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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2354054 Publisher : sda

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1673777 Publisher : 郭俊

很多二维 三维几何计算算法 C++ 类库
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11408319 Publisher : lei

用C++和OpenGL实现基于生长法的三角形剖分算法,并把该算法的实现算法应用到地形的显示中去!-using C and OpenGL-based growth method triangulation algorithm, and the realization of this algorithm is applied to the terrain display!
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 986112 Publisher : lkl

显示一个转动的空心柱体。 这是完全用VC实现的源码,使用了大量图形学基本原理和底层算法。 是图形学老师自己编写的一个程序,非常珍贵! 比OpenGL实现要复杂很多。 适合学习图形学,尤其是原理的同学参考!-Displays a rotating hollow cylinder. This is entirely achievable using VC source code, the use of a large number of the basic principles of graphics and the underlying algorithm. Is a graphics teacher I have written a program, very precious! Complex than a lot of OpenGL to achieve. Graphics for learning, especially the principles classmates reference!
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 53248 Publisher : 潘豆豆

CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library(计算几何算法库)的开发者手册 -CGAL- Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (computational geometry algorithms library) developer manual
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 115712 Publisher : snow

CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (计算几何算法库)的html版开发手册-CGAL- Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (computational geometry algorithms library) the development of the html version of manual
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 14993408 Publisher : snow

CGAL开发包写的三角化程序,非常好用。-CGAL Triangle Development Kit written in programming, very easy to use.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 502784 Publisher : 肖庆汇

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cgal 开发包对三维点的三角化,可用于旋转体。-cgal development kit for the three-dimensional point of the triangle can be used to rotate body.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 7168 Publisher : 肖庆汇

计算几何(Computational Geometry Algorithms Library)C++库源代码-Computational Geometry (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) C++ Library source code
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 16410624 Publisher : maoamxiong

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最强大的开源库CGAL中最小封闭区域和最大外包查找.-CGAL the smallest and the largest outsourced find enclosed area.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : lihao

CGAL Examples...CGAL Manual的示例程序-CGAL Examples...
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 3715072 Publisher : qian cheng

基于QT和CGAL实现牙齿和牙托的自动粘合-CGAL implementation based on QT and the automatic bonding teeth and Denture
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 31023104 Publisher : weianjun

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convex hull in 2d using cgal and also visual studio 2008. I do not know if it is working or not but make sure you check it before presenting
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 4262912 Publisher : sai

compuer geometrical algorithms
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 13526016 Publisher : 胡文玉

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CGAL最新3.5说明文档,PDF格式,是CGAL开发的必备参考-CGAL-date 3.5 documentation, PDF format, is an essential reference to the development of CGAL
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 25468928 Publisher : 老姜

CGAL是一个开源的算法库,所以你可以从CGAL的官方网站 获得一份CGAL的源码包,以及详细的文档,大概有2000页左右。-CGAL is an open source library of algorithms, so you can from the official website of CGAL CGAL be a source package, as well as detailed documentation, about 2000 or so.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 1258496 Publisher : 张霞

CGAL系列程序 .cgal 3D多面体剪裁 函数dll接口. -cgal 3D Polyhedra function dll
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 11264 Publisher : huang

CGAL 系列 CGAL函数接口 CGAL 2D 3D 函数接口 C++ dll接口 -CGAL series CGAL function interface
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 10240 Publisher : huang

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CGAL,Computational Geometry Algorithms Library,计算几何算法库,设计目标是,以C++库的形式,提供方便,高效,可靠的几何算法。CGAL可用于各种需要几何计算的领域,如计算机图形学,科学可视化,计算机辅助设计和建模,地理信息系统,分子生物学,医学成像,机器人运动规划,网格生成,数值方法等等。    计算几何算法库(CGAL),提供计算几何相关的数据结构和算法,诸如三角剖分(2D约束三角剖分及二维和三维Delaunay三角剖分),Voronoi图(二维和三维的点,2D加权Voronoi图,分割Voronoi图等),多边形(布尔操作,偏置),多面体(布尔运算),曲线整理及其应用,网格生成(二维Delaunay网格生成和三维表面和体积网格生成等),几何处理(表面网格简化,细分和参数化等),凸壳算法(2D,3D和dD),搜索结构(近邻搜索,kd树等),插值,形状分析,拟合,距离等。-The goal of the CGAL Open Source Project is to provide easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as: computer graphics, scientific visualization, computer aided design and modeling, geographic information systems, molecular biology, medical imaging, robotics and motion planning, mesh generation, numerical methods... More on the projects using CGAL web page. The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations (2D constrained triangulations, and Delaunay triangulations and periodic triangulations in 2D and 3D), Voronoi diagrams (for 2D and 3D points, 2D additively weighted Voronoi diagrams, and segment Voronoi diagrams), polygons (Boolean operations, offsets, straight skeleton), polyhedra (Boolean operations), arrangements of curves and their applications (2D and 3D envelopes, Minkowski sums), mesh generation (2D Del
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 18593792 Publisher : a
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