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picturebox有的属性基本上都有,扩展的图形方法有: DrawBezier DrawRoundRect DrawCurve DrawPie DrawPolygon DrawCircle DrawLine GetRGB 扩展的图像处理方法主要有: GetPictureData ShowPicture Invert GrayScale Exposal HistGramEqualize LogCalc ExpCalc ClearIsolatePoint Brightness AverageFilter MaxFilter MinFilter MedianFilter Filter Sharpen Contour Colorize Transparency Flip RotateImage Mosaic Dilate Erode Diffuse Soften Scanlines ShiftRGB Relief Emboss AddNoise Saturation Contrast GammaCorrection Binarization(四种方法) Thin EdgeDetection(四种方法) Hcm Fcm(图像分割) GrayToRealColor(7种方法) Hough DrawHistgram
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 490116 Publisher : rik

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汽车行驶记录仪数据采集处理系统,画动态曲线图模块-Data Acquisition and Processing System, painting dynamic curves module
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 67086 Publisher : 李陟

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 60082 Publisher : 周政

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 39646 Publisher : 薛琴

EVC 编的示波器程序,实时显示波形,希望对大家有所帮助
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 73377 Publisher : 施玉祥

picturebox有的属性基本上都有,扩展的图形方法有: DrawBezier DrawRoundRect DrawCurve DrawPie DrawPolygon DrawCircle DrawLine GetRGB 扩展的图像处理方法主要有: GetPictureData ShowPicture Invert GrayScale Exposal HistGramEqualize LogCalc ExpCalc ClearIsolatePoint Brightness AverageFilter MaxFilter MinFilter MedianFilter Filter Sharpen Contour Colorize Transparency Flip RotateImage Mosaic Dilate Erode Diffuse Soften Scanlines ShiftRGB Relief Emboss AddNoise Saturation Contrast GammaCorrection Binarization(四种方法) Thin EdgeDetection(四种方法) Hcm Fcm(图像分割) GrayToRealColor(7种方法) Hough DrawHistgram-PictureBox Some attributes are basically, graphical methods of expansion: DrawBezier DrawRoundRect DrawCurve DrawPie DrawPolygon DrawCircle DrawLine GetRGB scalable image processing methods are mainly: GetPictureData ShowPicture Invert GrayScale Exposal HistGramEqualize LogCalc ExpCalc ClearIsolatePoint Brightness AverageFilter MaxFilter MinFilter MedianFilter Filter Sharpen Contour Colorize Transparency Flip RotateImage Mosaic Dilate Erode Diffuse Soften Scanlines ShiftRGB Relief Emboss AddNoise Saturation Contrast GammaCorrection Binarization (four methods) Thin EdgeDetection (four methods) Hcm Fcm (image segmentation) GrayToRealColor (7 methods) Hough DrawHistgram
Update : 2010-05-14 Size : 96385 Publisher :

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汽车行驶记录仪数据采集处理系统,画动态曲线图模块-Data Acquisition and Processing System, painting dynamic curves module
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 66560 Publisher : 李陟

工控用的ActiveX绘图组件,用VC++实现的,可以在多个平台下使用!-IPC Mapping using ActiveX components, with the VC can use multiple platforms!
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 102400 Publisher : 高扬

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picturebox有的属性基本上都有,扩展的图形方法有: DrawBezier DrawRoundRect DrawCurve DrawPie DrawPolygon DrawCircle DrawLine GetRGB 扩展的图像处理方法主要有: GetPictureData ShowPicture Invert GrayScale Exposal HistGramEqualize LogCalc ExpCalc ClearIsolatePoint Brightness AverageFilter MaxFilter MinFilter MedianFilter Filter Sharpen Contour Colorize Transparency Flip RotateImage Mosaic Dilate Erode Diffuse Soften Scanlines ShiftRGB Relief Emboss AddNoise Saturation Contrast GammaCorrection Binarization(四种方法) Thin EdgeDetection(四种方法) Hcm Fcm(图像分割) GrayToRealColor(7种方法) Hough DrawHistgram-PictureBox Some attributes are basically, graphical methods of expansion: DrawBezier DrawRoundRect DrawCurve DrawPie DrawPolygon DrawCircle DrawLine GetRGB scalable image processing methods are mainly: GetPictureData ShowPicture Invert GrayScale Exposal HistGramEqualize LogCalc ExpCalc ClearIsolatePoint Brightness AverageFilter MaxFilter MinFilter MedianFilter Filter Sharpen Contour Colorize Transparency Flip RotateImage Mosaic Dilate Erode Diffuse Soften Scanlines ShiftRGB Relief Emboss AddNoise Saturation Contrast GammaCorrection Binarization (four methods) Thin EdgeDetection (four methods) Hcm Fcm (image segmentation) GrayToRealColor (7 methods) Hough DrawHistgram
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 489472 Publisher : rik

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这个是我在linux下用qt写的数字存储示波器的界面程序,希望对大家有帮助!-This is my linux written using qt digital storage oscilloscope interface procedures, and they hope to have everyone help!
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 59392 Publisher : 周政

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实现动态绘画图形,数据是随机产生的。模拟windows的音频的采集。-Dynamic painting graphics, data is randomly generated. Analog audio collection windows.
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 50176 Publisher : 薛琴

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EVC 编的示波器程序,实时显示波形,希望对大家有所帮助-EVC series oscilloscopes procedures, real-time waveform display, and they hope to help everyone
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 72704 Publisher : 施玉祥

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该程序利用vc++实现了曲线的绘制,实现功能如下:画圆,画金刚石模型,Bezier曲线的绘制,B样条曲线的绘制,手绘beizer和B样条曲线-Use of the program vc++ Achieved Curve to achieve the following functions: drawcircle, painting diamond model, Bezier Curve, B-spline curve drawing, hand-painted beizer and B-spline curve
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1969152 Publisher : 张阿牛

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可以实现画曲线的功能,代码简单而且容易实现,-Can realize the function of draw curve
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 1923072 Publisher : 白晓鸽

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我上大二,刚学VC++,写了一个简单的画笔程序,就是先创建一个透明窗体,在透明窗体上画曲线-My sophomore year, just learning VC++, write a simple brush procedure is to create a transparent form, in a transparent form on the curves drawn
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 3847168 Publisher : 小刘

利用EVC编的示波器程序,实时显示波形,全部原代码都在压缩包里-Part of the oscilloscope using EVC procedures, real-time display waveforms, all of the original code in the compressed bag
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 73728 Publisher : lekai

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用EVC编写的一个示波器程序,实时显示曲线-Written in an oscilloscope with the EVC program, real-time display curve
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 137216 Publisher : 袁博

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本程序实现的是把数据库中的数据实现在C#中绘制成曲线-This procedure is implemented to achieve the data in the database in C# in the plotted curves
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 130048 Publisher : drawcurve

OpenGL program that create B-spline, Bezier and Interpolation curve
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 12288 Publisher : hafiz

用GDI+的函数DrawCurves画样B样条曲线-DrawCurves with the GDI+ drawing functions like B-spline curve
Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 175104 Publisher : anan
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