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1 Pocle是一套视频建站系统 2 Pocle是国内第一套视频建站的解决方案,由Dream Windows 强力打造和系统支持 3 Pocle是基于 PHP 脚本、使用 MySQL 数据库的软件 4 Pocle是由 CC视频联盟 和视频交易平台无缝支持的系统-1 Pocle is a 2 Pocle video建站system is the first set of video建站solution Dream Windows by creating a strong and systematic support for 3 Pocle is based on the PHP script, use the MySQL database software is 4 Pocle video Union CC and video trading platform seamless support system
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1615872 Publisher : feng

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用来制作服务的,vb做服务也会很简单了。您梦寐以求的哦。-For production services, vb make services will be very simple. Oh, you dream of.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 14336 Publisher : ding

网易西游系列网游地图读取类(大话2 大话3 梦幻)-Netease West Series network map reading class (big 2 big 3 Dream)
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 7168 Publisher : wobzd

dream collecton for c++ builder 5 b4.01
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 3715072 Publisher : ling

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一个可以制作出和DELPHI很接近的IDE的好控健。只是稍微老了点。-One can create and DELPHI very close to a good control of the IDE Kin. Just a little old for that.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1772544 Publisher : dxt

在vc6.0环境下采用了h.263的编解码技术 并完成了音频播放消息发送等功能-Vc6.0 environment in the use of H.263 codec technology and completed the audio playback features such as message
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 318464 Publisher : shi jia jia

替代加密: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 密文 Y Z D M R N H X J L I O Q U W A C B E G F K P 明文 X Y Z T S V I HAVE A DREAM!# 密文?? 用ARM编程实现替代加密。-Alternative encryption: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VW ciphertext YZDMRNHXJLIOQUWACBEGF KP expressly XYZTSVI HAVE A DREAM!# Ciphertext? ? Programming using ARM alternative encryption.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 18432 Publisher : 富洋

游戏的设计与开发——梦开始的地方 作者:叶丁 叶展 本书共计六篇二十二章,其中基础篇阐述了基本游戏理论和游戏性等问题;设计篇列出几个游戏设计方面的专题;美工篇集中介绍了二维和三维美工和动画技术;编程篇主要围绕三维图形和人工智能展开;管理篇则探讨软件工程在游戏开发中的应用;最后以教育篇来总结全书-Game Design and Development- the beginning of the dream Author: Ye Ting book exhibition Total 22 Chapter 6, in which articles on the basis of the basic game theory and games of other issues design articles listed several aspects of game design topics art articles focused on two-dimensional and three-dimensional art and animation techniques programming articles focus on three-dimensional graphics and artificial intelligence carried out management chapter is to explore software engineering in the game development application Finally, to sum up the book chapter Education
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 21314560 Publisher : free

欢迎使用功能强大的梦想家园留言板2008(Build 0509) 本留言板完全开源,可以在只需保留版权信息的情况下用于任何个人和商业目的 采用ASP.NET2.0,灵活的管理员配置功能: 1.可配置留言是否需要审核才可显示 2.可配置管理员的回复是否全部显示 初始管理帐号: admin 密码: admin 后台登陆地址: admin_default.aspx 程序设计: Youbing 官方网站: 在线演示地址: 安装使用帮助: 使用过程中如果遇到问题请联系: QQ: 835739751发邮件时请将#换转成@) 下载地址: -Welcome to the dream home a powerful message board 2008 (Build 0509) of the message board fully open source, you can simply retain the copyright information in the circumstances for any personal and commercial purposes using ASP.NET2.0, administrators flexible configuration Function: 1. can be configured before audit messages need to display 2. can be configured and whether all of the administrator
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 177152 Publisher : 雷友兵

dreamweaver 日历控件 addfavourite控件等
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 83968 Publisher : liaojining2003

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一款VB写的个人FTP服务器程序,这个代码能满足了大家没有钱买服务器空间的梦想!-VB to write a personal FTP server program, the code can not afford to meet everyone s dream of server space!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 74752 Publisher : 陈峰

此论文首先介绍了电子商务发展与应用,然后概括了电子商务网站的设计与建设,接着介绍了ASP,Dreamweaver和Access的基本知识,以及全面论述了网上商店销售系统的设计与实现。其中详细地阐明了系统的设计思想、数据库的设计、后台系统和数据库的配置,并分门别类地将登录注册、购物、搜索、下订单以及管理等功能的实现一一呈现在大家面前。最后以几个实际页面为例,具体地讲解了网上销售系统的实践操作-This paper introduces the development and application of e-commerce, and then summed up the e-commerce site design and construction, and then introduced the ASP, Dreamweaver and basic knowledge of Access, as well as a comprehensive discussion of the online shop sales system design and implementation. Which sets out in detail the system design concepts, database design, the background system and database configuration, and different categories will be posted registration, shopping, search, under orders, as well as management features such as the realization of 11 shows in front of everyone. Finally, the actual number of pages as an example, specifically on the online sales system to operate in practice
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 484352 Publisher : zollone

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ASP深度梦想整站系统源码,仅供学习和参考使用-ASP deep dream of the whole points system source code, only to learn and use and reference
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 645120 Publisher : 吴建华

本书是Brian W. Kernighan和Rob Pike合著的最新力作。本书从排错、测试、性能、可移植性、设计、界面、风格和记法等方面, 讨论了程序设计中实际的、又是非常深刻和具有广泛意义的思想、技术和方法,它的翻译出版将填补国内目前这方面书籍的空白。 本书值得每个梦想并努力使自己成为优秀程序员的人参考,值得每个计算机专业的学生和计算机工作者阅读,也可作为程序设计高级课程的教材或参考书。 -This book is Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike s important new book co-author. This book from the debugging, testing, performance, portability, design, interface, style and notation, etc., discussed the procedures for the design of practical, it is very deep and broad-sense ideas, techniques and methods, and its translated and published to fill the current gaps in this regard books. This book is worth every dream and strive to become good programmers reference, it is worth every computer students and computer workers to read and program design can also be used as advanced courses in materials or reference books.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 7993344 Publisher : 常静

《案例精粹》源码,包含大量使用的案例。- Dreamwerver8 case the essence of source, including a large number of use cases.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 4214784 Publisher : 曾俊

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一个周公解梦的网页的ASP源码,对原有的进行了美化-A dream of the Duke of Zhou ASP page source, the original had a landscaping
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 131072 Publisher : 阿尔萨斯

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多年以前梦想写游戏,自己实现的滚屏算法,叫做Scroll的代码。WXAD是上下左右,Q是退出。刚才试了一下,在XP上居然还能运行。怀念那时候的梦想-Years ago the dream of writing games, their own realized Scroll algorithm, called the Scroll of the code. WXAD is up and down about, Q is the exit. Just try a little, even in XP can run on. Miss that time, the dream
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 59392 Publisher : bgtommy2000

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一个小坦克游戏,也是当年的梦想,学做游戏代码,需要BC3.1图形库,看看源代码吧。-A small tank games, also was the dream of learning to do the game code, graphics library BC3.1 need to see the source code it.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 51200 Publisher : bgtommy2000

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这是一本对想进入DirectShow 大门的同志梦想的好书,详细介绍了DirectShow 的开发-This is one pairs wishing to enter the door DirectShow comrades dream book, detailing the development of DirectShow
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 46517248 Publisher : 龙神

手机SIM卡应用与安全缺陷分析 SIM卡详细介绍 内容简介:这个文件是很多人梦寐以求的资料,我收集了许多网站资料整理合成的。介绍的非常详细!有SIM卡的引脚定义图、内部结构、…… -Mobile phone SIM card applications and security defect analysis SIM card details Description: This document is a dream of many people, I collected a lot of site data synthesis. Described in great detail! SIM cards have a pin the definition of map, the internal structure of ... ...
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 316416 Publisher : 姜风
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