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在P2P技术的应用过程中,需要考虑的问题甚多,包括网络中共享文件的发现机制,数据传输的完整性和传输过程中的效率和安全性问题,还包括网络中节点的负载均衡问题等等。本文主要完成了下面几个工作:1)采用基于超节点的混合型P2P网络拓扑结构,列出常见的资源定位搜索算法,进行比较,并选择Chord算法作为本系统资源定位搜索算法的基础,做出改进。 2)设计系统框架。将P2P应用系统的结构分为拥有设置和显示功能的用户应用层,拥有文件共享机制和节点发现及超节点选择机制的通知层和拥有文件上传和下载功能的网络传输层。从功能上大致描述了各个层的设计思想。 3)根据设计的文件传输系统的体系框架,对使用到的关键技术的详细设计和实现做出说明,包括系统结构中超级节点的选择,节点问网络的连接以及文件在节点问的传输,并附带部分代码展示了关键技术的实现细节。-P2P technology in the process, many issues to be considered, including network discovery mechanism to share files, data integrity and transmission efficiency and security issues, including network load balancing node problems and so on. In this paper, following the completion of several tasks: 1) based on super-node hybrid P2P network topology, list the common resource locator search algorithm to compare and select the Chord algorithm as the system resource locator search algorithm based, do the improvements. 2) design system framework. P2P applications will have structured into the settings and display the user application layer, with file-sharing mechanism and super-node discovery and selection mechanism to inform the node layer and has a file upload and download functions of the network transport layer. From the general description of each functional layer design. 3) file transfer system according to the design of the system framework, the use of key technologies to achieve the
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4616192 Publisher : alphadyp

四种方法解方程 1.一般迭代法 2.二分法 3.弦截法 4.牛顿迭代法 -Four methods of solving equations 1 general iteration 2 dichotomy 3 4 chord cut method, Newton iteration
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1024 Publisher : 刘建军

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程序中为一个固定的方程,此程序利用弦截法来求这个方程的根。-Program for a fixed equation, the program cut method to find the use of chord root of this equation.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 75776 Publisher : 赵向军

本文根据椭圆弦长的比值相对固定提出了弦长比法, 并运用SOM 神经网络对纽荷尔脐橙进行分级, 取得了一定的效果。-Based on the ratio of elliptical chord chord made relatively fixed ratio method, and the use of SOM neural network for classification of Newhall navel orange, and achieved some results.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 251904 Publisher : ygliang30

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绘图示例程序,运行之后可以画出点,线,弧,弦,椭圆,矩形,圆角矩形,饼。-Drawing the sample program, you can run after the draw point, line, arc, chord, ellipse, rectangle, rounded rectangle, pie.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1922048 Publisher : 高战立

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Web Chord implementation
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 15840256 Publisher : Chess

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PeerSim中实现chord路由仿真以及查找仿真-PeerSim achieve chord
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 672768 Publisher : TianYukun

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二分法,Newton迭代法和弦截法求方程根,并比较迭代次数。内含各种迭代法及数值加速方法的说明和比较。-Dichotomy, Newton iteration method for the equation of the root chord section, and compare the number of iterations. Includes a variety of accelerated iterative method and numerical description of the method and comparison.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 9216 Publisher : 李寻欢

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计算弦长为L=8m、相对厚度为0.12的对称儒科夫斯基翼型受到的摩擦阻力和摩擦阻力系数,附面层厚度分布(附报告)-Calculated chord length L = 8m, the relative thickness of 0.12 Ru Khodorkovsky symmetric airfoil subject to friction and friction coefficient, boundary layer thickness distribution (with report)
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 168960 Publisher : 小方

数值分析算法,该压缩包含有雅克比迭代算法、弦割法法及综合评测法等-Numerical analysis algorithms, the compression Jacobi iteration algorithm, France and France chord cutting and comprehensive evaluation method
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 2048 Publisher : David

基于弦切变换的图像识别方法,克服了hough变换的缺点,具有很高识别效率。-String cut transform-based image recognition method, to overcome the shortcomings of the Hough Transform has a high recognition efficiency
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1236992 Publisher : zfg

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SHA-1 JAVA实现用于CHORD或者加密文件-failed to translate
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 2048 Publisher : 赵凯迪

其中包含地形生成,场景漫游,碰撞检测,场景中模拟了河流,跳跃的鱼,喷泉,树木,水草,房屋,塔楼,楼梯,飘动的-I write three-dimensional point cloud to streamline the procedures for the three-dimensional laser scan data of the chord height- angle of law implementation
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 247808 Publisher : 陈红

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chord算法的c++实现,包含ring、node、network等小文件-realization of chord by c++
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3910656 Publisher : 邹勤文

Chord 算法的Java实现,实现了了Chord算法的基本功能,局域网内的功能 -Chord algorithm of the Java implementation to achieve the basic functions of the Chord algorithm within the LAN function
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 5120 Publisher : 藐视

此源代码,是一个P2P协议仿真软件源码,支持协议包含:Chord, Accordion, Koorde, Kelips, Tapestry-This source code is a P2P protocol emulation software source code, support agreement contains: Chord, Accordion, Koorde, Kelips, Tapestry
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 449536 Publisher : 藐视

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一种快速的基于在弦到点距离累技术的角点检测- A Fast Corner Detector Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique 1. Find the edge image using the Canny edge detector. 2. Extract edges (curves) from the edge image: 2a. fill gaps if they are within a range and select long edges, 2b. find T-junctions and mark them as T-corners. 2c. obtain the `status of each selected edge ${\Gamma}$ as either `loop or `line . 3. Smooth ${\Gamma}$ using a small width Gaussian kernel in order to remove quantization noises and trivial details. This small scale Gaussian smoothing also offers good localization of corners. 4. Select significant points on the smoothed curve using scale evolution technique. 5. At each selected point of the smoothed curve, compute three discrete curvatures following the CPDA technique using three chords of different lengths. 6. Find three normalized curvatures at each selected point of and then multiply them to obtain the curvature product. 7. Find the local maxima of
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 7168 Publisher : zhouyan

提取音乐(wav格式)中两种与弦特征:chromagram与tonalcentroid。其中chromagram是12维特特征,根据十二平均律而来;tonalcentroid是在十二平均律的基础上加入了了与弦结构信息(五度循环圈)的到的六维信息。 -Two and string features extract music (wav format): chromagram tonalcentroid. 12 Witt characteristics which chromagram equal temperament came the tonalcentroid added on the basis of the equal temperament and chord structure (five-degree circle) to the six-dimensional information.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 5120 Publisher : 商人

peersim仿真chord协议的测试过的环境,可以直接运行,也可以在此基基础上改变初始设置来做仿真实验。在eclipse下打开源文件夹为工程即可使用。 -the tested environment peersim simulation chord agreement, can directly run the initial setup to do the simulation experiments, also can be changed on the basis of base. In eclipse, open source folder can be used for the project.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1619968 Publisher : overflow

在单片机AT89S52的控制下能实现,遮住不同的激光弦时放出不同频率的音调,按下播放音乐按钮时,播放《生日快乐》,手动复位等功能,并且通过彩灯来显示被遮挡住的弦。-To achieve under the control of the MCU AT89S52 cover different laser chord emit different frequency tones, play music button is pressed, the play " Happy Birthday" , manual reset function, and lantern to be blocked string.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 4096 Publisher : amy
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