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51单片机C语言的应用技术开发资料,包括大量C语言的开发实例程序-C-51 single chip technology development application information, including the development of a large number of C language example programs
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 283648 Publisher : 60tian

[C高级编程技术]. 这本书适合比较强的人,里面有C中的底层原理,how ,what ,why等等。 适合底层开发的人-[C Advanced Programming Techniques]. This book is relatively strong for the people, there are underlying principles in C, how, what, why and so on. Underlying the development of people for
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 286720 Publisher : 小草

《C程序设计语言》是由C语言的设计者Dennis M. Ritchie和著名计算机科学家Brian W. Kernighan编写的一部介绍标准C语言及其程序设计方法的权威性经典著作。全面、系统地讲述了C语言的各个特性及程序设计的基本方法,包括基本概念、类型和表达式、控制流、函数与程序结构、指针与数组、结构、输入与输出、UNIX系统接口、标准库等内容。 -"C Programming Language"by the C language, and the famous designer Dennis M. Ritchie Brian W. Kernighan computer scientist describes the preparation of a standard C language and programming methodology of the authority of the classics. Comprehensively and systematically about the various characteristics of C language and the basic method of programming, including basic concepts, types and expressions, control flow, function and program structure, pointers and arrays, structure, input and output, UNIX system interface, the standard Library and so on.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6396928 Publisher : cl

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c语言编程书籍,pdf格式的文档,教你学会c编程,呵呵,值得下载-c language programming books, pdf format, to teach you how to c programming, Oh, worth downloading
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 821248 Publisher : John

Objective-C基础教程,能够从最基础的地方了Objective-C与C语言的联系与区别。-Objective-C based tutorial, from the most basic parts of the Objective-C and C language and differences between.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31289344 Publisher : gaoli

C语言程序设计:现代方法。介绍C语言结构 编程的基本方法。一本很好的电子书。-The C Programming Language: modern methods. Introduction to C language structure The basic method of programming. A good e-book.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 27170816 Publisher : 王二建

C++中对缓冲区的详细解释, C++中对缓冲区的详细解释, C++中对缓冲区的详细解释, C++中对缓冲区的详细解释, C++中对缓冲区的详细解释,
Update : 2013-08-12 Size : 1694 Publisher : enableliuyu

C++学习资料,这是最经典的C++学习书籍,pdf格式,并且不会出现像高清扫描的书籍那样看不清问题。(C++ learning materials)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2212864 Publisher : xdlxd55

C++经典书籍 书是久负盛名的C++经典教程,其内容是C++大师Stanley B. Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准深入理解的完美结合,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。(c++ primer The book is the prestigious C++ classic tutorial, its content is the perfect combination of C++ Stanley B. Lippman master a wealth of practical experience and C++ Standards Committee of the original charge Jos e Lajoie in-depth understanding of the C++ standard, has helped countless programmers learn the world C++.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 61670400 Publisher : ZZZKKKKK

C#与.NET3.5高级程序设计.由.NET之前各种技术的局限性和复杂性开始,然后综述了.NET和C#是如何试图简化这种状况的。(C # and.net3.5 advanced programming. Start with the limitations and complexities of various technologies, and then summarize and c # are trying to simplify this situation.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 95328256 Publisher : aaa6666

C primer plus 原版,原版书籍是C语言学习的最经典资料,英文原版书籍有需要的可以下载学习(C primer plus, a classical book for C language)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46594048 Publisher : dnywwp

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啊哈C语言,小学生坐在马桶上都可以读懂的C语言编程入门书,让学习C语言变得很简单(Primary school students will be C, so that learning C language becomes very simple)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20614144 Publisher : armyzhang

C语言入门介绍C语言的基础知识和关于C语言的编程技巧,对C语言程序开发中应用的各种函数按照功能、语法进行介绍,同时还有关于部分C语言实例编程,各种类型应有尽有,是学习C语言必备工具。想要成为编程高手,那就来下载C语言入门呗!绝对让你变成IT高手!(C language introduction to the basic knowledge of C language and the language of the C programming skills, C language is used for a variety of functions in the program development, according to the functional grammar are introduced, as well as on the part of C language programming examples)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5295104 Publisher : czg01122

C#基础知识,文件操作,Windows应用程序设计PPT,详细讲解各种窗体控件,通俗易懂(Basic knowledge, file operation and Windows application design PPT of C#, it contains a detailed explanation of the various forms of controls, easy to understand)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20127744 Publisher : Winona

C语言程序设计现代方法第2版 ,本书最主要的一个目的就是通过一种“现代方法”来介绍 c语言,书中强调标准 c,强调软件工程,不再强调“手工优化”。本书分为 c语言的基础特性、 c语言的高级特性、 c语言标准库和参考资料 4个部分。每章末尾都有一个“问与答”小节给出一系列与该章内容相关的问题及答案,此外还包含适量的习题。(C language program design method of a modern version of the second, the main purpose of this book is to introduce the C language through a "modern approach", the book emphasizes the standard of C, emphasis on software engineering, no longer emphasizes "manual optimization". This book is divided into 4 parts: the basic characteristics of C language, the advanced features of C language, the standard library of C language and reference materials. At the end of each chapter has a "Q" section of this chapter gives a series of related content of questions and answers, in addition also includes the amount of exercise.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 27175936 Publisher : EdenMMR

C#Socket服务器源码,可以进行socket通讯,很好的源码(C#Socket source code C#Socket server source code C#Socket source source C#Socket server source C#Socket source code source code)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8723456 Publisher : 凌寒1

C#同花顺日线,获取C#同花顺日线数据,本系统主要用于获取积分,不建议下载(C# flush sun line, access to the C# flush sun line data, this system is mainly used to obtain integration, not to be downloaded)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 84992 Publisher : fishnotfree

C++远控程序,没有exe,需要自己编译,安全可靠。没有编译能力的,请别自误。亲测可用。欢迎下载。(C++ remote control program. Pro test is available. Welcome to download)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1389568 Publisher : 刘先生1212

C++ Qt5范例开发大全,本书是各种Qt案例开发的教学。知识点分解详细易懂,实例众多,是Qt设计学习不可多得的教材之一。(C + + Qt5 example development, this book is a variety of QT case development teaching. Knowledge points decomposition is detailed and easy to understand, with many examples, which is one of the rare teaching materials for QT design learning.)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2495488 Publisher : 唯物主义

《C++17STL COOKBOOK》的中文版,介绍了C++17中STL引入的新特性及用法,是学习Modern C++ STL很好的一本参考资料(C++17STL COOKBOOK,good book for learning modern C++)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8824832 Publisher : thetree
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