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paypal ipn 接口,php实现,经久验证
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14025 Publisher : 黄桂荣

Update : 2009-04-29 Size : 11339 Publisher :

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是一款强劲的B2C的网上购物软件,利用它我们能建立起强劲的、自由的、安全的购物平台.系统由C#及SqlServer开发, 是B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构的asp.net程序. 此版本对常用功能进行了更多整合: 投票功能 评论功能 快速注册或不注册即可购买 查看此商品的用户又查看了哪些商品的统计 购买此商品的用户又购买了哪些商品的统计 单件商品的快速收藏 可按商品编号搜索商品 新增积分换赠品的优惠方式 在有新定单、用户留言及用户对其订单声明"我己付款"时发邮件通知管理员 增加8848在线支付接口 增加网银在线支付接口 增加中文网服OIPS在线支付接口 增加西部在线支付接口 增加PayEX在线支付接口 增加PayPal在线支付接口。-is a strong B2C Internet shopping software, we can use it to establish a strong, free and safe shopping platform. System C# and patching development of the B/S (browser/server) structure of the Asp. Net procedures. This version of the common power will a more integrated : voting rapid functional comments function is not registered or registration can be purchased view this commodity users have to see what the statistics commodity purchase commodities users have purchased goods which the statistics of single pieces of the rapid collection of commodity goods can be No. integral search for new merchandise gifts in the form of concessions new orders, user messages and users of its orders statement, "I have to pay" when notified by mail administrators to increase 8,848 online pay
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 134144 Publisher : 李东

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采用最新JSP脚本语言设计,比一般的电子商务网站运行速度快10倍以上,采用MYSQL数据库构件,商品多级分类融合三大在线支付模块:支付宝、网银支付、PAYPAL支付。针对搜索引擎进行优化,HTML页面生成。 完善的会员等级及价格设计,及批发及零售为一体。 支持预存款在线充值,支持预存款支付,自动记录会员帐户变更情况。 引入邮件草稿箱概念,用于存储常用邮件群发信息。 采用语言包重新设计,采用国际编码UTF-8,完全支持各个国家的语言,轻松改变系统语言。 采用模板技术重新设计,支持自定义模板,支持模板导入、导出。您只需要在后台插入您设计的网站模板,您的网站将从此独具一格! -using the latest JSP scripting language design than general e-commerce websites run faster 10 times, using MYSQL database component, the value of multi-level integration of the three classifications online payment module :-paid, silver net pay, PAYPAL as payment. Against search engine optimization, generating HTML pages. Member sound design and price levels, and the wholesale and retail of integration. Pre-supported online prepaid deposits, deposits in support of pre-paid accounts automatically record Member of the change. Introduction of the concept of mail folders for storing commonly used mail listserv information. The language used packages designed using international coding UTF-8, fully supported all the national language, easy to change system language. Using the template and re-des
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1626112 Publisher :

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商城名称: 新普网络商城XpShop 官方网站: 初始帐号: admin / admin 最新发布: XpShop .Net 2.4 欢迎使用新普网络商城,XpShop .Net v2.4具有如下特点: 1、使用ASP.Net(c#)、三层结构开发; 2、支持多语言,详细使用方法请咨询新普公司客服; 3、支持多模板,现有版本已经附带5套模板,官方网站不定时发布新模板; 4、兼容主流浏览器,界面美观,皮肤设计灵活多变; 5、可定制缺货处理功能; 6、支持附件销售功能; 7、支持会员组批发功能; 8、支持预付款; 9、自动核算配送价格; 10、商品支持多类别; 11、支持在线备份数据库; 12、支持无限级商品类别; 13、可添加无限多种商品扩展属性,并可将扩展属性加入高级搜索; 14、支持多管理员,可自由设定管理员的可管理项; 15、自动生成报价单,商品价格一目了然; 16、用UTF-8编码,适用在全球各地的网络空间运行; 17、集成多种在线支付方式,除国内的主流支付方式支付宝、网银在线,贝宝外,还集成了适合于国外支付的Paypal和网银在线外卡; 18、不断升级,并可免费下载使用;-place names : New Pronk network Mall XpShop official website : http :// initial account : admin/admin latest release : XpShop. Net 2.4 Pronk welcomed the use of new network Mall, XpShop. Net time monitor has the following characteristics : 1, the use of ASP.Net (c#) the three-tier structure development; 2, multi-language support, detailed advice please use the new Cape company customer service; 3, for the multi- template the current version has five sets of templates fringe, the official web site regularly releases new templates; 4, compatible browser mainstream, beautiful interface, Design flexibility of the skin; 5 and can be customized understocked processing functions; 6, Annex sales support functions; 7. Group members support the wholesale function; 8, support adv
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3163136 Publisher : songshubo

The purpose of this code is to assist developers get some good ideas for how to build a PayPal shopping cart. It is your job as a developer to ensure that any code provided meets your needs.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 328704 Publisher : imronin

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6.2 版新增功能: 1.U盾(加密狗)功能 2.屏蔽国内IP访问功能 软件特点介绍: 1、使用ASP.Net(c#)、三层结构开发 2、自由选择模板,界面美观,皮肤设计灵活多变 3、在线支付:支付宝,网银在线,快钱,paypal,YeePay易宝支付,IPS环讯支付,腾讯财付通 4、销售统计,图表分析 5、集成多种流量统计系统 6、多国语言,内置简体,繁体和英语 7、UTF-8编码,可用于全球的服务器 8、自动生成静态HTML页面 9、报价表商品价格一目了然-6.2 version new features: 1.U rupiah (dongle) function 2. Shielding domestic IP access software features of introduction: one, the use of ASP.Net (c#), Three-tier structure of the development of 2, free to choose a template, interface aesthetics, 3 flexible skin design, online payment: pay Bao, net silver online, quick money, paypal, YeePay Epro pay, IPS, Central inquiry payments, pay Qualcomm Tencent Choi 4, sales statistics, charts, analysis of 5, integration of a wide range of traffic statistics System 6, multiple languages, built-Simplified, Traditional and English 7, UTF-8 encoding, can be used for global server 8, automatic generation of static HTML pages 9, quote sheet commodity prices at a glance
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4237312 Publisher : explod

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paypal ipn 接口,php实现,经久验证-paypal ipn interface, php realize, durable authentication
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 13312 Publisher : 黄桂荣

PayPal支付平台的接口编程文档。PayPal是目前国际电子支付中最常用的平台,如果你开发电子商务网站需要解决国际支付问题,便可以使用该平台。本文档说明了如何将PayPal支付平台集成到你的电子商务网站中。-PayPal payment platform programming interface documentation. PayPal is an international electronic payment in the most commonly used platform for the development of e-commerce site if you need to address the issue of international payments, they can use the platform. This document explains how to integrate PayPal payment platform to your e-commerce site.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1146880 Publisher : stevenqin

BlogHoster 是一款国外的商业多用户博客程序, 可以注册用户,用户自主选择和编辑模板, FCK所见所得编辑器,强大的模板调用标签, 创建独立分类,填写内容和评论,协同创作, 创建用户个性文件,增加好友,好友管理, 个人相册分享,PayPal 设置选项 BSP数据同步,支持URL重定向, 后台详细的屏蔽安全管理,邮件通知,站内个人消息 用户分组,数据库管理等功能. 自带了跟其他php程序整合的BlogHoster 2.X Portal
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1330176 Publisher : amoytow

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paypal查询和paypal退款 paypal 查询和paypal退款-scarchtransaction refundtrsaction
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3072 Publisher : wzl

paypal database hackware
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1584128 Publisher : kevin..da..hacker

With details on how to integrate different APIs and web feeds in PHP so websites can leverage content from eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, and FedEx, this hands-on guide takes you step by step through each stage of the API process.-With details on how how to integrate different APIs and web feeds in PHP so websites can leverage content from eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, and FedEx, this hands-on guide takes you step by step through each stage of the API process.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3815424 Publisher : powgo

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Example of using PayPal IPN Handler
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 9216 Publisher : GALE

paypal ipn实现实例。是国外开发者编写的。-paypal ipn implementation examples. Is the foreign developers to write.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 47104 Publisher : qurui

This book is primarily for software developers. I assume you have a basic understanding of Internet technologies and programming techniques. Code samples are scattered throughout the text and are provided in numerous languages, so fluency in languages such as Java and PHP will help you get the most value from the book. All the code samples in this book, as well as additional code that isn’t included in the text, are provided in the Source Code/Download section of the Apress website at If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with little to no programming experience, however, there is still a significant amount of information you can glean from these pages. While a good portion may be too technical for your interest, this book provides details on almost all PayPal technologies, and as such can give you a better sense of the type of work that would need to be done in order to integrate PayPal into your grand schemes, even if you ultimately won’t be the one hacking out the code.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4067328 Publisher : primitive_man

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采用最新JSP脚本语言设计,比一般的电子商务网站运行速度快10倍以上,采用mysql数据库构件,商品多级分类融合三大在线支付模块:支付宝、网银支付、PAYPAL支付。针对搜索引擎进行优化,HTML页面生成。 -JSP scripting language using the latest design, e-commerce site than the average speed of more than 10 times faster, using MYSQL database component, multi-level categories of goods the three major online payment module integration: pay, online banking payment, PAYPAL payment. Search engine optimization, HTML page generation.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1623040 Publisher : 胡可可

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一个小型的大学食堂管理系统,运用PayPal执行网上交易。-A small university canteen management system, implementation of online transactions using PayPal.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 77824 Publisher : 赵一

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Manual paypal cashout manual
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 89088 Publisher : Valavant

Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 6986752 Publisher : kartoos
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