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pc上sim卡模拟器的相关工程 simulator on pc sim card related projects, we hope to be useful
Update : 2011-08-01 Size : 76801 Publisher :

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主要介绍手机SIM卡的文件系统以及各种相对应的流程的介绍.-introduces mobile phone SIM card file system and the various processes corresponding to the presentation.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 434176 Publisher : 王彦

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sim卡的介绍,和读取sim卡的源程序 (1)SIM卡能够储存多少电话号码取决于卡的EEPROM的容量(有2K、4K、8K、16K、32K等容量),若有8KB的存储容量,可供储存以下信息: *100组电话号码及其对应的性名文字; *15组短信息(Short Message); *25组以上最近拨出的号码; *4位SIM卡密码(PIN)。 表1:几种主要的SIM卡的结构数据 (2)SIM卡是带有微处理器的芯片卡,内有5个模块,每个模块对应一个功能:CPU(8位)、程序存储器ROM(6-16kbit)、工作存储器RAM(128-256kbit)、数据存储器EEPROM(2-8kbit)和串行通信单元,这5个模块集成在一块集成电路中。SIM卡在与手机连接时,最少需要5个连接线: *电源(Vcc)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 4096 Publisher : yang

sim the window of msn move and jump -sim the window of msn move and jump
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 5120 Publisher : z

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有关SIM 卡的一些资料,有需要的用户可以下载
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 5120 Publisher : li

sim卡接口信号定义,具体说明每个信号线的含义和具体应用-sim card interface signal definitions specify the meaning of each signal line and the specific application
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 245760 Publisher : Xuxiao

eap-sim-whitepaper for radiator
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 36864 Publisher : swindy

sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would always have access to the latest traffic information and could provide web links. What this trend is a momentous request for mobile services based on high-speed packet data transfer. Hence, a new standard, GPRS, came into being in order to fill people’s bill.-sim file system In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would always have access to the latest traffic information and could provide web links. What this trend is a momentous request for mobile services based on high-speed packet data transfer. Hence, a new standard, GPRS, came into being in order to fill people s bill.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 93184 Publisher : 第十维

MT+Single+chip+dual+SIM+MT6225+MT6318+MT6188+MT6301+MT6139+MT6601+MT6302图纸-MT+ Single+ Chip+ Dual+ SIM+ MT6225+ MT6318+ MT6188+ MT6301+ MT6139+ MT6601+ MT6302 drawings
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 210944 Publisher : 李爽

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Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 953344 Publisher : hw

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实现对自适应波束形成SIM算法的仿真,在该程序中,我们先设置入射的信号,再进行互协方差矩阵和自协方差矩阵的求解来实现该算法-To achieve adaptive beamforming algorithm for the simulation of SIM, in the process, we first set up the incident signal and then cross-covariance matrix and covariance matrix from the solution to the realization of the algorithm
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张琴超

DL : 0
sim蓝卡,写卡程序,大唐版写卡程序,写卡快,信号强,是很好的写卡程序。-Blue sim card, smart card program, Datang version of the procedure to write cards, cards to write fast, strong signal, is a very good program to write cards.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1699840 Publisher : 陶伟

EAP SIM 白皮书,介绍EAP-SIM的原理与具体的认证流程。-eap-sim-whitepaper
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 36864 Publisher : liu

DL : 0
MTK平台手机开发的例子,使用沃勤开发平台开发的手机SIM小例子-MTK platform for handset development examples, developed using the fertile ground platform small example of mobile phone SIM
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 7168 Publisher : zzg

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Sim 900 AT Command List
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1001472 Publisher : SIM900 AT Command

SIM卡指令系统及初始化编程,提供大家参考学习,有需要的可以-Initialize the SIM card instruction and programming, provide your reference study, there is a need to look at
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 123904 Publisher : 胡斌

该版本从 S7-200 sim 2.0 英文版汉化而来,已经汉化了菜单、大部分对话框和提示信息。 有两个包括下拉列表的对话框(CPU类型号选择和当前时间),只要动了里边的任何东西,下拉列表就显示不正常,所以没有汉化这两个对话框。 在配置扩展模块的智能检查时的部分提示信息在英文版中也是西班牙语的,因这部分提示出现的机率很小,我又得到处找词典,所以保留这些提示未汉化。 另外工具栏和状态栏的提示信息我试了几次,汉化后都显示乱码,所以也保留了原来的英文提示。-This version from the S7-200 sim 2.0 localization from English, has finished the menu, most of the dialogs and prompts. There are two drop-down list in the dialog box, including (CPU type selection number and the current time), as long as anything that moved inside the drop-down list on the display is not normal, so there is no finished the two dialog boxes. Expansion module in the configuration part of the smart check message in English is also in Spanish, because this part of the prompt appears minimal, the place I was looking for dictionaries, so keep these tips are not finished. In addition the toolbar and status bar message I tried several times, after they finished garbled, so it retains the original English prompts.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1074176 Publisher : 辉煌战士

sim card developpement R/W data
Update : 2017-05-17 Size : 106490 Publisher :

sim card driver, 在cyw下编译,支持sim卡读写操作,比如authenticate,等等操作(this is sim card driver. code is wrote in cyw, supporting sim card read and write like authenticate, language.)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 19456 Publisher : idsc

DL : 1
贴片 sim卡 ad封装库 移动联通电信 通用(SMT SIM card ad package librar)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 430080 Publisher : 发货发生过
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