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Update : 2009-10-12 Size : 37569 Publisher :

Update : 2009-03-11 Size : 2352 Publisher : okduweijie

PSO智能计算java库-PSO intelligent computing for java
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1304576 Publisher : 张国海

粒子群优化算法PSO-PSO algorithm PSO
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 193536 Publisher : 王涛

标准PSO(粒子群)算法,matlab版-standard PSO (PSO) algorithm, Matlab version
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : 李军

DL : 0
基于MATLAB的微粒群工具箱,算法模型中引入收缩因子,收敛速度有所提高,但对高维函数的优化效果仍然不理想。-based on MATLAB Toolbox PSO algorithm model introduced shrinkage factor, convergence rate increase, but for high-dimensional optimization function effects are still not ideal.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 60416 Publisher :

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标准PSO算法,运用SPHERE测试函数,最终收敛于0-standard PSO algorithm, using SPHERE test function, eventually converge to 0
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王道军

DL : 0
粒子群优化算法(pso)的源程序。包括基本粒子群算法的程序及其在优化函数方面的应用。-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) of the source. Groups including the elementary particles algorithm optimization process and its function in the application.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 5120 Publisher : 周正

DL : 0
在C语言环境下使用的粒子群优化算法,需要给出最大速度、迭代次数、作为中断条件的最小误差等初始条件。-in the C-language environment to the use of the PSO algorithm, the greatest need is speed, the number of iteration, as the smallest disruption error conditions such as initial conditions.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 58368 Publisher :

粒子群优化算法!!! 系统地介绍了粒子群优化算法,归纳了其发展过程中的各种改进如惯性权重!收敛因子!跟踪并 优化动态目标等模型"阐述了算法在目标函数优化!神经网络训练!模糊控制系统等基本领域的应用并 给出其在工程领域的应用进展,最后,对粒子群优化算法的研究和应用进行了总结和展望,指出其在计算 机辅助工艺规划领域的应用前景"-PSO algorithm! ! ! A systematic introduction to PSO algorithm, summed up its development process such as the improvement of inertia weight! Convergence factor! track and dynamic optimization model objectives, "explained the algorithm optimization objective function! Neural Network Training! Fuzzy Control System basic areas of application and gives the project from its the application domain, finally, the PSO algorithm research and application of the summary and outlook. pointed out in the field of computer-aided process planning applications prospects "
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 53248 Publisher : 八云

DL : 0
粒子群优化算法(PSO)应用于神经网络优化程序-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm used neural network optimization procedures
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 21504 Publisher : chenqh

本文是关于粒子群算法(pso)的介绍和相关MATLAB源程序,是智能天线权值优化方面的一种很前沿的算法-paper on the PSO (pso) related to the introduction and MATLAB source. Smart Antenna is the right optimization of a very forefront of the algorithm
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 759808 Publisher : yinghui

PSO-ACO-TSP算法,解决旅行商问题,结合PSO和ACO算法-PSO- ACO- TSP algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem, and with PSO and ACO Algorithm
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 68608 Publisher : liangwei

DL : 0
PSO粒子群寻优算法。 Particle swarm optimization With linkage operator-PSO Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. Particle swarm optimization With linkage oper.html se
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 6144 Publisher : supercolin

DL : 0
粒子群优化程序,可以用于函数优化,工程优化等-PSO procedures can be used for function optimization, engineering optimization
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : 向长城

DL : 3
利用PSO训练BP神经网络的MATLAB源码-use PSO training Neural Network MATLAB source
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 6144 Publisher : nanny

DL : 0
PSO(粒子群算法)作为添加算子改进GA (遗传算法).-PSO (PSO), as added Operator improved genetic algorithm (GA).
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : 何峰

DL : 0
pso智能算法程序,结合这个程序会对算法有更深的认识-intelligent algorithm PSO procedures, combined with this procedure will have a deeper understanding of algorithm
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : 刘春波

DL : 0
这是一个pso程序采用粒子群优化算法的源代码。在vc.net2003下面通过-This is a procedure used PSO Particle Swarm Optimization of the source code. Vc.net2003 adopted in the following
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : gddka

DL : 0
这是一个很基本的pso算法的matlab的源码。比较的简单,但是可以再这个基础上修改的-This is a very basic PSO algorithm matlab source code. Comparison of the simple, but can be modified based on this
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 3072 Publisher : ljzhang
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