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《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Builder,第13章以图像处理为例介绍了一个综合应用实例。 本书按混合编程的具体方法进行逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述,每章着重阐述各种混合编程方法的实质和要点,同时穿插了作者多年使用MATLAB的经验和体会。本书既适合初学者自学,也适用于高级MATLAB用户,可作为高等数学、计算机、电子工程、数值分析、信息工程等课程的教学参考书,也可供上述领域的科研工作者参考。 这里是本书所有源码压缩包,内容详尽、实例丰富,包含MATLAB实例的源文件、函数/命令和注解以及程序实例。 -"proficient MATLAB7 mixed programming" system introduced in MATLAB 7.0 Mixed Programming methods and techniques. The book is divided into 13 chapters. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 on the basis of knowledge MATLAB, Chapter 3 briefed Matlab. Chapter 4-Chapter 9, respectively introduced several typical mixed programming, including C-MEX, MATLAB engine, MAT data file sharing, Mideva, Matrix and the Add-in. Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Delphi on MATLAB and Excel hybrid programming. Chapter 12 on MATLAB COM Builder, chapter 13 for image processing as an example of a composite application. The book by the mixed programming methods for the specific logic layout description throughout example, Each chapter focuses on a combination of programming and real elements, while full of the author's
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1333446 Publisher : yixiao

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 186998 Publisher : kongmeng

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 61199 Publisher : sarah

Matlab7.x图像处理 光盘内容
Update : 2009-05-23 Size : 67033 Publisher :

Update : 2010-10-30 Size : 67002 Publisher : wuda622

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《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Builder,第13章以图像处理为例介绍了一个综合应用实例。 本书按混合编程的具体方法进行逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述,每章着重阐述各种混合编程方法的实质和要点,同时穿插了作者多年使用MATLAB的经验和体会。本书既适合初学者自学,也适用于高级MATLAB用户,可作为高等数学、计算机、电子工程、数值分析、信息工程等课程的教学参考书,也可供上述领域的科研工作者参考。 这里是本书所有源码压缩包,内容详尽、实例丰富,包含MATLAB实例的源文件、函数/命令和注解以及程序实例。 -"proficient MATLAB7 mixed programming" system introduced in MATLAB 7.0 Mixed Programming methods and techniques. The book is divided into 13 chapters. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 on the basis of knowledge MATLAB, Chapter 3 briefed Matlab. Chapter 4-Chapter 9, respectively introduced several typical mixed programming, including C-MEX, MATLAB engine, MAT data file sharing, Mideva, Matrix and the Add-in. Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Delphi on MATLAB and Excel hybrid programming. Chapter 12 on MATLAB COM Builder, chapter 13 for image processing as an example of a composite application. The book by the mixed programming methods for the specific logic layout description throughout example, Each chapter focuses on a combination of programming and real elements, while full of the author's
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1619968 Publisher : yixiao

Matlab7.x图像处理 光盘内容:包括所有基本的图象处理程序。-Matlab7.x image processing contents of the CD-ROM : all the basic image processing.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 133120 Publisher : 杜世强

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Matlab7.x图像处理的光盘内容 人民邮电出版社的最新-Matlab7.x image processing contents of the CD-ROM publishers of the People's Post and the latest
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 66560 Publisher : ff

《MATLAB7.x数字信号处理》源代码。本书面向信号处理领域,在简要介绍信号处理基本概念的基础上,详细介绍了MATLAB工具箱函数及其使用,内容涵盖了MATLAB使用基础、高级编程和重要领域的应用。在结构安排上,本书立足于信号处理各个具体领域,并结合信息处理工具箱,以大量的程序访真为依托,讲解了MATLAB在信号处理中的具体应用。 本书结构合理,内容全面,图文并茂,实例丰富,适用面广,适合信号处理、自动控制、机械电子、自动化、电力电气、通信工程等专业的本科生、研究生、教师和科技工作者阅读。可作为数学信号处理课程的参考书,对涉及数字信号处理的各大院校师生具有重要的参考价值和实用价值。-"MATLAB7.x digital signal processing" source code. Writing to the field of signal processing, signal processing briefly introduced the basic concepts on the basis of Details on MATLAB toolbox function and its use, which covers the use of MATLAB basis, Advanced Programming and important fields. Structural arrangements, the book based on the signal processing specific areas, and integrate information processing toolbox a large number of the procedures for the visit to really rely on the MATLAB on signal processing in the specific application. The structure reasonable, comprehensive and illustrated examples of rich, widespread applicability, suitable for signal processing, automatic control, machinery and electronics, automation, electrical power, telecommunications and other profes
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 156672 Publisher : 石榴石

本程序库为《matlab7.x数字信号处理》配套光盘程序,给出了数字信号处理常用算法的matlab程序,具有一定的参考价值!-This procedure library
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 171008 Publisher : 王力宝

DL : 0
Matlab7.x程序设计-王建卫-源代码及习题答案-Matlab7.x Programming- Wang Wei- the source code and answer exercises
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 186368 Publisher : kongmeng

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Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 61440 Publisher : sarah

《MATLAB7.x图像处理》由作者贺兴华 周媛媛 等编著编写, 人民邮电出版社出版发行, 定价30元.MATLAB7.x图像处理》是基于MATLAB7.0的图像处理工具箱(Image Processing Toolbox)编写的,较全面系统地介绍了图像处理的基本操作(文件I/O操作与几何变换操作)、图像变换、图像增强、图像编码、图像分割、图像复原、数学形态学图像处理及图像滤波等的MATLAB实现函数和调用格式。非常经典!-" MATLAB7.x image processing" by the author, such as周媛媛edited by贺兴华preparation, publication and distribution of Posts & Telecom Press, pricing 30. MATLAB7.x image processing, " is based on MATLAB7.0 Image Processing Toolbox (Image Processing Toolbox) prepared more comprehensive and systematic introduction to the basic image processing operations (file I/O operation and the geometric transform operation), image transform, image enhancement, image coding, image segmentation, image restoration, mathematical morphology image processing and image filtering to achieve the MATLAB function and call format. Very classic!
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 13380608 Publisher : 苗然

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MATLAB7.X数字信号处理基础教程及源程序和课件。-MATLAB7.X digital signal processing based on source code and tutorials and courseware.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 168960 Publisher : 刘佳林

DL : 0
MATLAB 7.x界面设计与编译技巧。包括:第二篇,图形化使用者界面;第三篇,深入活用MATLAB Compiler.-MATLAB 7.x interface design and build skills. Include: second, a graphical user interface third part, in-depth utilize MATLAB Compiler.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 6486016 Publisher : 王奔

DL : 0
《深入浅出MATLAB7.X混合编程》主要讲了MATLAB与其他应用软件的接口,并附有实例源码-" Easy to understand MATLAB7.X hybrid programming," say the main MATLAB interface with other applications, together with examples of source
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 16006144 Publisher : linglong

DL : 0
MATLAB7.X混合编程》源程序.rar适合初学者很好的-MATLAB7.X hybrid programming " source. Rar good for beginners
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1683456 Publisher : 张磊

这是郭仕剑的《MATLAB7.X数字信号处理》这本书的光盘源码。-This is Guo Shi Jian " MATLAB7.X digital signal processing," source book CD.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 164864 Publisher : lp

DL : 0
数字图像处理matlab7.x编程学习指南-Digital image processing matlab programming study guide
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 66560 Publisher : huaxq

matlab7.x数字信号处理,书中程序集合,按照章节排列-matlab7.x digital signal processing, the book collection of programs, in accordance with sections arranged
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 20922368 Publisher : 权诚
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