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这是一个自己做的小型成绩查询的数据库。是用windows附带的access做的。刚开始的界面姓名为fanli,密码是123,然后输入11203*,就可以查询了。初学者可以看看表的建立与使用,以及最简单的可视化窗口怎么建。-own small database query results. Using windows incidental access so. At the beginning fanli name of the interface, the code is 123, then the importation of 11,203 *, the inquiries can be. Beginners can look at the establishment and table use, and the most simple visualization window how construction.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 39768 Publisher : 范立

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人民币转大写,从123.45转为壹贰叁元肆角伍分-yuan to capital, from 0112 to 123.45 billion triplet Two restaurants Kok Mrs. pm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6109 Publisher : 郑祖国

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这是个很好的资料欢迎大家来看看.绝对是好的资源-This is a very good information to welcome you to come take a look. Absolutely is a good resource
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9948 Publisher : renhuijun

图书管理系统 简介 随着科学技术的飞速发展,人们对知识的可望出越来越多;想在有限的时间内多学习一些有用的知识。图书馆和书店是他们常出入的地方,为了使商家更好的管理他们的书店或者是书馆;我在业余时间开发了这个图书管理系统。 本系统的优点: 1. 操作简单,易学易会。 2. 使书籍易于管理,界面友好。 3. 系统稳定性高,容错能力强。 人无完人,本系统一定会有作者没发现的错误,或不符合你使用的地方,如果你有什么意见或建议请与作者联系。本人的 谢谢你的合作。 用户名:Admin 密码: 123版 -library management systems to scientific and technical briefings with the rapid development knowledge of the people is expected to more and more; to the limited time learning some useful knowledge. Libraries and bookstores often went to their place, in order to make businesses better manage their bookstore or library; I developed this free time library management system. The advantages of the system are : 1. Simple, easy to learn easily. 2. Make books easier to administer, friendly interface. 3. System stability, fault-tolerant capability. No man is perfect, the system must be the authors found no wrong, or you do not meet the local, If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the author. My Email : Thank you for your cooperation. Username : Admin Password
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1654185 Publisher : xiexiumei

它是利用jsp+javabean来编写的,实现了代码分离,源程序结构清晰,并且带有详细的注释。 主要功能: 用户的登录、退出。 管理员可以发布问题,添加用户。 新添加的用户默认密码为123。 每一个用户都可以回答管理员递交的问题。 可以修改自己的密码。 特别之处: 用户没有回答某一个问题时,无法查看别人的回答。 每名用户只能回答一次。 管理员不具有任何特权,比如修改问题,修改答案等等。 数据库部分利用继承实现代码重用。-it is to use jsp javabean to prepare, and achieving separation of the code, source structure clear, detailed and with the Notes. Main functions : user login withdrawal. Administrators can be released, adding users. Adding new users by default passwords to 123. Each user can answer questions submitted by administrators. Can amend their own passwords. SPECIAL : users are not an answer to a problem, they are unable to see other people answer. Each user can only respond once. Administrators do not have any privileges, such as amended, the amended answer, and so on. Part of the database used to achieve code reusability succession.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 156403 Publisher : 刘卡卡

yaffs文件系统的制作工具 下载后去掉(.zip)!!!!! ex:mkyaffsimage 123 123.img-yaffs file system tools for removing the downloading (. Zip). ! ! ! ! Ex : mkyaffsimage 123,123. Img
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9176 Publisher : mpig

C#编程案例一书中的大实例代码。使用方法:1、要求安装SQL SERVER2000; 2、把DataBase目录下的GOODS数据库附加到SQL SERVER中; 3、设置sa的密码为123456; 4、把本案例的源程序复制到你指定的目录即可。-a case book example of the code. Use : 1, require the installation of SQL Server2000. 2. DataBase put in the directory database GOODS added to SQL Server; 3. sa set the password to 123,456; 4, in this case the source code to copy the directory you can.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 726108 Publisher : 赵静

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JSP 在线投票系统.附加数据库。附加D:\\tomcat5.0\\webapps\\chap17目录下的questionnaire_Data.MDF数据库文件。 运行。启动Tomcat,然后在浏览器中输入http://localhost:8080/chap17/admin/login.jsp。在文本框中输入用户名“admin”,密码“123”。 -JSP online voting system. Additional database. Additional D : \\ tomcat5.0 \\ webapps \\ directory under the chap17 questionnai re_Data.MDF database files. Operation. Start Tomcat, and then in the browser input http://localhost : 8080/chap17/admin/login.jsp. In the text box enter a user name of "admin" and the password "123."
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 823045 Publisher : 刘卡卡

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管理员用户登陆: 用户名 admin 密码123 (密码可打开access数据库hangkong.mdb,在user表中直接修改)asp文件:login.asp -admin users Landings : Username admin password 123 (password to open access database hangkong.mdb , the user directly alter table) asp documents : login.asp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 56121 Publisher : 葛贺东

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串口部分编码,不完整的123 123 123 123-some coding, incomplete 123 123 123 123 123 123
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4943 Publisher : joeli

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一个vfp做的客户档案管理系统,用户名称123密码123.-a customer file management systems, user names passwords 123 123.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45730 Publisher : aaa110

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FlexCell表格製作系統屬共享軟件,作者自學VB一年有餘,深知編程之苦之樂,有時為某一功能的實現要花費許多時間,概因周圍無可交流人員。為使後學者在某些方面少走彎路,特製作此軟件,並公佈源程序,您可以免費傳播、使用共同促進中國軟件事業的發展...... 若您有疑問請給作者發郵件 作 者:陳峰 作者郵件:\"希望居住能把它在網上發佈出來,我是模仿照他原模板寫的,裡面有很多功能還代高手完善。其中裡面有很多都模仿了EXCEL的風格,我想要是有那為高手能把他好好該該,將來一定可以代替EXCEL.\" 如果有控件不能註冊,請先遠行也編譯的可執行文件。裡面包含了幾個比較不錯的第三方OCX。總的來說界面還是不錯的。說明的是裡面的一些控件的註冊碼我可是沒有,大家不要問我要了,呵呵 .-FlexCell forms production system is a shared software, the author self-VB for more than a year. Programming know hardship music, sometimes to achieve a certain function to spend much of their time, from the fact that it is around an exchange of personnel. To some scholars in the following areas detours, especially the production of this software, and published sources, you can free dissemination, China to promote the use of common software development of the cause of ... If you have questions, please mail to the authors : E-mail : Author : Author Chen Feng-mail : "I hope it can live on the Internet publication, and I was imitating what he wrote the original template, There are so many functions on behalf of experts also perfect. There are so many of them have copied th
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4527383 Publisher : 王鸿博

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实现数学中的全排列 Jcreator写的 功能:例123的排列有六个-mathematics achievement of all listed Jcreator write function : 123 cases with a 6
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3471 Publisher : zhang

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单片机 单片机 单片机 单片机-SCM SCM SCM SCM SCM SCM
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3095 Publisher : 搭筏轧

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IBM Lotus 123 操作程序例子-IBM Lotus 123 examples of procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9053 Publisher : 冰天

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左右循环移动的图片-about recycling mobile photo
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1032 Publisher : 伟哥

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基于嵌入式操作系统linux发送电子邮件的源代码,对于开发嵌入式通信软件的人很有借鉴价值-based on embedded Linux operating system to send e-mail to the source code, for the development of embedded communication software of a very valuable reference
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3105 Publisher : 刘立

123个什么系列,里面讲了很多什么是,都是关于计算机前言的知识。很好的东西啊,我以前收藏的。-123 series, which used a lot of what is on the preamble of the computer knowledge. Ah well the things that I used to collections.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 577103 Publisher : 书生

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这是学生管理器,功能多多,帮助你完成很多-This the student manager, function, which, you have a lot of help Eastern
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 222290 Publisher : 123

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1690 Publisher : xiaoming
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