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MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\.gitignore MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\.vs\MT4 Sync\v14\.suo MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication.vshost.exe MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication.vshost.exe.manifest MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\Libraries\mtmanapi\logs\20150105.log MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\Libraries\mtmanapi\MT4ManagerAPI.h MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\Libraries\mtmanapi\mtmanapi.dll MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\Libraries\mtmanapi\mtmanapi64.dll MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\LICENSE MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\MT4 Sync.csproj MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\MT4 Sync.csproj.user MetaTrader4.Manager.Wrapper-master\MT4 Sync.sln
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 230400 Publisher : 陈ZHEN

《软件著作权代码整理工具》 软件著作权需要程序的60页代码,大概4千行。 本软件实现了: 1、输入程序路径,自动遍历相关代码文件并合并。 2、可自定义过滤代码文件后缀名 (如*.h,*.cpp,*.java,*.cs) 3、可自定义过滤关键字开头的行(如 include,import 等开头的行) 本程序由C#编写,项目环境为 VS2015,不想编译的可以直接运行 ./bin/release/ 下的文件,需要.net4环境(Software copyright code collation tool Software copyright requires 60 pages of code, about 4 thousand lines. This software has been implemented: 1, enter the program path, automatically traverse the relevant code files and merge. 2, you can customize the filter code file suffix name (such as *.h, *.cpp, *.java, *.cs). 3, you can customize the lines at the beginning of filtering keywords (such as include, import, etc.). This program is written by C#, the project environment is VS2015, do not want to compile can run directly. / bin / release / under the file, need. net4 environment)
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 35840 Publisher : 刘翔翔
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