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网上书店系统(包括后台管理)使用Struts结构,前台JSP+后台MySQL+控制Struts1.2 -online bookstore system (including background management) struts structure, prospects JSP background MySQL control Struts1.2
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 182272 Publisher : 高约

《MySQL数据库接口的VC实现与应用》配套代码-"MySQL database interface and Application VC" complementary code
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : njhuangyuanyuan

mysql的jdbc驱动,通过这个,可以将mysql和java连接起来.-mysql the jdbc drive through this, and can be mysql java link.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 8121344 Publisher : 王力宏

MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition---kanshu3721\MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.eBook-DDU.第3本国外原版,要求加分-MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition--- kanshu3721 \ MySQL.Press.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.eBook- DDU. 3 the original abroad, ask for an increase in hours
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1661952 Publisher : 风笑

DL : 0
mysql使用手册,包括安装配置,sql语句的使用.-mysql user manual, including the installation configuration, the use sql statement.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 481280 Publisher :

mysql数据库驱动程序,jdbc连接mysql-mysql database-driven process, linking mysql jdbc
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 446464 Publisher : 冯川

在资料浩瀚的互联网中,却找不到一份最新的Mysql4.0.13与Tomcat4.1.24的整合配置文档。 在自己工作之余,总结了自己搭建JSP环境的实际经验并参照以前版本Mysql、Tomcat相关配置文章, 写了这篇配置文档。希望能给和我一样喜欢JAVA的广大初学者以作参考,以期少走些弯路;水平有限加之时间仓促,欢迎斧正!-information in the vast Internet, but one can not find a copy of the latest Mysql4.0.13 Tomcat4.1.24 integration and configuration files . In his spare time, he summed up his own structures JSP environment and in the light of actual experience of the previous version Mysql, Tomcat configuration related articles, writing the configuration file. And I hope that will give Java Like the vast reference for beginners to take fewer more detours; the fact that time is limited to rush to welcome Jackie!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1818624 Publisher : 小龙

在linux下每天在指定的时间里自动清除mysql数据库中的一个星期前的log数据-under daily at the designated time automatic removal mysql database of a week ago log data
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher : sudongyi

jsp的在线书店,比较完整,装了Mysql和Tomcat后就可。步骤如下: (1)复制源代码bookshop文件夹到Tomcat的webapps\ROOT文件夹下 (2)复制源文件夹下的WEB-INF中的全部内容到Tomcat的webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes下,有同名文件覆盖 (3)将数据库文件夹下的bookstore文件复制到Mysql的data文件夹下 (4)在地址栏中输入http://localhost:8080/bookshop运行测试即可-jsp online bookstore, complete, installed after Mysql and Tomcat can. The following steps : (1) copy the source code bookshop folder to Tomcat webapps \ ROOT text items folder (2) Copy the source file folders under the WEB-INF the contents of the Tomcat webap ps \ ROOT \ WEB-INF \ classes, a document covering the same name (3) database files to the folder to copy the bookstore Mysql d ATA folder (4) in the address bar of http://localhost : testing can 8080/bookshop
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1386496 Publisher : 李志敏

MySQL数据库开发源码 值得一看哦-source MySQL database development is worth looking oh ...................
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 23526400 Publisher : 史雅云

php最新经典入门书籍PHP.5.MySQL.Programming.for.the.Absolute.Beginner-php latest entry classic books PHP.5.MySQL.Programming.f or.the.Absolute.Beginner
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 4389888 Publisher : 孙一

《24小时学会使用PHP MySQL and Apache(II)》 现在什么都流行速成,也许这本书可以满足你速成PHP,MYSQL,APACHE的愿望.-"24 hours learning how to use PHP MySQL and Apache (II)" Now what are pop accelerated, perhaps this book will satisfy people intensive PHP, MYSQL, APACHE aspirations.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 4392960 Publisher : JinxinLiu

DL : 0
MySQL中文参考手册.rar MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 MySQL有瑞典的T.c.X公司负责开发和维护,MySQL的用户手册很单纯,只有一个集中的<MySQL Reference Manual>,但其内容覆盖了MySQL的所有信息,因此该手册是了解和掌握MySQL的绝佳文献。 虽然对MySQL的开发不能出一份力,但可为它的推广使用尽一份心,面对500多页的参考手册,知道要精确译出它决非易事,但愿几个月的心血能为大家提供一丝微薄的帮助。 由于本人水平有限,文中肯定有不准确的地方,敬请在阅读过程中不吝指出。文中不明之处,请参阅手册原文。 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。 -MySQL reference manual. Rar MySQL is a sophisticated SQL database management system Although it is not open source products, but in some cases you can freely use. Because of its strong capabilities, flexibility, rich application programming interface (API) and the elegance of the structure, by the vast number of free software enthusiasts even commercial software users favored especially with Apache and PHP/PERL combination for the establishment of the dynamic database-based web site provided a powerful impetus. MySQL Sweden T.c.X the company responsible for the development and maintenance of the MySQL user manual is very simple, Only a concentration of
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 447488 Publisher : 暮山紫

MySQL数据库引擎的面向对象包装类,MySQL公司推荐使用的,数据库访问API。-MySQL database engine object-oriented packaging category, MySQL companies recommend use, Database Access API.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2714624 Publisher : funix

DL : 0
這是 Java 連接 MySQL 的範例程式-This the MySQL connecting Java programming paradigm! !
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1024 Publisher :

MYSQL 性能白皮书,可以获得MYSQL和其他数据库的性能比较参数-MYSQL Performance White Paper, and other available MYSQL Database Performance Comparison of parameters
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 424960 Publisher : 丁文龙

Eclipse+Struts+MYSQL的留言板,Struts开发入门程序Struts版 这个是一Struts实例,喜欢学习JAVA的朋友可以下载去看看 可以用作Struts入门程序,本人开发的留言簿 功能虽然简单,但是你可以完全的了解Struts这个技术 以后我还会更新这个版本,以后还会结合一些其他技术:ibatis,spring等. 希望喜欢的朋友支持我!-Eclipse+ Struts+ MYSQL message board, Struts to develop Struts version of the entry procedure is a Struts examples, like learning JAVA friends can download to see Struts can be used as entry procedures, I developed the book features, while simple, but you can Struts complete understanding of this technology the future I will update this version, after a number of other technologies will combine: ibatis, spring and so on. I hope to support my favorite friend!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2041856 Publisher : 888

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解决jsp+MysQL输入和输出中文乱码的方法 配置是tomcat+mysql,版本都是最新的
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 2048 Publisher : cuishijie

DL : 0
MySQL数据库之前版本是不支持存储过程, 在5.0版本后加入了这一功能, 本书介绍了MySQL存储过程的编写。-Prior to MySQL database version does not support stored procedures, in the 5.0 version by adding this feature, this book describes the preparation of MySQL stored procedures.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 478208 Publisher : TW

Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 8754176 Publisher : zhenyuncai
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