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freeimage library
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 617472 Publisher : sunshine

FreeImage是为想支持流行的图像格式(BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PCX 等等)的开发人员提供的一个开发库项目。一些亮点有:非常易于使用,不限于只在本地PC上使用(独特的FreeImageIO)和插件式驱动! -FreeImage is to want to support the popular image formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, etc.) provided by the developer for a development project. Some bright spots : very easy to use, not limited to only the use of local PC (unique FreeImageIO) and the plug-in drive!
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 693248 Publisher : 孙志刚

一个基于freeimage函数库开发的图形图像处理程序,界面不错,功能媲美acds-freeimage a library based on the development of image processing procedures, good interface, functional comparable Converter
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 370688 Publisher : 赵辉

CxImage类库是一个优秀的图像操作类库。它可以快捷地存取、显示、转换各种图像。有的读者可能说,有那么多优秀的图形库,如OpenIL,FreeImage,PaintLib等等,它们可谓是功能强大,齐全,没必要用其它的类库。但我要说,这些类库基本上没有免费的,使用这些类库,你要被这样那样的许可协议所束缚。在这点上,CxImage类库是完全免费的。另外,在使用上述类库时,你会遇到重重麻烦。因为它们大部分是平台无关的,且用C语言写成,有的还夹杂着基本的C++ wrapper和成堆德编译选项的声明需要你去处理。而CxImage类库在这方面做得很好。还有让我最看好的,就是作者完全公开了源代码。相对于那些封装好的图形库和GDI+来说,这一点使我们可以进一步学习各种编解码技术,而不再浮于各种技术的表面。 -CxImage library is a fine image manipulation libraries. It can quickly access, display, converting all images. Some readers might say that there are so many outstanding graphics libraries, such as OpenIL, FreeImage, PaintLib etc., they can be powerful, complete, and no need to use other libraries. But I must say, these are basically no free library, the use of these libraries, you have to be all kinds of licensing agreements are binding. At this point, CxImage library is completely free. In addition, the use of these libraries, you will encounter a lot of trouble. Because most of them are platform-independent and can be used in C language. Some also mixed with the basic C wrapper and piles of Germany compiler options statement need you to handle. CxImage library and the work has been done
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4062208 Publisher : 姜丽华

封装了freeimage库的图像处理程序 可以用他很方便的进行各种图像处理 包括边缘检测,阈值分割等 是学习c++封装库调用DLL的灵活运用 相当方便 同时还进行了检测速度的比较-Packaging freeimage library of image processing procedures can be used conveniently in the various image processing including edge detection, thresholding segmentation, and other learning c Packaging called the flexible use of the DLL's very convenient but also for the detection of speed
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3587072 Publisher : 让他

一个自由、开源的图形库--FreeImage支持位图构件―例如调色板和数据位―的便易访问;将位图从一种位深度转换到另一种位深度;当有多幅位图页―例如TIFF―时访问位图的不同页;基本的位图处理,如旋转、翻转(flipping)和重采样,或点操作,如亮度和对比度调整;Alpha混合与合成(Compositing and blending);FreeImage不支持:高级图象处理操作,如回卷(Convolution)和变换(Transform);位图绘制; 矢量图形。-a free, revenue graphics library-- FreeImage support bitmap elements- such as a palette and data spaces- the easy access; will be from a bitmap-depth conversion to another kind of depth; When a number of bitmap page- such as TIFF- Bitmap to visit the different pages; basic bitmap processing, such as rotation, Upset (flipping) and resampling, or point operations, such as brightness and contrast adjustments; Alpha mixed with the synthetic (Compositing and blending); FreeImage not support : Advanced image processing operation, If the response (Convolution) and transform (Transform); bitmap rendering; Vector Graphics.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 2489344 Publisher : web2007ftp

一个自由、开源的图形库--FreeImage3.92最新版的中文参考(支持位图构件―例如调色板和数据位―的便易访问;将位图从一种位深度转换到另一种位深度;当有多幅位图页―例如TIFF―时访问位图的不同页;基本的位图处理,如旋转、翻转(flipping)和重采样,或点操作,如亮度和对比度调整;Alpha混合与合成(Compositing and blending);FreeImage不支持:高级图象处理操作,如回卷(Convolution)和变换(Transform);位图绘制; 矢量图形。)-a free, revenue graphics library-- the latest version FreeImage3 .92 reference to the Chinese (support bitmap elements- such as transfer shade and data spaces- the easy access; will be from a bitmap-depth conversion to another kind of depth; When a number of bitmap page- such as TIFF- Bitmap to visit the different pages; basic bitmap processing, such as rotation, Upset (flipping) and resampling, or point operations, such as brightness and contrast adjustments; Alpha mixed with the synthetic (Compositing and blending); FreeImage not support : Advanced image processing operation, If the response (Convolution) and transform (Transform); bitmap rendering; Vector graphics.)
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1253376 Publisher : web2007ftp

本程序用VC2003实现一个照片浏览器。使用DirectDraw,MFC,FreeImage(a OpenSource photo library),etc。此软件功能强大,像ACDSEE。-VC2003 the procedures used to achieve a photo browser. Use DirectDraw, MFC, FreeImage (a OpenSource photo library), etc. This powerful software, like ACDSEE.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 156672 Publisher : 王茂

FreeImage is a library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP and others). Some highlights are: extremely simple in use, not limited to the local PC (unique FreeImageIO) and Plugin driven! -FreeImage is a library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP and others). Some highlights are: extremely simple in use, not limited to the local PC (unique FreeImageIO) and Plugin driven !
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 2506752 Publisher : liuyangustc

freeimage 强大的图象处理库,这是freeimage的一个测试程序,对大家有帮助的.-freeimage powerful image processing library freeimage This is a test procedure, we have to help.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1040384 Publisher : jys

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一个图像处理的ocx控件,包含了大部分的图像处理算法-An image processing ocx control, contains the bulk of the image processing algorithm
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 705536 Publisher : yijing

CImg图形处理函数库,与openCV,freeImage等并列的流行图像处理函数,很方便地完成图像变换,算法等-CIMG graphics library with openCV, freeImage such as the prevalence of parallel image processing function, it is easy to complete the image transform, algorithms, etc.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3802112 Publisher : 谢德平

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Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3244032 Publisher : zhangzhi

关于freeimage的一些实例代码,对学习freeimage很有帮助-about freeimage
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3074048 Publisher : 杨静

freeimage库,可以对图像进行相关的操作处理,方便快捷-freeimage library, can be related to the operation of image processing, convenient and quick
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4052992 Publisher : relax

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FREEIMAGE整合测试源码 偶自加了一部分-Integration and Test FREEIMAGE added source of self-dual
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 761856 Publisher : huang

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C语言的体系,大量使用指针运算速度可以保证,内含先进的多种插值算法。 另外独有的支持meta exif信息的读取。该库最大的特点就是比较简练,只把重点放在对各种格式图像的读取写入支持上,没有显示部分,实际编程的时候还是需要调用API函数进行显示。 -FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today s multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 266240 Publisher : 金金

在vs2008中的MFC中,用freeimage显示图片-In vs2008 the MFC, the display image with freeimage
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张学敏

介绍了FreeImage中的图像图形库,包含了他的成员变量的含义,以及成员函数的定义和作用-The images presented FreeImage graphics library, contains the meaning of his member variables and member function definition and role
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1253376 Publisher : 星缘

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开源类库,freeimage能打开很多格式的图像,支持的格式比opencv多。-Open source library, freeimage can open many image formats, supports more formats than opencv.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 5199872 Publisher : yan
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