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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17042254 Publisher : 彭明

Update : 2009-04-15 Size : 19483190 Publisher :

Update : 2011-03-04 Size : 85306 Publisher : bskkee

一个游戏引擎,使用方便,而且是很主流的3d开发引擎,提供dll和接口,有一些例子的代码.-a game engine, easy to use, and is a very mainstream 3d engine development, and provide dll interface, some examples of the code.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 13981696 Publisher : 荣天

DL : 0
一个解析XML文件的源代码,名字为irrxml,是3D引擎irrlicht内文件系统的一部分。-a parsing XML document source code, to name irrxml. 3 D is the engine of document irrlicht system.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 84992 Publisher : 王理

game engine, which is useful for everyone who is interested in it. I hope you can enjoy it.-game engine. which is useful for everyone who is interested i n it. I hope you can enjoy it.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 15647744 Publisher : jonathan

最好的开元引擎irrlicht的例子,需要的下载-inception of the best engines irrlicht example, the need to download
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 14336 Publisher : 微微

irrlicht的CustomSceneNode的例子,需要的请下载-irrlicht the CustomSceneNode example, the need to download
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 13312 Publisher : 微微

这是一个很重要的开源3d引擎,设计简单 容易上手,同时也有许多预处理的函数-This is a very important revenue 3d engine design is simple and easy to get started, and it is also a function of many pretreatment
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 16473088 Publisher : 王海

最新3D游戏开发引擎irrlicht1.4.1-The latest 3D game development engine irrlicht1.4.1
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 17042432 Publisher : 彭明

DL : 0
xml plug for irrlicht engin
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 86016 Publisher : 温祖槐

DL : 0
采用C++与IRRLICHT游戏引擎开发的一个3D迷宫程序源代码-Using C++ With IRRLICHT game engine developed a 3D maze source code
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 244736 Publisher : 建材

很重要的开源3d引擎,设计简单 容易上手,最新3D游戏开发引擎-irrlicht1.5.1-The latest 3D game development engine irrlicht1.5.1
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 22513664 Publisher : 邱鹏

著名的鬼火引擎 想做3d游戏的不会不知道吧,-Well-known wildfire engines do not want to do 3d games do not know it,
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 17226752 Publisher : Mr_tong

功能和特点 ◆ 提供Anti-aliasing支持 ◆ 可换肤的GUI环境 ◆ 场景管理系统 ◆ 角色动画系统 ◆ 特殊的效果系统   ◆ 内建的材质支持 ◆ .NET语言绑定   ◆ 内建的平台独立的软件生成器 ◆ 2D绘图功能 ◆ 能直接导入常见的建模文件格式 ◆ 能直接导入纹理 ◆ 快速而易用的碰撞检测与响应 ◆ 为3D运算和容器模板库优化处理 ◆ 直接读取档案 ◆ 集成了快速的XML分析器 ◆ 提供Unicode支持 ◆ 可运行于Linux,Windows ,MacOS-Functions and features to provide Anti-aliasing support ◆ ◆ ◆ may be peeling of the GUI environment, the role of scene animation system management system ◆ ◆ ◆ built-in special effects system, the material support ◆. NET language bindings ◆ built-in platform independent software generation ◆ ◆ 2D graphics device directly into the modeling common file formats directly into the texture ◆ ◆ fast and easy to use collision detection and response ◆ computing and containers for the 3D template library is optimized to read the file directly ◆ ◆ Integration a fast XML parser to provide Unicode support ◆ ◆ can run on Linux, Windows, MacOS
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 22514688 Publisher : 张玉刚

鬼火引擎 1.6.一款适合初学者研究游戏开发的引擎.-Wisp Engine 1.6
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 19737600 Publisher : xuehua

Irrlicht是一个3D游戏引擎。它具有高效,实时等特点,是个完全跨平台的引擎,使用D3D、OpenGL和它的自己的渲染程序。支持动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。目前最新版本是1.7.1。-Irrlicht is a 3D game engine. It has high-performance, real-time characteristics, it is a totally cross-platform engine, using D3D, OpenGL and its own rendering program. Support dynamic shadows, particle systems, character animation, indoor and outdoor technology, and collision detection. The latest version is 1.7.1.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 19542016 Publisher : iFire

鬼火开发库文件,我一直用的,很不错,没问题。-Wisps development library files, I have been used, very good, no problem.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 18307072 Publisher : yuantg

三D实时图像渲染引擎,引擎名叫鬼火,是一个开源引擎,在学校的时候主要使用该引擎进行三维图像渲染,网上资料也还是比较多。-3D RealTime Render Engine
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 37787648 Publisher : 文杰

DL : 0
irrlicht-0.7 源代码,很久以前的代码,不确定现在还能下载不。-Irrlicht-0.7 source code, a long time ago, the code is not sure now can download.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 11998208 Publisher : zhangmj
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