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进行DES加密解密的程序以及代码 虽然现在微软这样的大公司已经不在产品中用DES了,在我们其他的应用当中,DES还是有一些用处的。-for DES encryption and decryption procedures and code Although Microsoft is a big company has not used products DES, in other applications, DES or some purpose.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 26624 Publisher : dzq21cn

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利用DES算法(包括ECB和CBC模式)加解密BMP图像-using DES algorithm (including the ECB and the CBC mode) encryption BMP images
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 301056 Publisher : pouch

DES 算法的介绍和实现1和2,供大家参考-DES algorithm introduced and achieve 1 and 2, for your reference
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 208896 Publisher : hutushen

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des加解密vc实现代码,参照蓝牙安全来实现的-vc des encryption codes, in the light of Bluetooth to achieve security
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20480 Publisher : 宁炳武

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51平台的标准DES算法,在ATMEL89C52上验证通过,用keil51编译-51 platform standard DES algorithm, the ATMEL 89C52 tested passed, Compiling with keil51
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher : kyle

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3个C语言算法源代码:CRC校验、DES的单片机加密算法代码,好用-three C language source code algorithm : CRC, the DES encryption algorithm MCU code handy
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 14336 Publisher : 杨峰林

DES加密解密文本文件,使用分组加密方法加密解密数据,分组长度为64位.-DES encryption and decryption of text files, using a method of encryption and decryption of encrypted data, a length of 64.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 64512 Publisher : liudongxiao

3DES算法是增强型的DES算法,使用128位密钥长度, CBC模式使用反馈机制的分组密码使用模式.-3DES algorithm is enhanced by DES algorithm, the use of 128-bit key length, CBC mode of use of a feedback mechanism password usage patterns.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 62464 Publisher : liudongxiao

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基于msp430优化的3des算法,16m时钟时运算速度是15ms-Controller Based on the optimization algorithm 3des, 16m computational speed when the clock is 15ms
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher :

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DES加密算法的源代码, 需要的请下-DES encryption algorithm source code, the need to call on the next
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : lxm

DES算法实现过程分析 之 C++实践篇-DES algorithm process analysis C chapter practice
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : lxm

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VC++实现的加密解密类,使用了DES等算法-VC type of encryption and decryption, the use of the DES algorithm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 232448 Publisher : wsj

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自己编的DES加密、解密算法,可实现windows下任何文件的加密、解密,尤其适用使用公用电脑而一些私人的文件不想被别人看到的情况,可设置八个字节的密钥,也就是每一位可以从0到255,这样对方就算已知置换矩阵和S盒的情况下用穷举法破解的难度也在2的32次幂,还是相当安全的。 加密:DESencrypt.exe 解密:DESdecrypt.exe-own addendum to the DES encryption, decryption algorithms can be realized under any windows document encryption, decryption, In particular, the use of common computer application and some private documents do not want others to see, can be set up eight bytes of keys, Each one is from 0 to 255. known each other even if such replacement matrix and the S-box using exhaustive method is difficult to decipher the two 32 power, still quite safe. Encryption : DESencrypt.exe declassified : DESdecrypt.exe
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 63488 Publisher :

基于FPGA加密芯片设计论文(AES和DES算法)-FPGA-based encryption chip design thesis (AES and DES algorithm)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1068032 Publisher : David

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对称加密算法DES VC++ 的简单实现 -DES symmetric encryption algorithm to achieve the simple VC
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 165888 Publisher : roy

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DES算法代码,利用此程序可以学习DES算法的加密,解密过程-DES algorithm code, the use of this procedure can learn DES algorithm encryption, decryption process
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : xuzhangjun

共享软件加密算法库,一款针对个人、企业开发共享软件的加密工具,支持Windows平台下各类开发工具:VC、VB、Delphi、PB、VFP等,算法库集成的算法有:BlowFish、MD5、Secret16、AES、SHA、CRC32、RSA、DES、字符串加/解密、文件加/解密等多种功能强大的算法。其提供了DLL文件-Reg.dll,可以通过复用它来实现数据加密与解密。 -sharing software encryption algorithm library, one individual, enterprise development sharing software encryption tools, support Windows platforms in various types of development tools : Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, PowerBuilder, Visual FoxPro. Integration Algorithm for the algorithm are : BlowFish, MD5, Secret16, AES, SHA, CRC32-, RSA, DES, string encryption/decryption, document encryption/decryption and other powerful algorithms. Provide a DLL files-Reg.dll, through reuse it to achieve data encryption and decryption.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 679936 Publisher : 沐柏

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用C++方式编写的DES算法,是一个不错的源代码哟,适和对C++有一定认识的人-C approach to the preparation of the DES algorithm, is a good source yo, relevance and C have some knowledge of the people
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : wang

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1、对于凯撒密文,实现了:1种盲目式搜索,4种启发式搜索,以及利用密钥实现的凯撒加密系统。 2、对于代入法密文,实现了:2种启发式搜索,1种利用密钥的代入法加密系统以及随机生成密钥的代入法加密系统。 3、字典工具,实现了对词库的增加,删除,检查等一系列的操作。 4、7种其他较为经典的加密方法的加密解密工具。包括:DES、Vigenere、IDEA、Keyword、LFSR、Playfair以及RC4等。 -1, Caesar ciphertext, realized : a blind search species, four species of heuristic search, and the use of the keys for encryption system Caesar. 2, substituting it into law ciphertext, realized : two kinds of heuristic search, a key species used in lieu of law into the system and random encryption key generation to generation method of encryption systems. 3, dictionary tools, for the achievement of the Thesaurus of addition, deletion, and examined a series of operations. 4,7 kinds of other more classic methods of encryption tools for encryption and decryption. Including : DES, Vigenere, IDEA, Keyword, LFSR, Playfair and RC4, and so on.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10400768 Publisher : 陈守勇

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DES加密的源代码,需要的朋友可以看看!-DES encryption source code, and we need to see our friends!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : 彭春
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