SDK是支持VC++6.0的包含有Directshow,DirectX SDK2004sum是支持VS.net2003的业包含有Directshow,不同的开发环境要不同的SDK,DirectX SDK2004sum在微软官网上有,DirectX 9.0SDK在微软官网上找不见。-This is the download address of the DirectX 9.0SDK and DirectX 9.0bSDK I am looking for a long time, DirectX 9.0SDK support VC++6.0 contains have the Directshow, the DirectX SDK2004sum support VS.net2003 the industry contains Directshow, and different development environments SDK, DirectX SDK2004sum Microsoft' s official website, DirectX 9.0SDK in the Microsoft official website to find not seen.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 高一

Managed DirectX9中文帮助手册-Managed DirectX9 Chinese help
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1531904 Publisher : 韦玉江

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基于Directx9.0的3D游戏程序设计入门教程. 对于刚学习3D的朋友很有用.我目前一直在学习这个.-Design based on the Directx9.0 3D gaming program useful introductory tutorial. Friend just learning 3D I' ve been studying this.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5498880 Publisher : 朱振军

《DirectX9.0 3D游戏开发编程基础》书籍的源代码。通常叫龙书,段菲译。-"DirectX9.0 3D Game Development Programming" books source code. Often called the Dragon book, Duan Fei translation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4966400 Publisher :

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Book "Managed DirectX9"
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4494336 Publisher : vek123

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HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create everything from a simple puzzle to advanced multilayered platformer or strategy without even thinking of any non game logic code! And you don t have to know anything about "window messages", DirectX programming and all that stuff. Instead you can start developing your own game within 15 minutes! HGE runs on Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP and requires DirectX 8.0. It will run even on low-end video cards, including built in video cards such as Intel Solano (i815 chipset). HGE can be used with virtually any C++ compiler including Visual C++, Borland C++, MinGW and Metrowerks Codewarrior. -hge engine support directx9.0
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4920320 Publisher : chenluquan

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dirextx编程龙书! 特别适合初学directx的人,前面有一些线性代数知识-dirextx programming dragon book! Particularly suitable for beginners directx people, in front of some linear algebra
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5244928 Publisher : szp

directx9.0 3D 游戏开发编程基础- Directx9.0 3D Game Development Programming Fundamentals Source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17523712 Publisher : 李伟

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windows编程 C++编程 基于DirectX9.0的3D模型创建(Windows programming, C++ programming, DirectX9.0 based 3D model creation)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2831360 Publisher : haniDan

DirectX9.0编程基础源代码,游戏编程小白起步教程(DirectX9.0 programming basic source code, game programming small white start tutorial)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4953088 Publisher : binkesi1234
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