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python 学习手册,第四版,新手学习(python learn programing)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 96495616 Publisher : sproro

此压缩包为python核心编程第三版书中的配套源码。(This is the source code of core python applications.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 155648 Publisher : Ujia

自由之光----一个追求技术自由和个人极限的安全团队。起源于集美大学 黑客和逆向Python编程.chm(Hacker and reverse Python programming.Chm)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 641024 Publisher : chenbo_xyz

Python入门教程-超详细1小时学会Python(Python tutorial - super detailed 1 hour society Python)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 21504 Publisher : dreamitpossible

本书是经典的Python指导书,全书分为两个部分:第1部分包括基本的概念和语句、语法和风格、Python对象、数字类型、序列类型、映射和集合类型、条件和循环、文件和输入/输出、错误和异常、函数和函数式编程、模块、面向对象编程、执行环境等内容; 第2部分则提供了各种高级主题来展示可以使用Python做些什么.(This book is the classic Python instruction book. The book is divided into two parts: the first part includes the basic concepts and statements, grammar and style, Python, digital object types, sequence types, mapping and collection types, conditions and circulation, and file input / output, errors and exceptions and the function and the function module, programming, object-oriented programming, execution environment and content: the second part provides a variety of advanced topics to show what can be done using the Python.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 14999552 Publisher : 亦凌

Python学习资料电子书,学习PYthon语言的经典教材。(A classical python book for both primer and further study, With it you will do better.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 96859136 Publisher : Jennith

Python 是当前普遍使用的流行语言,并纳入了科学计算和机器学习的内容,本文件是一个Python机器学习工具包。(Python is a popular language currently used and incorporated into the contents of scientific computing and machine learning. This document is a Python machine learning toolkit.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1430528 Publisher : 王寒桥

python学习必备书籍,帮助初学者快速学习python语言。(Python learning essential books)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 31726592 Publisher : zhaoheng314

本书是Python编程语言的一份简明参考。尽管有经验的程序员也可以通过本书学习Python语言,但本书并非讲述如何进行编程的一份全面指南或专著。相反,本书的目标是准确而简练地介绍核心的Python语言以及Python库中最重要的部分。本书假定读者以前拥有Python或其他语言(如C或Java方面)的编程经验。另外对系统编程(例如基本的操作系统概念和网络编程)有一定的了解可能会对理解库参考有所帮助。(This book is a concise reference to the Python programming language. Although experienced programmers can learn the Python language through this book, the book is not a comprehensive guide or monograph on how to program it. Instead, the goal of this book is to present the core Python language accurately and succinctly, as well as the most important part of the Python library. This book assumes that the reader has previously had programming experience in Python or other languages (such as C or Java). In addition, a good understanding of system programming, such as basic operating system concepts and network programming, may be useful for understanding library references.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 26035200 Publisher : 哈伦

python学习第四版英文版,如有需要自行下载(python learning fourth edition, English Edition)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 8298496 Publisher : scjss

##Python-Algorithms "Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language" ##Python算法教程 - [第1章 引言](/Chapter1) - [第2章 基础知识](/Chapter2) - 第3章 计数初步 - 第4章 归纳,递归及归简 - 第5章 遍历:算法学中的万能钥匙 - 第6章 分解,合并,解决 - 第7章 贪心有理吗?请证明 - 第8章 复杂依赖及其记忆体化 - 第9章 Dijkstra及其朋友们从A到B的旅程 - 第10章 匹配,切割及流量 - 第11章 困难问题及其(有限)稀释 程序(##Python-Algorithms "Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language")
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 33792 Publisher : scjss

DL : 0
基本Python 入门书籍。 Python_Programming The Art and Craft of Programming 像计算机科学家一样思考python(Introduction to python)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1487872 Publisher : Jerome_zhou

DL : 0
python 实现复杂写excel,主要用了xlwt库,使用方便,简单易用(Python achieve complex writing excel, mainly using the xlwt library, easy to use, easy to use)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 25600 Publisher : yxlijun

Python的数据分析书籍,电子书,较为清晰(Python data analysis e-books)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 12366848 Publisher : huangxudong717

DL : 0
用python读取.mat文件,并将这个文件的内容读出来,用rabbitmq发送到前端。(Read the.Mat file with Python, and read out the contents of this file, and send it to the front end with rabbitmq.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 2048 Publisher : myzl

用于linux的编程,python语言编程(the book is used for program on the linux)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 22682624 Publisher : 小牙哥哥

a project about python udp server/client demo, run them in different computers,you can better experience the enjoyment of network programming with python 1 this is a implementation of python udp server client model, run the code respectively in different machines, and enable that the two machines can ping each other,to do this , you r supposed to shut down your firewalls first. 2 I run the two py file code in two machines,first, you should get to know the ip address of server machine, and replace the HOST constant with your own server ip, then type message firstly on client machine, then you will find that the typed message in client machine shows in the server window, and then the client waits for the response from server side ,then u type message in server window, u will find that message show in client side ,then the server side goes into waiting for the response from client side. 3 so u implement the server / client model in UDP protocol
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1024 Publisher : BaDTimE

python快速上手,可以让基础不太好的同志,快速了解Python,快速实战。(Python quick start, you can let the foundation is not very good comrades, quick understanding of Python, fast combat.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 12709888 Publisher : Kingtao

Python核心编程第三版,是电子版的,非图片。方便多了。第三版跟第二版不同,本文档直接对应第二版的第二部分。如果想看语法基础,建议再找一本书。(It's an electronic version, not a picture. Much more convenient. The third edition is different from the second edition, and this document directly corresponds to the second part of the second edition. If you want to read the grammar basis, suggest to find another book.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 17496064 Publisher : Kingtao

DL : 0
python this leangauje of programing
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 9216 Publisher : danielking
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