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使用matlab编辑的层次分析法(ahp)源代码-use Matlab Editor AHP (ahp) source code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : 谢东东

数学建模的层次分析法(AHP)的MATLAB程序-Mathematical Modeling Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in MATLAB
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 陈跃

fuzzy ahp,即模糊层次分析法的原始程序,该程序实现了输入模糊数输出相对权重的功能,可以被很好使用-fuzzy ahp, FAHP the original procedure, the program input output fuzzy numbers relative weighting function can be well used
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 146432 Publisher : 熊鹏程

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层次分析法(AHP) 美国运筹学家A.L.Saaty于本世纪70年代提出的层次分析法(Analytical Hierar-chy Process,简称AHP方法),是一种定性与定量相结合的决策分析方法。它是一种将决策者对复杂系统的决策思维过程模型化、数量化的过程。-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the United States ALSaaty T.L 70s of this century made by AHP (Analytical Hierar-chy Process, referred to as AHP method), is a combination of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods of decision-making. It is a complex system to policy makers of the decision-making process model of thinking, and quantitative process.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 422912 Publisher : 张华

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层次分析法的详细例子,很好懂,适合初学者,PPT-AHP detailed examples, very good to understand for beginners, PPT
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 369664 Publisher : Alias

摘要:实战条件下如何评价短波跳频通信系统的抗干扰性能是构建短波跳频通信系统的重要环rr-}J。由于不 能得到精确的指标评价值,采川组合赋权法给出了系统抗干扰性能的评价算法已经不能适川。给出了一种模糊综 合评价方法,该方法有如下优点:为避兔专家赋指标权值的卞观随意性,将德尔菲(Delphi)法和层次分析法(AHP)相结合来确定指标权值 为了便于专家较准确地作出评判,给出了指标评价等级,并利川模糊评价法给出指标评价矩 阵,最后得到评价结果。评价实例表明了该方法的有效性。 -Abstract: how to assess the actual conditions of short-wave frequency-hopping communication system anti-jamming performance is short-wave frequency-hopping communication system to build an important ring rr-) J. Can not be accurate due to evaluate the value of mining Kawasaki combination weighting approach gives a systematic evaluation of anti-interference performance can no longer be appropriate algorithm Chuan. This paper presents a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method that has the following advantages: In order to avoid the rabbit experts give the right indicator of the value of randomness Bian concept will Delphi (Delphi) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the combination of the right indicators value in order to facilitate the experts to judge more accurately, are given to evaluate the grade and Lichuan fuzzy evaluation method is given to evaluate the matrix, final evaluation results. Examples show that the evaluation of the effectiveness of the method.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 34816 Publisher : ma ming

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层次分析法,用matlab编制,输入任何矩阵后,可进行一致性检验,标准化权重向量,最大特征值计算。运行在通过matlab 2008a通过。-AHP using matlab prepared to enter any matrix may conformance testing, standardization of weight vector, the largest eigenvalue calculation. Running through the adoption of matlab 2008a.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 何再兴

模糊评价原程序,可以修改,可以直接使用,可以实现单层,两层的评价,包含数据文件的转换程序,内含测试数据-Fuzzy evaluation of the original procedures, could be amended, can be used directly, can achieve single-layer, two-tier evaluation, including data file conversion process, including test data
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 73728 Publisher : apple

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层次分析法(AHP),可以用来对于选择学校选择职位之类的事情进行决策-Professor Satty proposed AHP
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李韬

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通过应用层次分析法解决一个实际问题,学习层次分析法的基本原理与方法 掌握用层次 分析法建立数学模型的基本步骤 学会用Mathematica解决层次分析法中的数学问题. -Through the application of AHP to solve a practical problem, study-level analysis of the basic principles and methods master the analytic hierarchy process to establish mathematical model of the basic steps learn how to use Mathematica to solve analytic hierarchy process in mathematical problem.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 103424 Publisher : taotao

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AHP系统,是一个综合评价软件,含有模糊等多种方法-AHP system is a comprehensive evaluation of the software, and other methods with fuzzy
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 6208512 Publisher : wang

重心法和模糊层次分析法的配送中心选址方法的结合-Center of gravity method and the combination of fuzzy AHP method of distribution center location
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 724992 Publisher : 多多

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模糊层次分析法的原始程序,该程序实现了输入模糊数输出相对权重的功能,可以被很好使用 -FAHP original program that implements the input fuzzy output function of the relative weight that can be well used
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 松岛枫

 第一章介绍模糊集合的基本概念、建立模糊集合隶属度函数的基本方法以及Matlab模糊工具箱中的函数的应用。第二章判别分析方法包括距离判别、模糊集合的贴近度判别以及最大隶属原则。第三章在模糊矩阵概念的基础上,给出了模糊聚类的基本方法以及模糊C均值聚类的Matlab实现。第四章模糊综合评价,建立了客观性权向量、模糊矩阵的综合评价方法。第五章层次分析法介绍了模糊层次分析的建模方法与应用。第六章在普通线性规划的基础上,引入模糊线性规划、多目标规划的模糊最优解以及模糊线性规划在经济中的应用实例。   本书主要对象是财经类院校本科生,可以作为数学建模第二课堂的辅导教材,也可供硕士研究生以及科技工作者参考。-The first chapter introduces the basic concepts of fuzzy sets, fuzzy set membership function to establish the basic methods and functions in the Matlab fuzzy toolbox application. Chapter sub-discriminant analysis, including distance Do not, determine closeness of fuzzy sets and the maximum membership principle. The third chapter in the fuzzy matrix based on the concept, given the basic methods of fuzzy clustering and fuzzy C means clustering of the Matlab implementation. S Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of four chapters, the establishment of the objectivity of the weight vector, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation matrix. Chapter V describes the fuzzy AHP AHP modeling methods and applications. Chapter VI in the general linear Planning based on fuzzy linear programming, multiobjective programming and fuzzy optimal solution of fuzzy linear programming application example in the economy. This book is the main target of Financial College undergraduates, mathematical modeling can be used
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4156416 Publisher : foxway

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模糊层次分析法的权重计算以及一致性检验,模糊变换的计算-Fuzzy AHP weighting and consistency check, the calculation of fuzzy transformation
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 5120 Publisher : 邹曦

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模糊层次分析法,应用于数学建模中的各种评价问题和综合评价类问题-Fuzzy AHP, used mathematical modeling in a variety of evaluation and comprehensive evaluation class of problems
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : haolei

基于AHP的模糊综合评价系统: 系统采用层次分析法对评价所采用的可信度量指标体系进行权重确定-Based on AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation system: System uses the amount of the credibility of the Analytic Hierarchy Process evaluation index system of weights to determine
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1447936 Publisher : 李文浩

fuzzy ahp,即模糊层次分析法的原始程序源码,该程序源码码实现了输入模糊数输出相对权重的功能,能被非常好使用 可直接使用。 -fuzzy ahp fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, the original program source code, the program source code input fuzzy output is the relative weight of function, can be very good can be used directly.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 146432 Publisher : 潜在

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层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是对一些较为复杂、较为模糊的问题作出决策的简易方法,它特别适用于那些难于完全定量分析的问题。它是美国运筹学家T. L. Saaty 教授于70年代初期提出的一种简便、灵活而又实用的多准则决策方法。-The analytic hierarchy process (Analytic Hierarchy Process, referred to as AHP) is a simple method to make the decision of some of the more complex, more fuzzy problem, it is especially suitable for those is difficult to quantitatively analyze the problem. It is a simple, flexible and practical multi criteria decision making method of the United States of America operations research scientist T. L. Saaty Professor proposed in the early 70 s
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 77824 Publisher : 石头

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Fuzzy AHP example Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with Excel file
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 54272 Publisher : Scarce
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