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一个简单的arp封包程序,可以伪装成任意ip,mac。代码简单可塑性强,适合winpcap初学者或arp防御测试者使用,对于不好的地方希望多多交流相互学习-Arp packet with a simple procedure that can masquerade as any ip, mac. Code is simple and plasticity, and is suitable for beginners or arp defense winpcap test to use, the local hope for the poor lot of communication learning from each other
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2793472 Publisher : xiaoe

此程序为s3c44b0+rtl8019的网口通讯程序。程序中实现了arp协议、imcp协议和udp协议的通信!代码经测试完全可靠!-This program is s3c44b0+ rtl8019 of the net mouth communication process. Program implemented arp protocol, imcp protocol and udp protocols of communication! The code has been tested and totally reliable!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 661504 Publisher : haiyywvf

Linux下的arp欺骗程序!能够欺骗的时候可以隐藏自己网卡的MAC和IP!即使对方有防火墙也可以使得对方上网十分慢!-rp fraud program under Linux! When will be able to hide their deception NIC MAC and IP! Even though they have a firewall you can make each other online is very slow!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : ryan

ping_example (Ethernet Library ping demo for ENC28J60 mcu) this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests-ping_example (Ethernet Library ping demo for ENC28J60 mcu) this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : duonghai

DL : 0
UdpRtc (Ethernet Library demo for ENC28J60 mcu) this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests * the board will reply to UDP requests on any port : * returns the command name * user should send a command to pic via udp (using mikroC udp terminal) * when pic recognizes the command it executes it. If received command is not * recognized unknown command message is displayed on LCD-UdpRtc (Ethernet Library demo for ENC28J60 mcu) this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests * the board will reply to UDP requests on any port : * returns the command name * user should send a command to pic via udp (using mikroC udp terminal) * when pic recognizes the command it executes it. If received command is not * recognized unknown command message is displayed on LCD
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : duonghai

this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests * the board will reply to UDP requests on any port : * returns the request in upper char with a header made of remote host IP & port number * * target devices : * any PIC with integrated SPI and more than 4 Kb ROM memory * 32 to 40 MHz clock is recommended to get from 8 to 10 Mhz SPI clock, * otherwise PIC should be clocked by ENC clock output due to ENC silicon bug in SPI hardware * if you try lower PIC clock speed, don t be surprised if the board hang or miss some requests ! * tested with PIC16F877A@10Mhz on EasyPIC3 board-this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests * the board will reply to UDP requests on any port : * returns the request in upper char with a header made of remote host IP & port number * * target devices : * any PIC with integrated SPI and more than 4 Kb ROM memory * 32 to 40 MHz clock is recommended to get from 8 to 10 Mhz SPI clock, * otherwise PIC should be clocked by ENC clock output due to ENC silicon bug in SPI hardware * if you try lower PIC clock speed, don t be surprised if the board hang or miss some requests ! * tested with PIC16F877A@10Mhz on EasyPIC3 board
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : duonghai

基于NDIS中间驱动程序的ARP防火墙设计-Based on NDIS Intermediate Drivers ARP Firewall Design
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2268160 Publisher : 张秋水

arp spoofer for spoofing in local
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : amiro

AVR net project uses ENC28J60 and ATmega32 Supports: UDP, TCP, ARP, and more
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 215040 Publisher : 123456

Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 495616 Publisher : 不同

本书共20章,分为五大部分。前面第1章引言,内容涉及网络的产生和发展、主要功能、分类以及网络体系结构和ISO/OSI参考模型。第一部分(第2~3章)介绍数据通信知识,涉及数据通信基本概念和基础理论、传输介质、多路复用技术、数据交换技术、调制解调技术以及物理层接口技术等内容。第二部分(第4~6章)讨论各种底层网络技术,涉及各种广域网、局域网和高速局域网技术。第三部分(第7~11章)讨论网络互连技术及其相关协议,涉及网络互连、TCP/IP参考模型、IP、ARP和ICMP、IP路由以及TCP和UDP等内容。第四部分(第12~17章)讨论网络应用程序相互作用模式以及各种具体的网络应用,涉及客户/服务器模型、套接字编程接口、域名系统(DNS)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传输和访问、电子邮件以及万维网。第五部分(第18~19章)讨论网络安全和管理。最后第20章简单介绍了网络技术的未来发展。本书主要供高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生和低年级硕士研究生作为计算机网络课程的教材使用,同时也可供计算机网络设计人员、开发人员以及管理人员作为技术参考书使用。-computer network eletronic book
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1329152 Publisher : 黄金凤

DL : 0
类似arp防火墙的功能,输入自己的ip地址,要发送的arp回复的主机IP地址,既可以实现在数据链路成发送arp响应包。 主要练习一下Linux下面socket 和ioctrl的用法。-Similar to the arp firewall function, enter your ip address, to send arp reply to the host IP address, not only can be achieved in the data link into the sending arp response packet. Main practice Linux following the usage of socket and ioctrl.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 南极风

一個簡單的欺騙ARP程式,傳送ARP封包給指定IP的主機,使用這種方法可以改變該主機的ARP表,使該主機不能通訊。有三個選項可以選擇:request、reply、NU-A simple ARP table spoofing sample code,it can send arp package to specifying IP host,and stopping this host s connection by updating this host s ARP table .
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 楊松飛

基于winpcap的数据包捕获程序,可以统计UDP,TCP,ICMP,ARP,IGMP包的数量以及从本机发送和本机接收到得数据包的数量-Based on winpcap packet capture program, you can statistics UDP, TCP, ICMP, ARP, IGMP, and the number of packets sent from the machine and the machine was received by the number of packets
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : crazyhack

使用VS2008VC++与Winpcap开发的网络嗅探器,里面实现mac、arp、ip、tcp、udp、http等协议分析功能.-use vs2008VC++ and WinPcap tools to implement some protocol analysis,such as mac、arp、ip、tcp、udp、http
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 397312 Publisher : yanggang

使用ARP协议获取局域网内活动主机的MAC地址-Using the ARP protocol to obtain the LAN MAC address of a host of activities
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3731456 Publisher : 王小雨

windows环境下的arp欺骗源码,功能强大,不被任何杀毒软件查杀-windows environment arp fraud source
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 36864 Publisher : gev

功能 使局域网内的某主机断网 收不到数据包 可依据ip,mac地址,计算机名进行断网(非arp) 基于交换机mac表的自动学习功能 c#+sharppcap(winpcap开发包的c#插件)编写 环境 .net3.5+winpacp4.02-Feature allows a host within the LAN can not receive packets off network can be based on ip, mac address, computer name for planned outages (non-arp) switch-based auto-learning function mac table c#+ sharppcap (winpcap development kit c# plug cases) the preparation of the environment. net3.5+ winpacp4.02
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 189440 Publisher : xadf

关于检查ip冲突的c程序,通过arp 协议检查ip 冲突的工具-c program about ip conflict examine through arp protocol
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 32768 Publisher : yangxiong

A simple program to send raw ARP packets.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9216 Publisher : Andrea
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