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STR71x Flash IAP Example This project is an RV-MDK adaptation of the ST Application Note: \"STR71x In-Application Programming using UART\". Please see for details. -STR71x Flash IAP Example This project is an RV-refueling adaptation of the ST Application Note : "STR71x In-Application Programming using nitric T. " Please see http : / / at / stonline / products / Literatur e/anp/11026.htm for details.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42614 Publisher : 徐勇

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网络分析法(ANP)的一个实现,主要针对王莲芬老师的内部依存的递阶层次结构的4维超矩阵进行处理,详细内容见内部说明。-network analysis (ANP) of a realization, WANG Lian-mainly aimed at teachers interdependence within the hierarchical structure of the four-dimensional matrix, See details of internal note.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 66169 Publisher : xifeng

matlab 计算 anp一个算例
Update : 2011-07-10 Size : 4668 Publisher :

STR71x Flash IAP Example This project is an RV-MDK adaptation of the ST Application Note: "STR71x In-Application Programming using UART". Please see for details. -STR71x Flash IAP Example This project is an RV-refueling adaptation of the ST Application Note : "STR71x In-Application Programming using nitric T. " Please see http :// at e/anp/11026.htm for details.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 41984 Publisher : 徐勇

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网络分析法(ANP)的一个实现,主要针对王莲芬老师的内部依存的递阶层次结构的4维超矩阵进行处理,详细内容见内部说明。-network analysis (ANP) of a realization, WANG Lian-mainly aimed at teachers interdependence within the hierarchical structure of the four-dimensional matrix, See details of internal note.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 65536 Publisher : xifeng

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输入一个数,判断其大小,并返回一个介于0-2pi的与之对应的数。-Normalize angle into the range 0 <= A < 2pi
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2048 Publisher : feihong

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NP是美国匹兹堡大学的T.L.Saaty 教授于1996年提出了一种适应非独立的递阶层次结构的决策方法,它是在网络分析法(AHP)基础上发展而形成的一种新的实用决策方法。其关键步骤有以下几个: 1 确定因素,并建立网络层和控制层模型。 2 创建比较矩阵。 3 按照指标类型针对每列进行规范化。 4 求出每个比较矩阵的最大特征值和对应的特征向量。 5 一致性检验。如果不满足,则调整相应的比较矩阵中的元素。 6 将各个特征向量单位化(归一化),组成判断矩阵。 7 将控制层的判断矩阵和网络层的判断矩阵相乘,得到加权超矩阵。 8 将加权超矩阵单位化(归一化),求其K次幂收敛时的矩阵。其中第j列就是网络层中各元素对于元素j的极限排序向量。 -NP is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh TLSaaty presented in 1996, an adaptation of non-independent Hierarchy of decision-making method, which is the analytic network process (AHP) formed on the basis of the development of a new and practical decision-making method . The key steps are the following: A determining factor, and a network layer and control layer model. 2 create a comparison matrix. For each of the three types of indicators in accordance with normalized columns. 4 find the maximum for each comparison matrix eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvectors. 5 consistency test. If not satisfied, then the comparison to adjust the corresponding matrix elements. 6 will each feature vector units of (normalized), to determine the composition of matrix. 7 to determine the control layer and network layer to determine matrix matrix multiplication, to be weighted super-matrix. 8 of the weighted super-matrix units of (normalized), seeking the powe
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 4096 Publisher : chen

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网络分析法(The Analytic Network Process,ANP)的Matlab源代码-Network analysis (The Analytic Network Process, ANP) of the Matlab source code
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 5120 Publisher : qianpeng

基于ANP和仿真的武器装备作战能力幂指数评估方法-ANP and simulation based on the exponential weapons capability assessment
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1102848 Publisher : mao

网络分析法(ANP)的一个实现,主要针对王莲芬老师的内部依依存的递阶层次结构的4维超矩阵进行处理,详细内容见内部说明。 -Analytic Network Process (ANP), an implementation of the hierarchical structure of the main deposit within for Wang Lianfen teacher Yiyi 4-dimensional super-matrix processing details see internal instructions.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 66560 Publisher : 谈判

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层次分析(AHP)/网络分析(ANP)Analytic Hierarchy Process是一种十分实用的决策方法。 是对一些较为复杂、较为模糊的问题作出决策的简易方法,它特别适用于那些难于完全定量分析的问题 num:包括目标层和方案层的总层数 g:行向量(各层准则数量,包括目标层(第一层)和方案层(最后一层))。 w:返回值w是最后决策的方案层的权重,根据输出选择最佳方案 在输入矩阵时请加‘[]’号,否则会出现语法错误。 调运方式:w=hierarchy(num,g)- Analytical Hierarchy (AHP)/Network Analysis (ANP) Analytic Hierarchy Process is a very practical approach to decision making. Is the easy way of making some of the more complex, more ambiguous issues make it particularly difficult for those who complete quantitative analysis of the problem num: The total number of layers including the target layer and the solution layer g: row vector (layers Guidelines number, including the target layer (first layer) and program level (the last level)). W: w The return value is the right solution layer of the final decision of the heavy, choose the best option based on the output when the input matrix please add ' []' No, there would be a syntax error. Transporting way: w = hierarchy (num, g)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : 何亮

Description about implementation of fuzzy ANP with Matlab
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 354304 Publisher : aca

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利用网络分析法,对路径进行规划分析,来寻求最短路径,以实现网络分析算法分析。-Network path analysis, the use of ANP algorithm to find the shortest path
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 178176 Publisher : 王述东

Component Selection: Type II Loop Compensation Calculations
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 572416 Publisher : kernel

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用于计算权重的网络层次分析法(ANP),matlab代码(Network analytic hierarchy process (ANP) for calculating weights)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 7168 Publisher : Adrian的小天地
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