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Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1352874 Publisher :

功能很强大的编解码代码-feature is a powerful source codec
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1352874 Publisher : 公用帐号,请不要修改

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1800827 Publisher : 李建

功能很强大的编解码代码-feature is a powerful source codec
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1352704 Publisher :

Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 671744 Publisher :

流媒体网络播放器程序源代码,适合于网络流媒体方向参考-Streaming media network player source code, suitable for network streaming media the direction of the reference
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1800192 Publisher : 李建

Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1801216 Publisher : karl

GM8120/GM8180 ffmepg-0.48 完整原代码-GM8120/GM8180 ffmpeg-0.48 full source code
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2410496 Publisher : rick

ffmpeg-0.4.8.tar.gz ffmpeg开发最常用的文件-ffmpeg-0.4.8.tar.gz ffmpeg development of the most commonly used file ~ ~
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 16937984 Publisher : 龚嘉

DL : 0
FFMPEG移植到安卓的so链接库,源码为ffmpeg0.8.14 love版本-FFMPEG Andrews transplanted to the so-link library, source for ffmpeg0.8.14 love version
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2134016 Publisher : 姜骁洋

FFMPEG移植到安卓的so链接库,源码为ffmpeg0.8.14 love版本-FFMPEG Andrews transplanted to the so-link library, source for ffmpeg0.8.14 love version
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 2134016 Publisher : 姜骁洋

免费开源,目前官方提供 v1.7稳定版的下载,ClipBucket v1.8正在开发中,基于FFMPEG,还不错,最醒目的就属那个球体标签去效果(flash标签云,以前在wordpress见有人用过类似的插件)观看影片时还有关灯效果,这可是一个亮点。-Free and open source, the official provide stable version V1.7 download, ClipBucket v1.8 is being developed, based on ffmpeg, but also good, the most eye-catching is the sphere label to the flash tag cloud effect, previously in the WordPress see people used similar plugins) watching the movie is related to the effect of light, but this is a bright spot.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 3773440 Publisher : 巴拉拉

1:此示例只是用来显示视频流,并没有处理存储视频及回放视频功能. 2:在打开项目后务必将构建里面的影子构建(Shadow build)取消. 3:实时显示视频,视频响应速度比VLC,QTAV等播放器快很多倍. 4:精简代码,在windows下是可以完整编译通过并运行的.linux下要将对应ffmpeg库文件替换. 5:支持三通道同步显示一个视频流,可以单击截图按钮截图放在最后一个通道. 6: 支持单个通道双击最大化显示. 7:代码处理并不够完整,还有很多需要优化的地方. 8:代码注释不够详尽,但是简单易懂. 9:没有使用定时器,采用信号槽机制实现视频流播放. 10:处理全部放在QFFmpge类中,包括注释也才到100行代码左右. 11:使用示例简单方便.自带了一个珍藏多年的黑灰色主题样式表,锦上添花!-1: This example is only used to display the video stream, and does not handle video storage and playback video function 2: After opening the project sure to build inside the shadow of Construction (Shadow build) cancel 3: Real-time video display, video response speed ratio VLC, QTAV and other players is many times faster 4: streamline the code, in the windows can complete compile and run under .linux ffmpeg library to replace the corresponding 5: 3-channel synchronous display a video stream can be a single Screenshot Screenshot hit the button on the last channel 6: supports a single channel double-click the Zoom 7: Code processing and incomplete, there are many places need to optimize 8: code comments is not exhaustive, but easy to understand 9: do not use a timer, using signal slots mechanism for video streaming 10: processing all on QFFmpge class, including comments also only about 11 to 100 lines of code: using the example of a simple and convenient comes with a collection of black
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 15262720 Publisher : chamsdoncon
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