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Analog transmission of photons in biological tissue, and simulated by using monte carlo method
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王彦男

Monte carlo simulation header file must be in programming, here contains all the necessary header files
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王彦男

In monte carlo simulation of photon transmission of used for convolution convolution procedures
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王彦男

U8FD9 u662F u751F u7269 u4FE1 u606F u5B66 u4E2D uFF0C u5C0620 u4E2D u6C28 u57FA u9178 u5E8F u5217 u8F6C u6362 u6210 u5BF9 u5E94 u7684 u6570 u5B57 u91CF1-20
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 1kb Publisher : wu

Write a python-based, hand-ring algorithm based on the acceleration sensor to identify the flip wrist
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 40kb Publisher : lixiaoyong

Feature extraction algorithm common spatial pattern, data having a guaranteed between maximizing differences
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 4kb Publisher : BITER

145/5000 VC++lìyòng Hook gōu zǐ shíxiàn de yīnyǐng càidān, bùyào wù rènwéi shì Winodws xìtǒng zì dài de yīnyǐng càidān, zǐxì kàn nǐ jiù huì fāxiàn liǎng zhě shì bù yīyàng de, yīyàng lìng rén xiànmù bùyǐ, yóuqí shì shǐyò
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 42kb Publisher :

The regional feature of the natural image is extracted, and the image is down-sampled, and then the color image is extracted for each channel.
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 10kb Publisher : 唐彪

This the software defect prediction problem code, which contains the relevant algorithm code
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : liwei

This the software defect prediction problem code, which contains the relevant algorithm code, which is the SDDL SDL kernel function to join the optimization results, so the effect is better
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 3.37mb Publisher : lixinwei

This is an article about sparse dictionary learning for face recognition image processing, which is the corresponding algorithm code
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 5.44mb Publisher : liwei4939

This about the LBP for image processing article, which is the corresponding algorithm code
Update : 2024-06-12 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : liwei4939
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