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这个是一个获取两个图像相似度的函数,对于图像处理和数字水印方面的编程者来说,会经常去计算两个图像的psnr值,从而来确定图像的相似度,使用matlab可以很方便的计算两个图像的psnr,但是由于matlab专业性很强,而且有没有版权保护,所以对于大批的使用VC语言的这方面的编程者,由于要经常使用而显得很麻烦。 通过调用get_psnr函数可以很方便的就得到两个图像的相似度。 -This is a similarity to obtain a function of two images for image processing and programming aspects of digital watermarking are concerned, will keep the two images to calculate the PSNR value, thereby to determine the similarity of images, the use of matlab can be easily the calculation of the two images psnr, but because matlab highly professional, and has no copyright protection, and therefore the use of a large number of VC language programming in this area, and due to frequent use, there appears to be very troublesome. Get_psnr by calling the function can be easily obtained from the two images on the similarity.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : 莫雨

DL : 1
能计算一幅噪声图像的加权峰值信噪比,以评价各种图像去噪方法的效果-Can calculate an image of the weighted noise PSNR to evaluate the effect of image denoising methods
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : zgming

DL : 0
该原代码包提供图像去噪,图像修复,求psnr值等功能。主要使用全变分方法等方法实现图像处理。-The source code package to provide image denoising, image restoration, and features such as PSNR values. The main use of methods such as variational methods realize image processing.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 389120 Publisher : Christine

对图像进行读取,DCT变换、IDCT变化,并计算PSNR值-Image reader, DCT transform, IDCT changes, and calculate the PSNR value
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 693248 Publisher : kylin

穷尽 块匹配算法motionsEstAnalysis.m Script to execute all AlgorithmsmotionEstES.m Exhaustive Search AlgorithmcostFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference FunctionminCost.m minimum cost among macro blocksmotionComp.m motion compensated image creatorimgPSNR.m finds image PSNR w.r.t. reference-Exhaustive block matching algorithm motionsEstAnalysis.m Script to execute all AlgorithmsmotionEstES.m Exhaustive Search AlgorithmcostFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference FunctionminCost.m minimum cost among macro blocksmotionComp.m motion compensated image creatorimgPSNR.m finds image PSNR wrt reference
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 7168 Publisher : 田卉

DL : 0
求图像峰值信噪比,可以用于图像质量的评估。-Peak signal to noise ratio for images that can be used for image quality assessment.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : 刘坤

DL : 0
函数功能:本函数将完成对输入图像的峰值信噪比计算-Function: This function will be completed on the input image of the peak signal to noise ratio calculation
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : rachel

C++的原碼, 裡面含有邊緣偵測, PSNR值... 不錯用-C++ The original code, which contains the edge detection, PSNR value ... a good use
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 7987200 Publisher : 劉奕成

DL : 0
Implement video compression algorithm that supports: Frame-difference encoding Motion Compensated Prediction (MCP) Long-term memory MCP Optimize MCP parameters for real-time cardiac MRI studies Determine acceptable PSNR for diagnosis Identify compression technique which yields lowest bit-rate at determined PSNR
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 6144 Publisher : Ken

一个计算PSNR的小软件,大家可以试一试,也许对你有用哦-A small PSNR calculation software, everyone can try, perhaps useful to you, oh
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 108544 Publisher : 王彦光

DL : 0
视频质量评价的PSNR评价方法代码,主要针对YUV格式的编码方式。-Evaluation of video quality evaluation method PSNR code, mainly for YUV encoding format.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 2048 Publisher : 胡国胜

通过matlab编写的几个关于PSNR、mse的图像处理的小程序。-Matlab prepared through a few on the PSNR, mse small image-processing procedures.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 2048 Publisher : 胡国胜

可添加随机噪声、高斯噪声、椒盐噪声,并比较几种去噪算法的峰值信噪比-Can add random noise, Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, and compare several denoising algorithm PSNR
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 495616 Publisher : huanglizhen

psnr的视频质量评价程序,主要针对YUV422格式的matlab编码程序。-PSNR of the video quality evaluation procedures, mainly for YUV422 format matlab coding procedures.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 95232 Publisher : 胡国胜

computer PSNR for yuv sequences
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : 冯欣

DL : 0
对图像进行二维离散小波变换, 变换级数大于等于3级,然后统计系数中0的个数(百分比表示),并进行重构, 最后计算重构图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR). 里面还附上了我写的实验报告,对大家理解Mallat算法和图像压缩很有帮助-Image two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform, transform series greater than or equal to 3, and then statistics of the number of coefficients in 0 (expressed as a percentage), and reconstruction, the final calculation of reconstructed image of the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). which also includes the experimental report I wrote to all of us understand the Mallat algorithm and image compression helpful
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 986112 Publisher : zhang

DL : 0
图像的小波去噪,给灰度图像加上一定量的高斯噪声,再采用小波变换的方法去噪,计算去噪前后图像的PSNR。-Wavelet Denoising images to grayscale images coupled with a certain amount of Gaussian noise, and then using the method of wavelet transform denoising calculated before and after denoising images PSNR.
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李大

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之一:空域可见图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005): 实现在一个256色灰度载体图像空域数据中嵌入一个256色灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)水印在载体图像中的嵌入位置及嵌入强度可以设置。 (3)可以计算原始图像和含水印图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR),以对含水印图像进行客观质量评价。 (4)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。-err
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1561600 Publisher :

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之二:空域不可见LSB图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005): 实现在一个256色灰度载体图像的LSB中嵌入一个二值(用256色模拟)灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)可以对含水印图像中的水印信息进行提取,提取时不需要原始图像。 (3)LSB攻击可使含水印图像中的水印信息丢失。 (4)可以计算峰值信噪比(PSNR)和互相关系数(NC),以对含水印图像及提取水印进行客观质量评价。 (5)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。-err
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 1060864 Publisher :

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之三:DWT变换域可见图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005):实现在一个256色灰度载体图像变换域数据中嵌入一个256色灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)水印在载体图像中的嵌入位置及嵌入强度可以设置。 (3)可以计算原始图像和含水印图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR),以对含水印图像进行客观质量评价。 (4)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。-err
Update : 2024-04-17 Size : 2955264 Publisher :
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