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前段时间,客户要求我们的系统可以实现与ms excel的数据交换,可以把系统中的数据导入导出到excel.我们的系统是一个用java做的b/s结构的MIS系统.为了解决这个问题,我采用了专门操作excel的开源项目jxl 根据客户的要求,用jxl实现了如下功能: 1:在客户端读取excel文件的数据 2:把系统数据导出到excel模板文件中. -Earlier, the customer can ask our system with ms excel data exchange system can import and export data to excel. Our system is a java to do with b/s structure of the MIS system. To solve this problem I used excel to operate specialized jxl of the open source project based on customer requirements, using jxl to achieve the following functions: 1: the client to read excel file data 2: Export the data to excel template file.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 2037760 Publisher : tyxhlw
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