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Update : 2024-04-20 Size : 15353625 Publisher :

Update : 2010-11-30 Size : 424262 Publisher :

即时通讯软件MyICQ的源代码包括服务器端与客户端全部代码,版本0.8-MyICQ instant messaging software, including the source code and server-client all the code, version 0.8
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1029084 Publisher : 何福保

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Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse 是Web,聊天,IM,和语音通讯的发展和组合。它不只是一个图形化的用户接口(GUI),也是一个沉浸式的用户接口(IUI)。这个项目将开发沉浸式环境中的客户端和内容。 来源: Development Status: 3 - Alpha, 4 - BetaEnvironment: Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience: Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other AudienceLicense: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000, OS Independent, LinuxProgramming Language: APL, C, C++Topic: Communications, 3D Rendering, MIDI -Interverse Project - The interverse evolution and is the combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse Web, chat, IM, and voice communications and the development portfolio. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), as well as an immersion in the user interface (IUI). This project will develop immersion environment of the client and content. Source : Development Status : 3-Alpha, 4-BetaEnvironment : Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience : Developers and End Users / Desktop, Other AudienceLicense : Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) Opera
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2022699 Publisher :

局域网ICQ的源代码-LAN ICQ source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1031518 Publisher : gezc

myicq界面的源代码,全部模拟腾讯qq,作的很不错呀!-Imitate Oicq interface of Tencent.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 483184 Publisher : 周一

MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。-MyICQ is a set of open-source instant messaging software, including server and client, can be used for the Internet or LAN. It runs on Windows or Linux (KDE / Qt) operating systems, This is the Windows version. The current client interface completely imitate the Tencent QQ (if 700700 divisions me, I will immediately reform :-). In short, if you advocate freedom, the right QQ more and more advertising is hated by the harassment, MyICQ is absolutely your good choices.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 968549 Publisher : honker1214

myicq的linux版 实现了linux环境下的myicq,内附详细c代码-myicq Linux version of the Linux environment to achieve the myicq, enclosing a detailed code c
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 980685 Publisher :

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MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。-MyICQ is a set of open-source instant messaging software, including server and client, can be used for the Internet or LAN. It runs on Windows or Linux (KDE / Qt) operating system, which is the Windows version.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1170645 Publisher : wome

linq 4.12版,,前生是myicq..相信不用多说大家也知道-linq 4.12 version, the pre-existence of myicq .. I believe the answer we all know
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13579 Publisher : ly

即时通讯软件MyICQ的源代码,希望对学习网络的同学有所帮助!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1-MyICQ instant communication software's source code, Learning Network hopes to help students !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1053686 Publisher : liubin

--- ----- MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。---- ----- MyICQ is a set of open-source instant messaging software, including server and client, can be used for the Internet or LAN. Can run on Windows or Linux (KDE / Qt) operating systems, This is the Windows version. At present, the client interface completely imitate the Tencent QQ (if Tencent divisions me, I will immediately reform :-). In short, if you want freedom, the right QQ more and more advertising is hated by the harassment, MyICQ is definitely your good choices.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1155777 Publisher : icefire

一个跨平台的ICQ源码-a cross-platform source ICQ
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1011832 Publisher : 比特曼

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1744438 Publisher : 詹亚军

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1011835 Publisher : 林筱竹

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编写得自己得ICQ程序,实现简单得聊天功能. 完整得vc++程序.内含完整得编译运行通过得代码和exe文档
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 49062 Publisher : dongmin

即时通讯软件MyICQ? 词蓖ㄑ度砑﨧yICQ
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1466313 Publisher : tianlang

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 620092 Publisher : mzqwm

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1276975 Publisher : liyang

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1150695 Publisher : zhang jun
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