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osi的实时数据库pi的api 全部api 这可是实时数据库的编程者梦寐以求的好东西 市面上是没有的 只有pi专家才有哦 实时数据库的发展相当迅速 是将来的高薪企业哦!1 加油哦 大家-IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL pi real-time database of all api - api But this database programmers dream of the good things the market is not the only experts can Oh pi real-time database developed rapidly in future high-enterprises Oh! Oh you a refueling
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 363621 Publisher : 黎晓

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找到一个OpenGL学习者梦寐以求的源代码例子,OpenGL的支持者都来看看吧-OpenGL learners to find a dream the source code examples, OpenGL supporters at the end of
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1234003 Publisher : 大大

flash小游戏《挑战实力-梦幻对对碰》源代码。只有一个fla文件,用flash打开后可运行生成执行文件。-flash little game "challenge strength-dream right right with a" source code. Only a fla files, flash open after running generation implementation document.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4575282 Publisher : 陈志超

windows xp 爱好者可以参考Windows XP的纯DOS之梦-windows xp lovers can refer to the pure Windows XP DOS dream
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45024 Publisher : 称恒山

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本书的大部分主题均结合一个具体的游戏开发系统Fly3D(包含在光盘中)加以讲述,这有助于读者直接编写源代码来实现制作动画的梦想。通过编写或修改插件,读者可以对书中的实例进行试验,甚至可以开发出属于自己的游戏。 -most of the book's themes of the specific combination of a game development system Fly3D (included in the CD-ROM) to be about, which helps direct readers to prepare the source code to achieve animation dream. Through the preparation or modification plug-in, readers of the book can be an example for testing, or even develop their own game.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22896 Publisher : wudi

大型三维游戏编程开发实例源代码(梦泽月夜1.01版)-3D game programming source code examples (1.01 dream Ze Spring edition)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 694814 Publisher : 张文广

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梦幻木马!~不说了自己看看吧!~~自己看就知道了!~-dream! ~ Not look at its own! ~ ~ Do you know! ~
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45811 Publisher : 张明文

本游戏是采用斜45度角的角色扮演游戏。游戏以一个想象的世界为背景,以一个梦想成为英雄的小虾米锦霜为主角,产开一幅庞大的故事画面。在锦霜的冒险历程中,认识了两位女主角:雪一般的忆雪和火一般的红怜,从而产开了一段刻骨铭心的爱情故事。这只是我们游戏的一个部分,或者说是一条主线。随着主角们冒险历程的不断深入,随着故事的不断发展,红狼、素心儿、恒卿、影枫、寒月等一批有血有肉的角色不断加入,各自书写着各自独特的人生,各自独特的悲剧。游戏中,黑暗组织的神秘面纱慢慢被揭开,他们酝酿的大阴谋是什么?在黑暗组织的背后,似乎还有一股更为强大的力量,还有一个更大的阴谋,那是什么?隐藏在忆雪身上的秘密是什么?随着我们故事的发展,一切都会揭开。 -the game is tilted 45 degrees angle of role-playing games. Imagine a game in the world as a backdrop to a dream become a hero of the outgoing Kam cream for the leading role, a huge open-story screen. At Kam cream adventure course, understand the two Actress : Ice general Recalling snow and fiery red Pity, thereby opening the middle section of unforgettable love story. It's just a part of the game, or is a main line. With the main players in the adventures continued to deepen, as the story continues to develop, the referee, Concolor abuse, constant Betty, videos maples firm flesh of a number of roles constantly, each with its own unique writing life, each unique tragedy. Games, the dark veil of secrecy has been lifted slowly, the big brewing conspiracy? In the darkness behind, it seems
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 707466 Publisher : 刘坤

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编译原理是我们都要学习的一门软件学语言,其中的特色是我梦许愿的一个梦想:)-compiler theory is that we must learn a language learning software, which is characterized by the Wishing I dream of a dream :)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10886 Publisher : 王元

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齐全的梦特卡罗魔力java与代码他报告了很好的模拟-complete the dream of Shakespeare magic with java code He reported a good simulation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5864 Publisher : 积极

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比较全面的VC的类库,程序员梦寐以求的电子书-more comprehensive VC library, programmers dream of electronic books
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2101248 Publisher : 冰峰

用VB编的可以绘制梦拉丽纱图的程序,主要是先将梦拉丽纱图逐点扫描,然后将其每一个像素存入数据库,再从数据库中逐点绘图。-VB series can dream Lali yarn mapping of the processes, mainly first dream Lali yarn map scanning point by point, then each of its pixels into a database from the database on each drawing.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1890514 Publisher : 胡明明

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以下是菜单内容,自由设置; sitems[0]=\"本站首页\" sitems[1]=\"最新更新\" sitems[2]=\"梦想软件\" sitems[3]=\"其它栏目\" sitems[4]=\"桌面壁纸\" sitems[5]=\"给我留言\" sitems[6]=\"下载特区\" sitems[7]=\"Email Me\" sitems[8]=\"我的简介\" -Following is the menu, the Liberal set; sitems [0] = "portal site" sitems [1] = "latest updates" sitems [2 ] = "dream software" sitems [3] = "other columns" sitems [4] = "desktop wallpaper" sitems [5] = "message to" sitems [6] = "download the SAR" sitems [7 ] = "Email Me" sitems [8] = "my profile"
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1408 Publisher : 黄滨杰

这是一个相当棒的Linux下的台球游戏,其图象水准及其游戏性绝对不输Windows的著名同类游戏snooker,包含了斯诺克和九球。如果您是一个台球爱好者或是想在Linux中实现台球大师的梦想,就一定不要错过这个游戏。 -This is a very rods under Linux billiards game, its image quality and gameplay absolutely no losers Windows similar to the famous game snooker, Snooker and includes nine balls. If you are a billiards enthusiasts or would like to achieve in the Linux Snooker Masters dream it must not miss this game.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1138477 Publisher : zl

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用C写的一款类似与三国游戏的源码,你可以帮助这为大将军突出困境,同时也圆您想成为一个程序员的梦-C was similar to the one with the three games the source, you can help to highlight plight of the general, also round you want to become a programmer's dream
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45208 Publisher : 杨磊

红楼梦贾氏家族人物谱  V1.0.rar-family figures Dream of the Red Chamber wave spectrum V1.0.rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 906424 Publisher : 公用帐号,请不要修改

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原程序由25175周公解梦开发 千度只对程序美化了界面,修改一点小BUG,增加了600多篇周公解梦的记录!-The original program 25,175 Zhou Gong solution development only thousands of procedures to beautify the interface, modify a little BUG, an increase of more than 600 articles Duke dream solution records!
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 131072 Publisher : dol

微软梦工厂,介绍了微软中国程序员的一些人和事。(Microsoft dream factory)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 4552704 Publisher : 风不停息

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在matlab上可运行出梦中的婚礼的曲子,采样频率及滤波的选取较好(On MATLAB, you can run the dream wedding song, and the sampling frequency and filter selection are better.)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : mico酱

open source dream receiver, for DRM system. Use a sound card to receiver DRM broadcasting signal. Good for study.
Update : 2022-08-25 Size : 1132997 Publisher : codework
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