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利用程序解密一段用Mexican Army Cipher加密的密文,利用英文统计和穷举结合的办法-procedures for the use of declassified section of the Mexican Army with Cipher encrypted ciphertext using English statistics and exhaustive combination of
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3261 Publisher : 陈淑娟

The file is substitution cipher assistant.It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plaintext.-substitution cipher assistant . It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plaintext.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1853 Publisher : 連源

DL : 0
vb 内cipher的源码,非常实用,请大家下载观看!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2750 Publisher : ewfwefw

DL : 0
DES 加解密算法的VC实现-DES encryption and decryption algorithms VC
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 33792 Publisher : 陈建湘

采用流密码加密/解密,源码易懂-using stream cipher encryption/decryption, accessible source
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 795648 Publisher : 精心

IDEA加密算法属于数据块加密算法(Block Cipher)类。IDEA使用长度为128bit的密钥,数据块大小为64bit。-IDEA encryption algorithm is data block encryption algorithm (Cipher Block) category. IDEA use of the length of the 128 bit key, the data block size for 64bit.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 30720 Publisher : zhou

DL : 0
这个是古典密码学里Caesar密码用c++编程的程序代码-This is a classical cryptography Lane Caesar cipher c programming code
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 247808 Publisher : car

DL : 0
内核加解密算法 加解密函数库及其使用说明,详见附件。 find_cipher_by_name中参数ciphername可取的值为下面的组合,对应不同的模式: (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-ecb (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cbc (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cfb struct cipher_implementation* ci中对应的可调用的method:encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt 比如以des-cbc为find_cipher_by_name的参数得到的ci调用encrypt_iv,decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name中参数digestname可取的值: sha1 md5 struct digest_implementation* di中对应的可调用的method:open update digest close hmac 计算digest时调用di->digest,计算hmac时调用di->hmac. 注意:加载我们需要的cipher-*.o和digest-*.o之前需先加载cryptoapi.o。 -core encryption and decryption algorithm encryption and decryption functions and their use, as detailed in the annex. Find_cipher_by_name cipher desirable parameter values to the following portfolio, dealing with different modes : (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- ecb ( des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- cbc (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, production, the serpent , twofish)- Sample struct cipher_implementation ci* corresponding the available method : encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt such as a des-cbc find_cipher_by_name parameters for the ci call encrypt_iv, decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name digestname desirable parameter values : sha1 md
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 139264 Publisher : xf

线性移位寄存器是流密码的重要组成部分,该程序就是实现该方法。- The linearity shift register is the stream cipher important constituent, this procedure realizes this method.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 11264 Publisher : 王清华

DL : 0
一个移位加密算法的源代码,跟大家交流一下。-a shift encryption algorithm source code sharing with you what.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 34816 Publisher : 叶海鹏

利用程序解密一段用Mexican Army Cipher加密的密文,利用英文统计和穷举结合的办法-procedures for the use of declassified section of the Mexican Army with Cipher encrypted ciphertext using English statistics and exhaustive combination of
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 3072 Publisher : 陈淑娟

The file is substitution cipher assistant.It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plaintext.-substitution cipher assistant . It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plaintext.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : 連源

德国纳粹二战时发明的密码机engma“迷”的复原模拟程序的源码-Nazi Germany during World War II invention of the cipher machines engma "fans" of the recovery process simulation FOSS
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 79872 Publisher :

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非常不错的流密码rc4加解密程序 c语言编写 调试运行成功-very good stream cipher encryption procedures rc4 c language debugging operation successful
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 182272 Publisher : 东东

DL : 0
用于实现各种古典加密法,包括凯撒,置换,列置换,仿射加密法,vigenere加密法和现代加密法中的DH密钥交换,RSA,DES加密法等等操作-Used to implement a variety of classical cryptography, including Julius Caesar, replacement, column permutation, affine cipher, vigenere encryption method and encryption method in modern DH key exchange, RSA, DES encryption, and so operation
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 5458944 Publisher : 于鑫

DL : 0
hill cipher encrypt and decrypt
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : maddy

DL : 0
Codes for Ceasars Cipher
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 80896 Publisher : Kweku

对截取的密文进行破译,适用于仿射密码加密的密文破译。使用时只需将密文输入即可。(The intercepted ciphertext is deciphered, which is suitable for ciphertext encryption of affine cipher encryption. When you use it, you only need to input ciphertext.)
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 13312 Publisher : JackSkyLily

DL : 0
Codes generally substitute different length strings of characters in the output, while ciphers generally substitute the same number of characters as are input. There are exceptions and some cipher systems may use slightly more, or fewer, characters when output versus the number that were input.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 38912 Publisher : minddz

cipher Encrypt by using cipher
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 15360 Publisher : mohammed
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