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Javascript class, add metods usefull, extentio verify, windows with, etc.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1024 Publisher : raycillo

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hex conversion utils
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2048 Publisher : iambull

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这是一个C#操作GPS的示例程序,大家可以参考一下-Code Sample Name: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Samples.Location Feature Area: GPS and Managed Programming Description: This sample shows how to wrap the native GPS Api in a simple to use C# class. Project ManagedGps contains the following classes: Gps: The interface to the managed gps api. use this class to open, close, query the device state, and query the position data from your gps hardware. GpsPosition: Contains the GPS position data received from the gps hardware GpsDevice: Contains GPS device state data received from the gps hardware Utils: Native memory allocation utilities Usage: Make sure your GPS hardware is setup correctly using the GPS control panel in Settings. You may also use the in the Tools\GPS directory where you installed the SDK to use simulated GPS data. For more information see FakeGPSReadme.txt in the same directory. Once you have your GPS set up, you need to Build and Run the GpsSample to see
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 25600 Publisher : 陈亮

This is a very quick port of irdadump from Linux irda-utils-0.9.16. It requires various DLLs (iconv, libglib) which were downloaded ready-compiled from sites on the internet, and are included here also. -This is a very quick port of irdadump from Linux irda-utils-0.9.16. It requires various DLLs (iconv, libglib) which were downloaded ready-compiled from sites on the internet, and are included here also.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 7797760 Publisher : Anna

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两个涵数,可以判断字符串是否是整数,或浮点数.-determine whether the string is an integer or floating-point numbers.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1024 Publisher : Luo Xiaohua

此代码为嵌入式开发中非常有用的几个功能模块 1。flash目录是对flash操作控制 2.ftpfs目录是ftp功能模块 3.i2c目录是i2c的驱动模块 4.memwatch是内存监测功能 5.setnet是网络设置功能 6.subtitle是媒体播放时外挂字幕解析功能。 7.usb是USB模块的自动挂载和卸载功能-This code is embedded in the development of a number of very useful function modules 1. flash directory on the flash operation control 2.ftpfs function modules directory is ftp directory is 3.i2c driver module i2c memory 4.memwatch monitoring network set up 5.setnet function 6.subtitle is when the media player plug-in subtitle parsing. USB module 7.usb is automatically mounted and unloading function
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 631808 Publisher : ivan_chen

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db utils for persisting some data
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 733184 Publisher : fixxxer

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simple active directory and LDAP utils
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1024 Publisher : georgesz

Utils - teraterm_utf8-4.58-Utils- teraterm_utf8-4.58
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 4846592 Publisher : kimjinseok/lusiper

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用JAVA3D实现的一个游戏 对需要学习3d 有帮助import javax.vecmath.* import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.* import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.* import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.* import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.* import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame-JAVA3D implemented with a games need to learn 3d help import javax.vecmath .* import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking .* import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry .* import com.sun. j3d.utils.universe .* import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp .* import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 614400 Publisher : xiaoxiao

MEIZU M8 Linux kernel s3c6410 1,if you want to boot from onenand flash,just "make zImage" is OK. 2,if you want to boot from nfs,remove select: "make menuconfig"--->General setup --->[] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support, then "make zImage" is OK. finished drivers: LCD touch screen key button sound card camera
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 57676800 Publisher : hui

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linux下的源码,实现了利用ALSA进行录制和播放的功能。代码很易懂适于初学-linux source code under the realized using ALSA for recording and playback functions. The code is very easy to understand is suitable for beginners
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2048 Publisher : 何自强

i2c tools for LF1000 didj
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 5120 Publisher : felix

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pascal 工具类,字符处理,文件处理等,整理电脑文件的时候发现的,说不定对大家有用-pascal tools, character processing, document processing, etc., organize computer files, it was found, and might be useful to everyone
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 8192 Publisher : txyms

蓝牙的比较新的协议栈,需要在Linux里解压安装的-Relatively new Bluetooth protocol stack, you need to extract the installation of Linux inside
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 313344 Publisher : 于红亮

蓝牙的协议栈,源码,在Linux下解压安装-Bluetooth protocol stack, source code, in extracting installer under Linux
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 953344 Publisher : 于红亮

DJGPP compiler version 2.02. Work under Windows/DOS. Include gnu-bin utils.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 29343744 Publisher : jon

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一个用c#编写的,封装的很好的工具类,十分有用-1 with the c# written in a very good package, utility class, very useful
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 15360 Publisher : jiangliang

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Date utils methots with delphi.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 194560 Publisher : fro

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自己写的字符串编码转换,和日期截取处理的工具类,因为这些在j2me里都要经常用到。-Write your own string encoding conversion, and date of intercept processing tools, because they must be frequently used in the j2me years.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1024 Publisher : snow
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