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Referring maple advanced classic example used in the preparation of the double pendulum motion model
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 691kb Publisher : 龙大大

data tranlate
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 3kb Publisher : l

Fuzzy PID algorithm, can help beginners to learn, I hope to be of help
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 9kb Publisher : 朱峰

Matlab implementation of the fractional calculus, an implementation method (English), the use of Oustaloup filter approximation to estimate the fractional calculus.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 253kb Publisher : wangyang

The constants include the value of the machine epsilon , the smallest number that can be added to 1 and make a difference. However, it includes many other quantities of interest, including the arithmetic base, the larges
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 3kb Publisher : Yu Deyang

MATLAB_RANDOM is a directory of MATLAB programs which illustrate the use of Matlab s random number generators.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : Yu Deyang

Comprising: Solving Symmetric Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem Based on Ant Colony Algorithm Particle Swarm Optimization Demo (PSO) Multivariable traveling salesman problem (TSP) based on genetic algorithm (GA) of G
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 357kb Publisher : woailou11

Simulation enables network failure to recovery, can calculate the instantaneous probability of each state.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄晓

svc load flow study with including static var compensator it is used to improve voltage stability of system.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : chandunandigam

Maple is one of the most common mathematical and engineering computing software in the world. It enjoys high reputation in the fields of mathematics and science. Maple in the world has millions of users, is widely used i
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : 周锋

Maple file for discretization the optimal control problem using PQI technique.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 12kb Publisher : M. A. El-Sayed

The optimal control problems for nonlinear partial differential equations arising in diverse areas of science has received an increasing amount of attention in the recent past. A large number of recent papers examine bou
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : M.A.
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