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particle tracking
Update : 2011-04-23 Size : 150420 Publisher : a520jc

Update : 2011-05-13 Size : 1369848 Publisher :

Mobile robot tracking of pre-planned paths是国外顶尖级专家篆写的有关机器人路径规划的文章。虽然是2000年的,但是很有价值。-Mobile robot tracking of pre-planned paths top-level foreign experts to write Fragrance of the robot path planning articles. Although in 2000, but of great value.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 231424 Publisher : 石锋

This application demonstrates a fast, simple color tracking algorithm that can be used to track faces, hands . 该运行文件在VC6.0环境下编译通过,是一个 stand-alone 运行程序,不需要OPENCV的DLL库支持。-This application demonstrates a fast, simple color tracking algorithm that can be use d to track faces and hands. Run the file in the VC6.0 environment compiler, it is a stand-alone operating procedures, no OPENCV DLL library support.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 10240 Publisher : 肖雪

DL : 0
Kalman跟踪和粒子跟踪的实现与性能对比,使用opencv实现-Kalman tracking and particle tracking and performance comparison, the use of achieving OpenCV
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 12288 Publisher : 昭君

DL : 0
Tracking a moving object through several frames, provided changes from frame to frame are on the order of +-(10 + "X Range") pixels in the X direction and +-(10 + "Y Range") in the Y direction is done automatically because of a relatively large area of exploration during the search for an optimal (new) position for a particular control point and a very strong force exerted by large values of the image gradient.-Tracking a moving object through several frames, provided changes from frame to frame are on the order of+-(10+ "X Range") pixels in the X direction and+-(10+ "Y Range") in the Y direction is done automatically because of a relatively large area of exploration during the search for an optimal (new) position for a particular control point and a very strong force exerted by large values of the image gradient.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 363520 Publisher : 欢欢

DL : 0
不错的跟踪的程序,c语言写的,适合对gezong感兴趣的的初学者和编程人员。-Good procedures for tracking, c language, and suitable for gezong interest of beginners and programmers.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 17408 Publisher : 王城

DL : 0
相关跟踪源码,C++builder编写,大家共享!-Correlation tracking source, C++ Builder prepared everyone to share!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 515072 Publisher : hanjiandong

DL : 0
particle filter for tracking visual target using Matlab ,enjoy it!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 6144 Publisher : kitty

一个用于电子显微镜下运动细胞的识别跟踪的源代码,出自哈佛医学院的一位教授,对于做物体运动识别估计的各位很有帮助!-Under an electron microscope for cell identification and tracking movement of the source code, from a professor at Harvard Medical School, for the movement of objects do you identify the estimated useful!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 14336 Publisher : 罗肖

DL : 0
一个用opencv实现的目标跟踪程序,可以捕捉AVI视频中的运动目标并实现定位-A goal with opencv tracking program, you can capture AVI video of moving targets and to achieve positioning
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 9881600 Publisher : 阿姆罗

用MFC实现的目标跟踪代码,可自己加载data文件-Using MFC to achieve the goal of tracking code, can load their own data files
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2162688 Publisher : huangmu

基于在线特征学习机制的跟踪算法,本论文拟实现一个基于boosting的分类器在线学习算法,并将之应用于视觉目标跟踪。-Online learning mechanism based on the characteristics of the tracking algorithm, this paper intends to achieve a classifier based on boosting online learning algorithm, and applied to the visual target tracking.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 9282560 Publisher : 陈霄恒

自动视频跟踪方面的相关文章,对在此方面从事研究工作的很有使用价值。-Automatic video tracking of the relevant articles, of research in this regard is very useful work.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 172032 Publisher : lieutenant

A multi-hypothesis approach for salient object tracking in visual surveillance
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 123904 Publisher : gaojunxiang

DL : 0
该代码为gps软件接收机的跟踪环路的matlab实现程序,可以实现简单的gps跟踪环路的功能。-The code for the gps tracking software receivers realize matlab program loop, you can realize a simple loop gps tracking functions.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : 赵文军

有关目标跟踪的11篇IEEE文献 对理解目标跟踪领域,学习检测、分类、跟踪以及后期的图像理解有很大帮助 希望能帮助更多的人-Tracking the target 11 IEEE literature in understanding the field of target tracking to study detection, classification, tracking and understanding of the late images of great help to help more people
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 9487360 Publisher : lin

cmu车辆检测以及跟踪程序,采用光流法计算,-CMU vehicle detection and tracking procedures, the use of optical flow method,
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1414144 Publisher : 王琪

关于active tracking的算法了,利用了OPENCV中的camshift的算法-On the active tracking algorithms, and use of OPENCV algorithms camshift
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2069504 Publisher : 胡刚

完整的PTZ跟踪算法,包括背景建模,运动目标提取,运动目标大小估计以及跟踪。-Complete PTZ tracking algorithm, including background modeling, moving object extraction, moving object and track size is estimated.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 24576 Publisher : 倪佳
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