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改进的遗传算法的三个操作算子,包括选择、交叉和变异。-Improved three arithmetic operator in genetic algorithm including select,crossover and mutuation
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : 胡玉霞

DL : 0
matlab环境下的遗传算法交叉程序,有不当之处敬请指教-Matlab environment of cross-GA procedures, it can be faulted Comments enlighten
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : 闫小月

遗传算法源代码,实现了选择操作、交叉操作和变异操作,通过适应度函数完成种群的选择及收敛。-genetic algorithm source code and realized the choice of operation, crossover and mutation operation, through fitness function completed Stocks choice and convergence.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 30720 Publisher : 李文

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:Matlab遗传算法(GA)优4~-r-具箱是基于基本操作及终止条件、二进制和十进制相互转换等操作的综合 函数库。其实现步骤包括:通过输入及输出函数求出遗传算法主函数、初始种群的生成函数,采用选择、交叉、变异 操作求得基本遗传操作函数。以函数仿真为例,对该函数优化和GA改进,只需改写函数m文件形式即可。-: Matlab genetic algorithm (GA) U 4 ~-r-a box is based on the basic operation and termination conditions, binary and decimal conversion operation, such as a comprehensive function library. The realization of these steps include: input and output functions through the genetic algorithm to derive the main function, initial population generation function, the use of selection, crossover, mutation operation to achieve the basic function of genetic manipulation. Simulation in order to function as an example, the GA function optimization and improvement, just rewritten m the form of a document can function.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 117760 Publisher : icyrock

DL : 0
基于改进后的遗传算法 交叉、变异操作后,在windows平台下用C语言实现求解TSP问题-Based on the improved genetic algorithm crossover and mutation operation, in windows platform using C language for solving TSP problems
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 3072 Publisher : lc

DL : 0
一种基于matlab的遗传规划编码程序 其中包含交叉和变异的代码-Based on the genetic programming matlab coding procedures of crossover and mutation which contains the code
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 28672 Publisher : 不吃萝卜的萝卜

DL : 0
matlab编写的遗传算法优化程序,采用随机配对交叉,多点交叉,两点交叉,编译对目标函数进行优化-matlab genetic algorithm to optimize the preparation procedures, using a random cross-matching, multi-point crossover, two cross-cutting, the compiler of the objective function to optimize
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : 夏雨泽

DL : 0
遗传算法的交叉操作的源代码-Crossover genetic algorithm source code
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : yab

DL : 0
遗传算法求解极值的源程序,只需将要求函数在源文件中输入,即可,种子数100,变异概率和交叉概率可调-Extremes of genetic algorithm source code, simply will be asked to function in the source file type, you can, seed number of 100, mutation probability and crossover probability adjustable
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 540672 Publisher : stefwang

DL : 1
遗传算法MATLAB函数程序,格雷编码,均匀,多点交叉,倒位操作-Genetic Algorithm MATLAB function procedures, Gray coding, uniform, multi-point crossover, inversion operation
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 3072 Publisher : 高兴

五种边缘检测算子的实现,函数具有很好的通用性,凡是能够得到只想图像像素区指针的情况都可以使用。 配合我上传的那个opentrim使用更好,这是一个bmp全色深操作类,里边还集成了一些其他的机器视觉算法。 对图像进行高斯——拉普拉斯算子的边缘检测 对图像进行拉普拉斯算子的边缘检测 对图像进行罗伯特交叉算子的边缘检测 对图像进行蒲瑞维特算子的边缘检测 对图像进行索贝尔算子的边缘检测-5 kinds of edge detection operator to achieve an excellent general-purpose function, and those who just want to image pixels can be indicators of the situation in the district can be used. I upload that with the use of better opentrim, this is a bmp type operation panchromatic deep inside also integrates a number of other machine vision algorithms. Gaussian images- Laplacian edge detection of image Laplacian edge detection of images of Robert crossover operator on the image edge detection operator Po Ray White of the edge detection of image Sobel operator for edge detection
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : 尧思齐

DL : 0
逆变器交叉点的M 文件,也可有效应用于各种场合的有关逆变器的交叉运算中-Cross-point of inverter M documents can also be effectively used in various occasions of the inverter in the cross-operator
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : 靳超

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maltab遗传算法源程序,此程序为一个一个的小程序分开的,很完整。包括编码,设定初始种群,交叉,变异,及结束条件等-maltab genetic algorithm source code, this procedure a small as a separate process, it is complete. Including encoding, set the initial population, crossover and mutation, and the end conditions
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 7168 Publisher : joean

DL : 0
Cyclic crossover takes two parents P1,P2 and performs cyclic crossover by Davis on permutation strings.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : Aron

DL : 0
遗传算法整套源程序,包括初始种群,计算适应度值,选择,交叉变异等-Genetic algorithm source code package, including the initial population, calculation of fitness value, selection, crossover and other variant
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : Mike

DL : 0
是用遗传算法解决TSP问题,测例包括10个城市和30个城市。使用PMX交叉算子。-Is to use genetic algorithms to solve TSP problems, test cases, including 10 cities and 30 cities. Using the PMX crossover.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 44032 Publisher : yc

DL : 0
分频器的设计,包含普通分频器和占空比为50 的奇数分频 ;4位乘法器的VHDL程序;-Crossover design, including general divider and the duty cycle of 50 of the odd frequency 4-bit multiplier VHDL procedures
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 8192 Publisher : 倪明

use crossover, mutation, selection
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 10240 Publisher : cicily

利用matlab实现变异,交叉,选择等功能(crossover, mutation with MATLAB)
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 10240 Publisher : cicicily

利用matlab实现种群的选择,交叉,变异等功能(realize of selection, mutation and crossover)
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 10240 Publisher : cicicicil
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