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Brian W. Kernighan和Rob Pike合著的最新力作。讨论了程序设计中实际的、又是非常深刻和具有广泛意义的思想、技术和方法,它的翻译出版将填补国内目前这方面书籍的空白。本书值得每个梦想并努力使自己成为优秀程序员的人参考,值得每个计算机专业的学生和计算机工作者阅读,也可作为程序设计高级课程的教材或参考书。-Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike co-authored the latest masterpieces. Discussion of the actual design process, but we were very deep and broad significance of the idea that technology and methods, it will be translated and published fill current gaps in the area of books. The book is worth every dream and strive to become a good programmer reference, Each is worthy of computer professionals and computer student workers reading, procedures could also serve as senior design courses or reference materials.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8814707 Publisher : 微笑只

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  自从Windows操作系统出现以后,在应用程序中进行人机交互的思想和手段便发生了根本性的改变,计算机的界面变得友好精彩。一个程序的好坏很大程 度上决定于人机交互的方便程度。当前,大多数程序的标题栏都千篇一律,如何让自己的程序与众不同是每个程序员的梦想,但改变标题栏的内容的确有相当的难 度。该篇文章向你介绍如何在标题栏上添加图标按钮,而且当鼠标经过和点击该图标时,鼠标将有不同的反应。请按照下面的步骤实现。   第一步:打开VC编程环境,生成一个新的基于单文档的工程temp,所有的选项都取默认值,下面,我们就在此工程的标题栏上生成三个按钮图标。   第二步:下载资源文件,共有三个文件:CaptionButton.cpp、CaptionButton.h和Thunk.h。将这三个文件添加到工程中(添加方法不必细说了吧)。 -since the emergence of the Windows operating system. the application process for HCI thinking and means has undergone a fundamental change, computer-friendly interface become brilliant. The quality of a process largely depends on the man-machine interaction convenience. Currently, the majority of procedures are stereotyped column heading, and how to help their own procedures are different for each programmer's dream, but to change the column headings as indeed it is quite difficult. The article to tell you how to add Biaodilanshang icon button, but when the mouse hovers over the icon and click, mouse will have different reactions. Please follow these steps. First step : Open VC programming environment, a new generation of single-documentation project temp. all options take the default
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1973 Publisher : 按钮

随着中国移动通信领域的飞速发展, 移动梦网的产业模式创造了中国SP神话。一个轻松实现这一功能的短信发送程序让你梦想成真。-with China Mobile Communications field of rapid development, MONTERNET model of industrial creation myth of the Chinese SP. An easy to realize the function of sending short messages procedures let you dream come true.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1096568 Publisher : xxxx

DL : 0
《漂亮完全多用户网络商城系统》是一套国内知名,技术领先,能圆你网上创业梦想的电子商务系统。你可以在互联网上开店,拥有自己管理的店铺,强大的后台管理和会员管理店铺的功能,更是在网上建立收费连锁店铺的最好选择。建店功能强大,只需简单设置,5分钟即可以建立一个功能完备的网上商店;具备对所有商家、会员、商品、订单的全套管理功能及快捷的资料查询系统;内置运营商网站,即买即用,无需另行设计运营商站点,安装完成即可开始运营。 商品管理模块,能够进行商品的添加/管理,订单处理,商品参数设置,查看网友对商品的评论,商品的单位/品牌设置; 商城的信息管理模块,有首页新闻添加/管理,专题添加/管理,投票添加/管理,首页公告管理,以及网友的意见反馈; 在线支付模块,支持网上在线支持系统,50多家银行,实时划帐,方便快捷;-"pretty fully multi-user network mall system" is a well-known, technical lead, You can round Internet start-ups dream of e-commerce systems. You can sell at the market on the Internet, with its own management of the shops, a strong management background and Member shop management functions, is a web-based fees chain shops the best choice. Powerful built shops, you can simply set up, five minutes can establish a fully functioning online store; possess all businessmen, Member, merchandise, orders management is the set of functional and efficient data inquiry system; built-in operators website, which is used to buy without any further operator site design, installation can be completed to begin operating. Commodity Management module, a commodity to the Add / management, order proces
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2675423 Publisher : 姓名

使用DELPHI来开发一个OPENGL的程序,这是一个很好的例子,它可以帮助你如何在DELPHI来实现这个梦想!-use Delphi to develop an OpenGL, this is a very good example, It can help you in DELPHI how to achieve this dream!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 82910 Publisher : 笨小窗

此为C++编写的高级编程技术实例,有须要的下载使用,很不错的.-this as prepared by the High C programming examples, it is necessary to download use, very good.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 857414 Publisher : abcde

这是第一本关于通过自制的美容护肤品来满足自身美容需求的书籍。健康地饮食即减少食用加工食品的重要性众所周知,但是大家对使用的美容产品的认识又如何呢?如果你会调制沙拉或溶化巧克力块,你便能轻而易举地制作自己的有机美容护肤用品。本书介绍的100%天然美容护肤品配方将令你自助美容的梦想化为现实。 -This is the first on the adoption of this self-made beauty, skin care products to meet the needs of their own beauty books. Healthy diet that is reduced consumption of the importance of food processing is well known, However, we use the right understanding of beauty products, so what? If you would modulation salad or melting chocolate pieces, you can easily make your own organic beauty-care products. The book introduced the 100% natural skin care products, beauty formula will make you self-help beauty of the dream into reality.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 847174 Publisher : liuhuiyao

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《红楼梦》的男主人公,当然是贾宝玉,女主人公来说呢,第一女主人公应该是林黛玉,但是从另外一个角度来说,比如我们说作家写黛玉、宝玉这些人,可以说较多地寄托了他的理想,比较空灵一点。但是如果从另外一个角度,凤姐这个人物更多的是来自于生活,她的鲜活、生动,恐怕在《红楼梦》里面是数第一。从这个意义上讲很多人都说红楼梦里面写得最好、最活的应该是王熙凤。-"A Dream of Red Mansions" The hero, of course, is familiar, the heroine, it does the first female heroine Lin Daiyu should be, but from another angle, such as we have said writers behaviors, Baoyu these people, it can be said that more sustenance to his ideals, compared Vacant 1:00. But from another perspective, Feng this figure is more from life, her fresh and lively, I am afraid that the "Dream of the Red Chamber" is inside the first few. In this sense, many people have talked about The Dream of the Red Chamber inside best written, most living should be Wang Xifeng.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8106 Publisher : 野猪

一个很好的画图工具,自己进行画图操作不再是梦想很好用-a very good drawing tool for drawing their operation is no longer a dream good use
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63358 Publisher : wzn

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偶自己写的 大话西游二 梦幻西游的 wdf 资源包读取程序-dual himself wrote two of beating about the bush bush dream of wdf Resource Kit reader
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 928845 Publisher : 仙狐

梦想娱乐网——一个用ASP实现的娱乐网站,可以实现娱乐门户大部分功能。 -dream Entertainment Network -- an ASP with the entertainment Web site that can be achieved most entertainment gateway function.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 148018 Publisher : 金刚

EasyWay Game Engine是一个强大的2D(将来将实现3D) OpenGL Java游戏引擎。它易于使用、快速和可扩展。利用EasyWay只需编写几行代码就能够实现你的游戏梦想。-EasyWay Game Engine is a powerful 2D (the future to achieve 3D) Op enGL Java games engine. It easy to use, fast and can be expanded. EasyWay prepared using only a few lines of code will be able to achieve your dream of the game.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3197184 Publisher : vkuang

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红楼梦诗词曲赋鉴赏,解压后可直接欣赏.里面有许多的新东西,关心此书的人可以下载侃侃.-Qu Fu Dream of the Red Chamber poetry appreciation, unpacked directly to appreciate. There are so many new things, the concern of this book can be downloaded elegance.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 898385 Publisher : 凌霄花

一个使用免疫算法实现物流调度的源代码,使用SQL Server 2005+Visual Studio C# 2005开发,可以在地图上描出优化路径。压缩包中的wldd.bak和wldd1.bak为数据库文件,将其恢复到SQL Server 2005中即可。需要注意的是,默认的连接字符串为 connectionString=\"Data Source=YANXL\\SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog=wldd1 User ID=sa Password=dream\" 初始密码可以改掉-an immunosuppressive logistics scheduling algorithm source code. SQL Server 2005 Visual Studio 2005 C# development, on the map can delineate optimal path. Compressed and the wldd.bak wldd1.bak for database files, will be restored to its SQL Server 2005 will be. Need to pay attention to, The default link to the string connectionString = "Data Source = YA NXL \\ SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog wldd1 User ID = Password = = sa dream "initial password can fit
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7264379 Publisher : 闫小良

渤海潜水泵公司业务管理系统--采用ASP技术和CMM2软件工程标准,以Dream weaver 8为主要开发工具,以Microsoft Access为数据库管理系统,是一个基于B/S模式的管理系统-Bohai submersible pump business management system -- using ASP technology and CMM software engineering standards, Dream Weaver to eight as the main development tool, Microsoft Access for database management system is one based on the B / S model management system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 909685 Publisher : 蒋娟

是梦的--文档总管[dreamxyp_explorer] 1.05v 使用说明: 安装: 1.复制到你想放的目录 2.修改file_type_inc.php文件中的 $rootdir=\"d:/www/\" //把这个目录改成你所需的目录! 在linux下请把目录设为777 功能: 1.文件在线管理 2.上传文件 3.新建目录 4.复制\\删除\\移动目录 5.复制 删除 命名 编辑 下载 移动文件 等等反正功能很强大. 界面也一级棒的网站管理好工具!-is a dream -- Document Controller [dreamxyp_explorer] that the use of 1.05v Ming : Installation : 1. you want to copy up to the directory 2. file_type_inc.php revised document $ roo tdir = "d : / www /" / / change this directory for the directory you! Under Linux Please Contents Set 777 functions : 1. 2 online document management. Upload file 3. 4 new directory. Replication \\ delete \\ Mobile Contents 5. Replication delete names Editor mobile download files, etc. Anyway, a very powerful function. The interface also adventure website management tool for!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 44912 Publisher : 夏一平

数据库的加密以及密态查询,用java开发开放,数据库平台为华工达梦数据库。-database encryption and secret state inquiries, java development with open database platform for Chinese laborers to dream database.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18893 Publisher : conquerhust

是一本关于红楼梦的书,顶好!是一本关于红楼梦的书,顶好!-is one of the Dream of the Red Chamber, the top! Is a book on the Dream of the Red Chamber, the top!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 822704 Publisher : chenjuan

《我替姐姐来爱你》原名:《天使与海豚》深爱着你,呼吸停止的瞬间,请让我在梦寐的重逢中,燃尽我的思念,坦然而骄傲的与你告别-"I for my sister to Love You" titled : "Angels and dolphins," I love you, and stopped breathing moments Please let me dream of a reunion, I miss burnout, and frankly proud of you and farewell
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 116362 Publisher : wfboy

DL : 0
dream dream这事成功人士必须知道的一些东东,精华中的精华
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 210843 Publisher : zhang
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